CEDAR History

In 1983 the optical aeronomy investigators came together with the goal to strengthen the science of their instruments by forming the Ground-Based Optical Aeronomy (GBOA) program. GBOA had subcommittees on Spectrographs, Lidars, Interferometer, Imager, and Modeling, as well as a science steering committee. In 1985, the CEDAR acronym was coined at a steering committee meeting at Doug and Marsha Torr’s house in Logan. The first CEDAR workshop took place in 1986. In 1986 CEDAR was extended to include the radar community. From 1988 onwards, CEDAR was built into the NSF budget. A guiding principle for CEDAR is that science activities originate in the active research community. Student participation is a major priority for CEDAR and annual student-led workshop day has been held since 1994.
Phase I: Coordination and Exploratory
Phase II: New Research Capabilities
Phase III: Science Foci on Coupling with Lower Altitudes, Solar-Terrestrial Interactions, Polar Aeronomy, Long-Term Variations.
Documents & Videos about CEDAR history
1985 GBOA newsletter (pdf)
1st CEDAR workshop agenda (pdf)
Early days of CEDAR by Tim Kileen (CEDAR chair 1988-89) given at 2005 CEDAR workshop (pdf)