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CEDAR Tutorials and Videos

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2022 CEDAR Workshop

Student Workshop 

Plenary Session

Workshops & Townhalls


CEDAR Grand Challenge Workshop & Tutorials


2021 CEDAR Workshop 

CEDAR prize lecture

Distinguished lecture

Science highlights

  1. James Hecht (Aerospace Corporation), An important advance in understanding Instability breakdown using imagers, a lidar, modeling, and laboratory data. (A CEDAR success story)  (pdf) (view video)
  2. Tomoko Matsuo (CU Boulder), Assimilative Mapping of Geospace Observations (AMGeO): Building Community for Collaborative CEDAR Data Science  (pdf) (view video)
  3. Ingrid Cnossen (British Antarctic Survey), Simulated Trends in Ionosphere‐Thermosphere Climate Due to Predicted Main Magnetic Field Changes From 2015 to 2065  (pdf) (view video)
  4. Yosuke Yamazaki (GFZ Potsdam), Whole atmosphere coupling by the quasi-6-day wave during the September 2019 Antarctic sudden stratospheric warming (pdf) (view video)

Early career science highlight

  1. Quan Gan (LASP/CU Boulder), GOLD observations of the nighttime ionosphere responses to planetary wave forcing  (pdf) (view video)
  2. Lindsay Goodwin (NJIT), Investigating the formation, evolution, and properties of high-latitude irregularities and their relevance in magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling  (pdf) (view video)
  3. Xuguang Cai (NCAR), New Findings of the response of thermospheric composition to low-moderate geomagnetic activity  (pdf) (view video)
  4. Nathaniel Frissell (U.of Scranton), Collective Science: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Atmosphere Coupling and the Building of an Amateur Radio Citizen Science Community  (pdf) (view video)




2020 CEDAR Workshop 

View the recording of the student workshop, Monday, June 22, 2020

View the recording of the NSF Townhall & NASA update, Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The 2020 CEDAR workshop had only one plenary session with agency updates. The authors below were invited to post a video about their science on the CEDAR workshop webpage.

Preview of 2020 CEDAR prize lecture

Marty Mlynczak, (NASA Langley Research Center), "Are we there yet? Assessing Solar Cycles from Earth's Perspective" (view video)

CAREER awards

  • Xian Lu (Clemson University), "Importance of Regional Aurora, Electric Field Variability, and Gravity Wave to the Storm-Time Thermosphere Temperature Enhancement and Inversion Layer (TTEIL) in Antarctic E Region" (view video)
  • Kshitija Deshpande (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University), "Characterization of Sources of Ionospheric Scintillation through Modeling, Analytics and Machine Learning". (view video)

CEDAR awards

  • Sigrid Close (Stanford University), "Atmospheric Neutral Density Dynamics through Meteor Observation"  (view video)
  • Chihoko Cullens (University of California Berkeley), "Statistical Study of Gravity Wave Variations and Contributions to Stratospheric Sudden Warming using long-term ERA5 data" (view video)
  • Katharine Duderstadt (The University of New Hampshire), "Using FIREBIRD-II and Van Allen Probes Observations to Quantify the Impact of Radiation Belt Electron Precipitation on Atmospheric NOx and O3" (view video)
  • Alex Chartier (JHU/AP),  “F-region ionospheric variability across both polar caps” (view video)
  • Steve Smith (Boston University), "Mesospheric Bores: Global and Seasonal and Occurrence" (view video)

DASI awards

  • Elizabeth Kendall (SRI ), "MANGO-NATION: A DASI Optical Network Studying Thermospheric Variability" (view video)
  • Nathaniel Frissell (The University of Scranton) "HamSCI Distributed Array of Small Instruments Personal Space Weather Station (DASI-PSWS): Architecture and Current Status" (view video)
  • Ryan Volz (MIT Haystack Observatory), “Development and status of Zephyr: a distributed MIMO meteor radar network for space weather research” (view video)

Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC)

  • Asti Bhatt (SRI International), "Towards reproducible results in Geospace Science: InGeO Resen platform" (view video)

Science Highlights

  1. Thomas Immel (UC Berkeley), "ICON Mission Science Update" (view video)

  2. Chris Englert & Brian Harding "A new sensor for winds and temperatures: First look at ICON/MIGHTI data set" (view video)
  3. Quan Gan (LASP/CU),  “GOLD Observations of Quasi-16-day Waves Coupling with the Atomic Oxygen 135.6 nm Nightglow in the Ionosphere” (view video)
  4. Jia Yue (Catholic University of America), "Increasing water vapor in the stratosphere and mesosphere" (view video)
  5. Eastes, Richard "Initial Observations by the GOLD Mission",  LASP, Non-student, 12 min. (view video)


2019 CEDAR Workshop 

CEDAR Prize Lecture

Xinzhao Chu (CU, Boulder), Coupling from the Atmosphere to Geospace in Antarctica (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR Grand Challenge Tutorial

Katelynn Greer (CU, Boulder), CONCERT: Coordinated Ground and Space-based Observations of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System (pdf)

Early Career Science Highlight

  1. Juan Rodriguez-Zuluaga (GFZ, Potsdam) On the direction of the Poynting flux associated with equatorial plasma depletions (pdf)
  2. Chih-Ting Hsu (CU, Boulder) Impact of FORMOSAT‐7/COSMIC‐2 GNSS RO observations on midlatitude and low‐latitude ionosphere specification (pdf)
  3. Brian Harding (UC, Berkeley) Thermospheric Weather as Observed by Ground-Based FPIs and Modeled by GITM (pdf)
  4. Ryan McGranaghan (ASTRA) New Capabilities for Ionospheric Prediction: A Novel Approach With Machine Learning (pdf)

Science Highlight

  1. Lynn Harvey (CU Boulder) Upward extension of the polar vortices into the mesosphere (pdf)
  2. Stan Solomon (HAO/NCAR) Whole atmosphere simulation of anthropogenic climate change (pdf)
  3. Richard Eastes (CU, Boulder) Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) - First Light Observations (pdf)
  4. Eric Sutton (CU, Boulder) Physics-based data assimilation for the quiet and disturbed thermosphere (pdf)


2018 CEDAR Workshop

CEDAR Prize Lecture

Hanli Liu (NCAR/HAO), Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model--eXtended (WACCM-X): Development, Validation and Capabilities (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR Grand Challenge Tutorial

Multi-scale I-T System Dynamics: Major questions and our approaches (view video)

Toshi Nishimura (Boston U), Aaron Ridley (U of Michigan) An Introduction (pdf)

Ryan McGranaghan (JPL) From the Data Perspective (pdf)

Matt Zettergren (Embry-Riddle) From the Modeling Perspective (pdf)

Early Career Science Highlight

Federico Gasperini (HAO/NCAR) Evidence of tropospheric 90-day oscillations in the thermosphere (pdf) (view video)


2017 CEDAR Workshop

CEDAR Tutorial #1 Yolanda Gil (University of Southern California), The Geosciences Paper of the Future: Practical Guidelines for Adopting Digital Scholarship, Reproducible Research, and Open Science (pdf)(view video)

CEDAR Tutorial #2 Jeff Thayer (University of Colorado), Plasma-Neutral Interactions in the MLT-X (80-200 km altitude range)(pdf) (view video)

CEDAR Prize Lecture 28 Delores Knipp (University of Colorado), Nitric Oxide: How the thermosphere 'fights back' during intense storms (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR Distinguished Lecture #6 Art Richmond (HAO/NCAR), Perspectives on Ionospheric Electrodynamics (pdf)(view video)

CEDAR Recognition of Barbara Emery (UCAR/NCAR), (view video)



2016 CEDAR Workshop

CEDAR-GEM Tutorial #1 Roger Varney, Geospace Electrodynamics (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR-GEM Tutorial #2 Jesper Gjerloev, How can we investigate global Magnetosphere-Ionosphere coupling? (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR-GEM Tutorial #3 Phil Erickson, Cold Plasma: Dynamics and Consequences in Geospace (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR-GEM Tutorial #4 Shasha Zou, Dynamic ionospheric convection: Drivers and effects (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR Prize Lecture 27 Meers Oppenheim, Simulating the Ionosphere, one electron at a time (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR Tutorial #1 Sigrid Close, Impact! When Particles and Satellites Collide (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR Tutorial #2 Joe Grebowsky, Expanded Understanding of Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Processes Using MAVEN's Mars Discoveries  (pdf)(view video)


2015 CEDAR Workshop

The 2015 CEDAR Workshop was held at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington from Sunday to Thursday June 21-25. 

CEDAR Distinguished Lecture #5 Michael Mendillo (Boston University) There's an Ionosphere in Each Hemisphere (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR Tutorial Bela Fejer (Utah State University) The Equatorial Ionosphere: A Tutorial (pdf)  (view video)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #26 Jonathan Makela (University of Illinois) Thermospheric dynamics as observed through the lens of networked FPIs (pdf) (view video)

Science Highlight #1 Han-Li Liu (HAO/NCAR) Studying gravity waves using mesoscale-resolving Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (pdf) (view video)

Science Highlight #2 Dave Fritts (GATS Inc) An Overview of the DEEPWAVE Field Program (pdf) (view video)

Science Highlight #3 Gary Swenson (University of Illinois) Andes Lidar Observatory 'Highlights-CEDAR 2015' (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR Grand Challenge Tutorial Bill Lotko (Dartmouth College) Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling During Storms and Substorms (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR Special Lecture Rich Behnke (formerly of NSF) CEDAR: The Past, the Present, Some Recommendations for the Future (pdf) (view video)


2014 CEDAR Workshop

The 2014 CEDAR Workshop was held at the University of Washington in Seattle, Washington from Sunday to Thursday June 22-26. 

CEDAR Distinguished Lecture #4 Rod Heelis (UTD) From Discovery to System Science (pdf) (view video)

Grand Challenge Tutorial #1 Herb Carlson (USU) Challenges in high-latitude geospace science (pdf) (view video)

Science Highlight #1 Brian Anderson (JHU/APL) et al. Recent Science Results from AMPERE and Applications to Advancing our Understanding of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling (pdf) (view video)

CEDAR Prize #25 Jeff Forbes (U CO) et al Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling by Tides and Planetary Waves (pdf) (view video)

Grand Challenge Tutorial #2 Tim Fuller-Rowell (CIRES/NOAA) et al. Impact of lower atmosphere waves sources on the thermosphere and ionosphere (pdf) (view video)

Science Highlight #2 Harlan Spence (U NH) Sun-to-Atmosphere, Sure, Yet Still One Link Short: Results from the NSF Frontiers of Earth System Dynamics 'Sun-to-Ice' Project (pdf) (view video)


2013 CEDAR Workshop

The 2013 CEDAR Workshop was held in Boulder, Colorado from Saturday to Friday June 22-28. 

CEDAR Distinguished Lecture #3: A Couple's Journey through Fifty Years of Ionospheric Space Weather Research (pdf) by Sunanda and Santimay Basu (Boston College)  (view video)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #24: 150-km echoes and their relevance to Aeronomy (pdf) by Jorge Chau (Jicamarca Radio Observatory, Peru) (view video)

CEDAR Science Highlight #1: Thermospheric Neutral Density Damping Response to Sheath-Enhanced Geospace Storms (pdf) by Delores Knipp (University of Colorado) (view video)

CEDAR Science Highlight #2: Intermediate Scale Ionospheric Structure: A Done Deal or Neglected Topic? (pdf) by Chuck Rino (Boston College)  (view video)

CEDAR Science Highlight #3: High-Resolution Mapping of Auroral Ion-Neutral Coupling (pdf) by Mark Conde (University of Alaska)  (view video)

CEDAR Tutorial #1: EUV effects on the thermosphere and ionosphere: EUV-vs-F10.7 proxy models

  1. CEDAR Tutorial #1a: Ionosphere electron density modeling with F107.7 solar EUV proxy models (pdf) by Phil Richards (George Mason University)  (view video)
  2. CEDAR Tutorial #1b: Solar EUV Proxies: Why would you want to use anything else? (pdf) by Rodney Viereck (Space Weather Prediction Center/ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)  (view video)
  3. CEDAR Tutorial #1c: Solar EUV Spectral Irradiance: Measurements (pdf) by Frank Eparvier (University of Colorado)  (view video)
  4. CEDAR Tutorial #1d: Panel Discussion  (view video)

CEDAR Tutorial #2: Ionospheric Imaging: From two-dimensional tomography to data assimilation (pdf) by Gary Bust (Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory)  (view video)

CEDAR Tutorial #3: Atmospheric tides and their roles in vertical coupling (pdf) by Ruth Lieberman (GATS)  (view video)

Workshop "50 years of Gravity Wave Research - a Tribute to Colin Hines"

  1. “Starting Steps On My Path to Internal Atmospheric Gravity Waves” (pdf) by Colin Hines (retired) and introduction by Dave Fritts (GATS)  (view video)
  2. "Multi-Scale Gravity Wave and Instability Dynamics in the Atmosphere” (pdf)  by Dave Fritts (GATS) and Ling Wang  (view video)
  3. “Observations of Gravity-Wave Momentum Fluxes and Intermittency over Antarctica from Long-Duration Balloon Flights in the Stratosphere” (pdf) by Albert Hertzog (Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique, France), R. Plougonven, V. Jewtoukoff, and R. A. Vincent  (view video)
  4. “Characteristics of Self Acceleration driven Gravity Wave Instability" (pdf) by Brian Laughman (GATS), Dave Fritts, and Tom Lund  (view video)
  5. “Horizontal and Vertical Wave Parameters of Thermospheric Gravity Waves, and Relationship to Neutral Winds” (pdf) by S. L. Vadas (NWRA), M. J. Nicolls, M. P. Sulzer, and N. Aponte  (view video)
  6. “Gravity Wave Seeding of Equatorial Spread F” (pdf) by J. D. Huba (NRL), J. Krall, T-W Wu, D. Fritts, and D. L. Hysell  (view video)
  7. “A New Imaging Capability for Mesospheric Gravity Wave Research” (pdf) by Mike Taylor (USU), Dominique Pautet, Dave Fritts, and G Stober  (view video)


2012 CEDAR Workshop

The 2012 CEDAR Workshop was held in Santa Fe, New Mexico from Sunday to Friday June 25-29. 

CEDAR Distinguished Lecture #2: Incoherent Scatter Radar: Some Early History and Further Thoughts (pdf) by Donald Farley (Cornell University)  (view video)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #23: Stratospheric Warmings and their Effects in the Ionosphere (pdf) by Larisa Goncharenko (MIT)  (view video)

CEDAR Tutorial #1: Comparative Aeronomy (pdf) by Andrew Nagy (University of Michigan)  (view video) (Includes a book prize for best student question)

CEDAR Tutorial #2: Creating a Future for Aeronomy (.pdf is not available) by Larry Paxton (Applied Physics Lab of the Johns Hopkins University)  (view video)

CEDAR Tutorial #3: Inferring Limitations of Numerical Models (pdf) by Jan Sojka (Utah State University)  (view video)

CEDAR Science Highlight #1: Large-scale View of Mid-latitude Plasma Convection (pdf) by Simon Shepherd (Dartmouth College)  (view video)

CEDAR Science Highlight #2: Nonlinear Dynamics of Deep Gravity Waves in the Thermosphere (pdf) by David Fritts (GATS)  (view video)

CEDAR Science Highlight #3: Stormtime O+ Redistribution: a Connection to Storm Strength? (pdf) by Thomas Immel (University of California at Berkeley)  (view video)

CEDAR Science Highlight #4: Concentric gravity waves generated by deep convection on the Great Plains (pdf) by Jia Yue (NCAR and U PR)  (view video)

CEDAR Science Highlight #5: Imaging the Ionosphere Using Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (pdf) by Xiaoxing Pi (Jet Propulsion Lab)  (view video)

CEDAR Science Highlight #6: Mesoscale Ionospheric Sensing Using Modern Radio Interferometers (pdf) by Kenneth Dymond (Naval Research Lab)  (view video)


CESM/WACCM-X Tutorial: Overview (pdf) by Hanli Liu (HAO/NCAR)  (view video)

CESM/WACCM-X Tutorial: CESM1 Tutorial (pdf) by Sean Santos (CGD/NCAR)  (view video) (Includes 4 min Q/A)

CESM/WACCM-X Tutorial: WACCM Tutorial (pdf) by Daniel Marsh (ACD/NCAR)  (view video) (Includes 2 min Q/A)

CESM/WACCM-X Tutorial: WACCM-X Tutorial (pdf) by Joe McInerney (HAO/NCAR)  (view video)


2011 Second Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop

Outflow and Mass Flow (IT and MAG perspectives)

IT and MAG System Science (chair Josh Semeter, Boston University)

CEDAR-GEM Student Tutorial 

CEDAR Prize Lecture #22 Modeling Global Ionospheric Phenomena (pdf) by Joseph D Huba (Naval Research Laboratory)  (view video)

CEDAR Science Highlight: Exploring Local-Scale Flow Structures in Thermospheric Winds using a Bistatic Array of All-sky Imaging Fabry-Perot Spectrometers (pdf) by Callum Anderson (University of Alaska at Fairbanks) (view video)

CEDAR-GEM Joint Workshop: Student Tutorial/Workshop on Data Assimilation


2010 CEDAR 25th Anniversary Workshop

The anniversary banquet speeches, awards, and photos were included as well as four science highlights, two memorial talks, the first Distinguished Lecture, the 21st CEDAR Prize Lecture, Student Keynote speakers, and one Tutorial.

25th Anniversary Celebration

Memorial Talks – 15 min each or 30 min total, where longer written memorial articles are in the Spring 2010, (pdf) volume 57 (7.1 MB, CEDAR Post, and in the Email version with lower resolution pictures (pdf)

CEDAR Distinguished Lecture #1 The NCAR Thermospheric General Circulation Models (TGCMs): Past, Present and Future (pdf) Raymond Roble, HAO/NCAR (view video)

WACCM Talks:

Student Keynote Lecture #1 Equatorial Aeronomy from a Radar Perspective (pdf), David Hysell, Cornell University  (view video)

Student Keynote Lecture #2 Modeling and Forecasting the Equatorial Ionospheric Density and Scintillation (pdf), Odile de la Beaujardière, AF Research Lab  (view video)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #21 Using Active Experiments to SEE and HEAR the Ionosphere (pdf), Paul Bernhardt, Naval Research Laboratory  (view video)

CEDAR Tutorial The Earth’s Hydrogen Corona (pdf), Edwin Mierkiewicz, University of Wisconsin  (view video)

Science Highlight Talks 

CEDAR Mini LIDAR School 


2009 CEDAR Workshop

Student Opening Talk -  Introduction to the CEDAR program (pdf), Jeffrey Thayer, CSSC Chair, University of Colorado

Student Keynote Lecture #1 -  Ionospheric Measurement Techniques (pdf), Michael Kelley, Cornell University (on tape hosted by Roger Varney)

Student Keynote Lecture #2 - Next-generation instruments for geospace science (pdf) John Foster, MIT Haystack Observatory

Student Tutorial #1 of 6 - Radars: Powerful tools to study the upper atmosphere, (pdf) Jorge Chau, Jicamarca Observatory and Roger Varney, Cornell University

Student Tutorial #4 of 6 - Using GPS receivers to study the upper atmosphere, (pdf) Jonathan Makela, University of Illinois

We were only able to video the student talks that were in the plenary room, so 4 Sunday speakers (ChuPfaffMartinis, and Lehmacher) are not on the video. (pdfs)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #20 - New observational capabilities for studying the lower ionosphere using Incoherent Scatter Radar, (pdf) Michael Nicolls, SRI International

CEDAR Tutorial #1 - Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) studies of the upper atmosphere (pdf), Dan Marsh, ACD/NCAR

CEDAR Tutorial #2 -  Electrodynamics in the mid-latitudes (pdf), Anthea Coster, MIT Haystack Observatory

CEDAR Tutorial #3 - Strategies for successful CubeSat development (pdf), Jordi Puig-Suari, California Polytech State University in San Luis Obispo


2008 CEDAR Workshop

Student Opening Talk - Jeffrey Thayer (CSSC Chair, U of CO), From CEDAR Graduate Student to CEDAR Chair

Student Keynote Lecture - Thomas J Bogdan (SWPC/NOAA), Space Weather and the Ionosphere (pdf)

Student Tutorial - Joseph D Huba (NRL), Ionosphere/Thermosphere/Magnetosphere: ITM Electrodynamic Coupling (pdf)

Student Workshop Talk #1 - Janet Kozyra (U of MI), Space Weather: Observational evidence for coupling and feedbacks involving the ITM (pdf)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #19 -  Sharon Vadas (NWRA/CoRA), The coupling of the lower atmosphere to the thermosphere via gravity wave excitation, propagation and dissipation (pdf)

Tutorial #1 - Hanli Liu (HAO/NCAR), Atmospheric gravity waves: Applying classroom physics to research (pdf)

Tutorial #2 - Thomas Immel (U of CA Berkeley), Imaging geospace: Providing critcal understanding of Earth's atmospher-ionosphere system (pdf)

Tutorial #3 - David Hysell (Cornell U), Inverse Methods in Aeronomy (pdf)


2007 CEDAR-DASI Workshop

Student Keynote #1: Jeffrey Forbes, University of Colorado, Dynamics of the Thermosphere (pdf)

Student Keynote #2: Arthur Richmond, HAO/NCAR, Neutral winds and their role in ionospheric electrodynamics Neutral winds and their role in ionospheric electrodynamics (pdf)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #18 with abstract: John Plane, University of Leeds, UK, Meteoric Smoke - Where on Earth is it? (pdf)

Tutorial #1: Diego Janches, Colorado Research Associates, The micrometeor flux in the MLT (pdf)

Tutorial #2: David Siskind, Naval Research Laboratory, State of the art of modeling the Mesosphere (pdf)

Tutorial #3: John Meriwether, Clemson University, State of the Art in Mesosphere Science (pdf)


2006 CEDAR Workshop

Student Opening Talk - John Sahr, University of Washington, Introduction to Ionospheric Radar Remote Sensing (pdf)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #17: Erhan Kudeki, University of Illinois, Incoherent Scatter Radar Perpendicular to B (pdf)

Tutorial #1: Michael Mendillo, Boston University, Comparative Aeronomy: Thermospheres and Ionospheres in the Solar System (pdf)

Tutorial #2: Larry Paxton, Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, UV Remote Sensing

Tutorial #3: Robert Schunk, Utah State University, Ionosphere: Past, Present and Future Problems (pdf)


2005 First Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop (20th CEDAR Workshop)

Student Lectures

Joint CEDAR-GEM Session:

CEDAR Session:

CEDAR Prize Lecture #16 by James Hecht (Aerospace Corporation): TOMEX (Turbulent Oxygen Mixing Experiment): A Rocket/Ground-Based Experiment to Study Instabilities over the MALT (Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere) (pdf)- J. Hecht, R. Walterscheid, J. Clemmons, C. Gardner, A. Liu, G. Papen, G. Swenson, M. Larsen, R. Bishop and R. Roble

CEDAR Tutorial: Atmospheric Tomography: The Odin/OSIRIS Experience (pdf) - E. J. (Ted) Llewellyn (University of Saskatchewan, Canada), D. A. Degenstein, N. D. Lloyd, R. L. Gattinger and I. C. McDade

Joint Talks:


2004 CEDAR Workshop

Student Keynote Lecture: Ronald F. Woodman, Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca, Incoherent and Coherent Scatter Radars: Jicamarca examples (pdf)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #15: Maura Hagan, High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Tidal Coupling in the Earth's Atmosphere (pdf)

Tutorial #1: Craig Heinselman, SRI International, The AMISR / ISR Capabilities (pdf)

Tutorial #2: Chester Gardner, University of Illinois, Middle Atmosphere Wind and Temperature Lidars: Current Capabilities and Future Challenges (pdf)

Tutorial #3: David Hysell, Cornell University, AMISR Contributions to Equatorial Aeronomy (pdf)

Tutorial #4: Paul Bernhardt, Naval Research Laboratory, Chemical Release Applications, Observations and Modeling (pdf)

2003 CEDAR Workshop

Science Talk #1: V. Pasko, CSSL Laboratory, Penn Sate University, "Transient luminous events between thunderstorm tops and the lower ionosphere" (pdf)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #14: Chiao-Yao (Joe) She, Colorado State University, "Climatology and variability in the mesopause region over Colorado: Sodium lidar observation of temperature and winds" (pdf)

Tutorial #1: (Revised June 17) D. Pallamraju, Boston University, "Errors in airglow and auroral emission measurements" (pdf)

Tutorial #2: Santimay Basu, Air Force Research Laboratory, "Ionospheric scintillation: A tutorial" (pdf)

Tutorial #3: Michael Sulzer, Arecibo Observatory, "Errors in incoherent scatter measurements" (pdf)

Tutorial #4:  Meers Oppenheim, Boston University, "Simulating ionospheric plasma physics using millions and millions of particles" (pdf)


2002 CEDAR Workshop

Science Talks:

Tutorial #1: Robert Strangeway, Institute of Geophysics & Planetary Physics, University of California in LA, "Auroral Acceleration Processes and Their Role in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling" (pdf)

Tutorial #2: Farzad Kamalabadi, University of Illinois, "Statistical Inversion Techniques: Indirect Measurements and Aeronomy" (pdf)

Tutorial #3: Rolando Garcia, Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, (R. R. Garcia, F. Sassi, B. Boville, D. Kinnison, D. Marsh, W. Randel and M. Park), "The Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)" (pdf)

Tutorial #4: M. Joan Alexander, Colorado Research Associates (CoRA), "Gravity Wave Sources and Propagation in the Middle Atmosphere" (pdf)


2001 CEDAR-SCOSTEP Symposium

Keynote Lecture: Eugene Parker, University of Chicago, "What We Need to Know about Solar Variability"  (pdf)

Tutorial #1: K. Shibata, Kyoto University, Japan, "A Unified View of Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections" (pdf)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #13: Hans Mayr, Goddard Space Flight Center, "Modelling Wave Driven Non-linear Flow Oscillations: The Terrestrial QBO, and a Solar Analog"  (pdf)

Tutorial #2: Karin Labitzke, Free University of Berlin, Germany, "Influence of the 11-Year Solar Variation on Atmospheric Circulation"  (pdf)

Tutorial #3: Joanna Haigh, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, UK, "Solar Influences on Global Climate Change and the IPCC Third Assessment Report"  (pdf)

Tutorial #4: Rod Heelis, University of Texas at Dallas, "Equatorial Ionospheric Electrodynamics"  (pdf)

Tutorial #5: Fabrizio Sassi and Rolando Garcia, CGD/ACD NCAR, "Dynamics of the Equatorial middle Atmosphere"  (pdf)

Tutorial #6: Anne Smith, ACD/NCAR, "Physics and Chemistry of the Mesopause Region"  (pdf)

Tutorial #7: S. Miyahara, Kyushu University, Japan, "Migrating and Non-migrating Tides in the MLT Region"  (pdf)

Tutorial #8: Rainer Schwenn, Max Plank Institute of Aeronomy, Germany, "The Solar Origins of Space Weather"  (pdf)

Tutorial #9: Hannu Koskinen, University of Helsinki, Finland, "Space Weather Energetics"  (pdf)


The July 2004 JASTP journal (Vol 66, Issue 10) contains 2 of 11 2001 CEDAR-SCOSTEP Workshop talks. A third paper by Thayer and Semeter was included to present the magnetospheric input and effects in the polar atmosphere. The citations including an overview by Knipp are:

  • Knipp, Delores J., Special Section on the Joint CEDAR-SCOSTEP Meeting, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 66 (10), 805-806, 2004.
  • Heelis, R. A., Electrodynamics in the low and middle latitude ionosphere: a tutorial, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 66 (10), 825-838, 2004.
  • Smith, Anne K., Physics and chemistry of the mesopause region, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 66 (10), 839-857, 2004.
  • Thayer, Jeffrey P. and Joshua Semeter, The convergence of magnetospheric energy flux in the polar atmosphere, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 66 (10), 807-824, 2004.

(JASTP.pdf where the Heelis and Smith papers are among the 'Most Downloaded Articles' for Apr 2004-Mar 2005 as well as being available under 'Volumes/Issues'.)


2000 Fifteenth CEDAR Workshop

Tutorial #2: Franz-Josef Luebken, University of Rostock, Germany, "The Thermal Structure of the Upper Mesosphere and its Relationship to Layered Phenomena"  (pdf)

Tutorial #1: Steven Bougher, University of Arizona, "Comparative Terrestrial Planet Thermospheres: Venus, Earth and Mars"  (pdf)

Panel: Panel Discussion on Planetary Atmospheres 

  • Michael Mendillo (moderator)
  • Thomas Slanger (Venus 557.7 nm)
  • Michael Sulzer (Venus ISR obs?)
  • Maura Hagan (Mars atmospheric waves)
  • Marina Galand (solar system airglow/aurora workshop)
  • Steven Bougher (tutorial speaker)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #12: Joshua Semeter, SRI International, "The Information Content of the Aurora" plus some black and white extra slides  (pdf)

Tutorial #4: Howard Singer, NOAA/SEC, "The Magnetosphere and Space Weather" (pdf)

Tutorial #3: Joe Salah/John Foster, MIT/Haystack Observatory, "Ionospheric Effects and Storm Studies: A Tribute to Michael Buonsanto"  (pdf)


1999 CEDAR Workshop

CEDAR Prize Lecture #11: D. Hysell, Clemson University, "A New Look at Low- and Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Irregularities"  (pdf)

Tutorial #1: U. Inan, Stanford University, "Transient Disturbances in the Nighttime Lower Ionosphere"  (pdf)

Tutorial #2: T. Schlatter, NOAA Forecast Systems Lab, "Variational Assimilation of Meteorological Observations: How it Works in the Lower Atmosphere"  (pdf)

Tutorial #3: C. R. Chappell, Vanderbuilt University, "Polar Ion Outflow - Is there enough to fill the Magnetosphere?"  (pdf)

Solar-Terrestrial Coupling Processes (S-TCP):

The August 2000 JASTP journal (Vol 62, No. 12) contains 5 of 7 1999 CEDAR Workshop tutorials, as well as the CEDAR Prize Lecture. Missing tutorials are those by Inan and Chappell. The citations are:

  • D. L. Hysell, An overview and synthesis of plasma irregularities in equatorial spread F, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 62, 1037-1056, 2000.
  • T. W. Schlatter, Variational assimilation of meteorological observations in the lower atmosphere: A tutorial on how it works, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 62, 1057-1070, 2000.
  • N. U. Crooker, Solar and heliospheric geoeffective disturbances, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 62, 1071-1085, 2000.
  • L. R. Lyons, Geomagnetic disturbances: Characteristics of, distinction between types, and relations to interplanetary conditions, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 62, 1087-1114, 2000.
  • A. D. Richmond and G. Lu, Upper-atmospheric effects of magnetic storms: A brief tutorial, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 62, 1115-1127, 2000.


1998 CEDAR Workshop

CEDAR Prize Lecture #10: G. Swenson, University of Illinois, "A Model for Calculating Acoustic Gravity Wave Energy and Momentum Flux in the Mesosphere from OH Airglow"  (pdf)

Tutorial #3: G. Brasseur, ACD/NCAR, "Long-Term Variability and Global Change in the Middle and Lower Atmosphere"  (pdf)

Tutorial #4: A. J. Hundhausen, HAO/NCAR, "Coronal Mass Ejections"  (pdf)

Tutorial #1: T. Fuller-Rowell, SEC/NOAA, "Polar Aeronomy: Thermosphere-Ionosphere Interactions above 100 km"  (pdf)

Tutorial #2: M. Mendillo, Boston University, "Equatorial Aeronomy"  (pdf)


1997 CEDAR Workshop

CEDAR Prize Lecture #9: "Multi-Instrument Studies of Ionospheric Electrodynamics"  (pdf) by Bela Fejer, Utah State University 

Tutorial #4: "The Observation and Interpretation of Vertical Winds in the Mesosphere and Thermosphere"  (pdf) by Roger Smith, University of Alaska

Panel discussion of:

Tutorial #1: "Winds and Composition in the Thermosphere" (pdf) by Henry Rishbeth, University of Southampton, UK 

Tutorial #3: "Daytime Optical Aeronomy" (pdf) by Supriya Chakrabarti, Boston University 

Tutorial #2: "Gravity Waves: Their Importance in the Middle Atmosphere and their Parameterization in General Circulation Models" (pdf) by Charles McLandress, University of Washington 

Panel discussion of:

The September 1998 JASTP journal (Vol 60, No. 14) contains all 1997 CEDAR Workshop tutorials. It does not contain the CEDAR Prize Lecture. The citations are:

H. Rishbeth, How the thermosperhic circulation affects the ionospheric F2-layer, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 60, 1385-1402, 1998.

C. McLandress, On the importance of gravity waves in the middle atmosphere and their parameterization in general circulation models, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 60, 1357-1383, 1998.

S. Chakrabarti, Ground based spectroscopic studies of sunlit airglow and aurora, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 60, 1403-1423, 1998.

R. W. Smith, Vertical winds: a tutorial, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 60, 14525-1434, 1998


1996 CEDAR Workshop

CEDAR Prize Lecture #8: "The ALOHA/ANLC-93 Campaigns" (pdf) by Chester Gardner, University of Illinois 

Tutorial #1: "Intercomparison of Wind Measuring Techniques in the Upper Middle Atmosphere with Particular Reference to MF Radar" (pdf) by Iain Reid, University of Adelaide 

Panel discussion (Iain Reid, U of Adelaide, Colin Hines, York U; Mark Burrage, U of MI; Erhan Kudeki, U of IL; moderator Susan Avery, U of CO) 

Tutorial #2: "Low Latitude Storm Time Ionospheric Electrodynamics" (pdf) by Bela Fejer, Utah State University 

Tutorial #3: "Use of Magnetospheric Models to Represent Space Weather and Provide Inputs to Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models" (pdf) by Richard Wolf, Rice University

No tutorials appeared in JASTP from the 1996 CEDAR Workshop tutorials, except that material from #2 appeared also in the September 1997 issue on Equatorial Aeronomy from papers presented at the 9th International Symposium on Equatorial Aeronomy (ISEA) at Bali, Indonesia, March 1995.

  • (part of #2) B. G. Fejer, The electrodynamics of the low-latitude ionosphere: recent results and future challenges, J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 59, 1465-1482, 1997.


1995 Tenth CEDAR Workshop

Tutorial #2:

CEDAR Prize Lecture #7: "Modeling of Gravity Wave and Instability Processes in the Middle Atmosphere" (pdf) by Dave Fritts, University of Colorado 

Tutorial #1: "Global Change in the Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere (MLT) Region: Has it already arrived?" (pdf) by Gary E. Thomas, University of Colorado 

Tutorial #5: "Ionospheric/Thermospheric Space Weather Issues" (pdf) by R. W. Schunk and J. J. Sojka, Utah State University 

Tutorial #3: "Solar Wind/Magnetosphere Drivers of Space Weather" (pdf) by D. N. Baker, University of Colorado 

Tutorial #4: "Comprehensive Modelling of the Middle and Upper Atmospheres" (pdf) by Kevin Hamilton, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory/NOAA, Princeton University 

The October 1996 JATP journal (Vol 58, No. 14) contains all 1995 tutorials except Tutorial #2b. It does not contain the CEDAR Prize Lecture. The citations are:

  • G. E. Thomas, Global change in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere region: has it already arrived?, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 58, 1629-1656, 1996.
  • a) C. S. Gardner, Testing theories of atmospheric gravity wave saturation and dissipation, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 58, 1575-1589, 1996.
  • C. O. Hines, Comments on the paper by C. S. Gardner, "Testing theories of atmospheric gravity wave saturation and dissipation", J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 60, 655-662, 1998.
  • C. S. Gardner, Reply to Hines' comments on "Testing theories of atmospheric gravity wave saturation and dissipation", J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys., 60, 663-665, 1998.
  • D. N. Baker, Solar wind-magnetosphere drivers of space weather, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 58, 1509-1526, 1996.
  • K. Hamilton, Comprehensive meteorological modelling of the middle atmosphere: a tutorial review, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 58, 1591-1627, 1996.
  • R. W. Schunk and J. J. Sojka, Ionosphere-thermosphere space weather issues, J. Atmos. Terr. Phys., 58, 1527-1574, 1996.


1994 CEDAR Workshop

Tutorial #2: M. Mlynczak, "Coupled Energetics, Chemistry and Dynamics in the Terrestrial Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere" (pdf)

Tutorial #3: U. Inan, "Ionospheric Effects of Lightning Discharges" (pdf)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #6: R. Roble, "Modelling the Circulation, Temperature and Compositional Structure of the Upper Atmosphere (30-500km)" (pdf)

Tutorial #4: "Telescience and Networking" (pdf)

Tutorial #4 continued e.: A. Van Eyken, "Telescience: A Personal View" (pdf)

Tutorial #1: A. Nagy, "Planetary Ionospheres" (pdf)

Tutorial #5: P. Reiff, "Auroral Acceleration Processes" (pdf)


1993 CEDAR Workshop

School on Time Series Analysis (pdf)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #5: J. Cho, "Radar Scattering from the Coldest Place in our Atmosphere: Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes" (pdf)

Tutorial #1: J. Forbes, "Tidal and Planetary Waves" (pdf) and paper of same title from 1992 Chapman Conference in Asilomar, CA

Tutorial #2: R. Meier, "Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and Remote Sensing" (pdf)

Tutorial #3: R. Walterscheid, "Atmospheric Gravity Wave Effects on the Climate, Dynamics and Composition of the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT)" (pdf)

Tutorial #4: G. Rostoker, "Geomagnetic Substorms" (pdf)

Tutorial #5: D. Torr, "Photochemistry of the Lower Thermosphere and Mesosphere" (pdf)


1992 CEDAR Workshop

Radar School (Sat June 21) Table of Contents (pdf)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #4: Colin Hines - "The Doppler Spreading Theory of Gravity Wave Spectra" (pdf)

John Plane - "Metallic Layers in the Mesosphere" (pdf)

Eric Jensen - "Noctilucent Clouds: An Indicator of Global Change?" (pdf)

Judith Lean - "Effects of Solar Variability on Global Change" (pdf)

Ray Roble - "Overview of the Thermosphere/Ionosphere General Circulation Model (TIGCM)" (pdf)

Mike Lockwood - "Time-Varying Convection" (pdf)


1991 CEDAR Workshop

CEDAR Short Course #1: LIDAR Short Course (pdf) by C. Russ Philbrick (Penn State U), Dwight P. Sipler (Haystack Observatory), and John D. Mathews (PSU)

CEDAR Short Course #2: Optics Short Course (pdf) by Roger Smith (U AK, Fairbanks), Gonzalo Hernandez (U WA), and Gerald Romick (John Hopkins U/APL)

CEDAR Prize Lecture #3: `Sondrestrom MUSCOX' by Craig Heinselmann (SRI International)

CEDAR Tutorial #1: Research Challenges in Observational Atmospheric Dynamics: Opportunities and Important Studies (pdf) by David Fritts (University of Alaska at Fairbanks

CEDAR Tutorial #2: `Atmospheric Chemistry' by Guy Brasseur (ACD/NCAR)

CEDAR Tutorial #3: `Physics of Aroral Arcs' by Gerhard Haerendal (Max-Planck Institut, Garching, Germany)

CEDAR Tutorial #4: High Latitude Convection (pdf) by Rod Heelis (University of Texas at Dallas)


1990 CEDAR Workshop

Peter Stubbe, `Review of Ionospheric Modification'

Larry Lyons, `Ionosphere/Magnetosphere Coupling and Auroral Acceleration Processes'

Tom Slanger, `Aeronomical Laboratory Work'

Susan Solomon, `Polar Ozone Processes'


1989 CEDAR Workshop

Syun Akasofu, `Auroral Phenomena and Morphology'

Don Farley, `Radar Probing of the Atmosphere'

Paul Hays, `Fabry-Perot Interferometer Capabilities for Upper Atmosphere Measurements'

Murry Salby, `The Interaction of Tropical Convection and the Middle Atmosphere'


1988 CEDAR Workshop

George Reid, `Solar-Terrestrial Relations'

Dick Wolf, `Magnetospheric Coupling Models'

Chet Gardner, `LIDAR Capabilities for Upper Atmosphere Measurements'

Harry Van Loon, `Solar Variability/QBO/Weather Effects' 

Brian Tinsley, `Solar Variability/QBO/Weather Mechanisms' 


1987 CEDAR Workshop

George Siscoe, `Magnetospheric/Ionospheric Coupling'

Colin Hines, `Gravity Waves'

Gordon Shepherd, `Optical Techniques'

Bob Vincent, `Middle Atmospheric/Mesospheric Radars' (40 min)

Rich Behnke, `Incoherent Scatter Radars' (40 min)