CEDAR Annual Workshop
The annual CEDAR workshop, which started as a grassroots initiative in 1986, provides the community an opportunity to self-organize and exchange ideas. With CEDAR's emphasis on fostering new ideas, providing a safe space for all participants, and a strong educational component, CEDAR has become the intellectual engine of aeronomy.
The workshop includes community organized breakout workshops as well as grand challenge workshops, poster session with a student poster competition, a student day, plenary sessions with science highlights, agency updates and tutorials, a distinguished lecture, and a prize lecture.
To receive CEDAR updates & announcements please sign up for the CEDAR emails.
Past CEDAR Workshops
See all annual agendas from past workshops
See all individual workshops from past workshops
See all tutorials and video presentations from past workshops
CEDAR Distinguished Lecture
Instituted in 2009, the CEDAR Distinguished Lecture recognizes individuals that have made sustained research and service contributions to CEDAR. Learn about the nomination process and browse the lectures of past recipients.
CEDAR Prize Lecture
The CEDAR prize honors a recent outstanding science contribution of importance to the CEDAR community. Learn how to nominate a deserving community member and browse past recipients.
Grand Challenge Workshops
The Grand Challenge workshops provide the community an opportunity to work on complex, interdisciplinary science challenges over several years. See current and past GC workshops.
Workshop Proposer Guidelines (including Grand Challenge workshops)
CEDAR is a grassroots effort and the workshops are key to it. Proposing a workshop is simple. See the guideline for conveners.
CEDAR Tutorials and Video Presentations
Browse CEDAR tutorials and presentation videos going back to 1991.
CEDAR YouTube Channel
Check out CEDAR Science on YouTube — watch talks you have missed or learn by watching the tutorials.
Code of Conduct
CEDAR strives to provide a positive and safe space for all workshop participants. See the code of conduct.