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2022 Workshop: CEDAR DEI

Long title
Continuing to evolve: DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) in CEDAR
Katrina Bossert
Phil Erickson
Lindsay Goodwin
Komal Kumari
Meghan LeMay
Huixin Liu
Susan Nossal
Julio Urbina
Jia Yue
Matthew Zettergren

This interactive learning session will focus on Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive topics that affect the CEDAR community with the goal of better understanding and having an open discussion about DEI-related topics. Of particular interest is the importance of having CEDAR DEI initiatives evolve and grow over time. Thus, the focus of this years’ workshop will center around DEI education, advertising the CEDAR DEI Task Force (being accountable to the community), getting feedback from the community about where the CEDAR community is, and where we want to be, as well as further planning DEI activities for the next year and charting a path forward with actionable tasks. We also seek to have speakers talk about DEI topics such as the following: historical events including but not limited to, Juneteenth; micro-aggressions; imposter syndrome; systematic oppression; and allyship. The workshop seeks to have 3-5 informational speakers informing the community on these topics, as well as sharing their lived experiences. We will have a panel discussion, as well as interactively learn from our speakers through this discussion.


Dr. Fran Bagenal, LASP, On the Demographics studies of the AIP (American Institute of Physics) and NAS studies on Advancing DEIA of the Leadership of Competed Missions, 1335-1355 CST

Dr. Debalina Maitra, ASU, Growing Roses in the Concrete: Beasting the impossible-International Scholars in the US Higher Education, 1355-1425 CST

Dr. Audra Hernández, UW Madison, Coping with Imposter Syndrome, 1425-1455 CST, Brief Description: While most professionals experience imposters syndrome, undergraduate students, especially those from marginalized communities, are no different. During this session, I will discuss my journey as a scientist and university administrator and how I assist the next generation of researchers with coping with imposter syndrome.

Prof. Erika Marín-Spiotta, UW Madison, Incorporating the humanities into science education: reckoning with legacies of scientific racism and racism in science, 1455-1525 CST


Over the past few years the CEDAR community has embraced the need to make CEDAR more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. In response to last year’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) workshop, the CEDAR Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force has been working hard over the past 12 months on community suggested DEI Action Items (…) that arose from that workshop. Further, the “Statement and Call to Action on Racial Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion by the CEDAR DEI Task Force” (…) now has over 110 signatories. It is thus necessary to continue the DEI discussion within the CEDAR community and keep the momentum going! Continued support of DEI shows that we as the CEDAR community are invested in continuing to evolve, and are open to challenging ourselves to become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive community where all can thrive.

Related to CEDAR Science Thrusts:
Encourage and undertake a systems perspective of geospace
Fuse the knowledge base across disciplines in the geosciences
Workshop format
Panel Discussion
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility