CEDAR Distinguished Lecture
CEDAR Distinguished Lecture Nomination Criteria
The CEDAR Distinguished Lecture was instituted in 2009 to recognize individuals within the CEDAR community that have made sustained professional contributions to CEDAR. This distinguished award refers to a long-term, sustained body of work over a period greater than 10 years, that has helped shape the CEDAR program through research and service. The recipient of the award presents an invited plenary lecture at the annual CEDAR workshop in June on a topic of their choice.
The CEDAR Distinguished Lecture is open to non-U.S. citizens as well as U.S. citizens, provided a strong connection to the CEDAR community can be demonstrated. The nomination should be based on significant research and service to the CEDAR community sustained over a period of at least ten years prior to the June CEDAR workshop.
A nomination consists of two items:
- Name of nominee; and
- A maximum 2-page statement detailing the sustained research and service to the CEDAR community justifying the nomination.
List of CEDAR Distinguished Lectures
1. 2010 (from 2009), Raymond G Roble (HAO/NCAR, citations) - The NCAR Thermospheric General Circulation Models (TGCMs): Past, Present and Future - 61 min (view video)
2. 2012 Donald Farley (Cornell University) - Incoherent Scatter Radar: Some Early History and Further Thoughts - 66 min (view video)
3. 2013 Sunanda and Santimay Basu (Boston College) - A Couple's Journey through Fifty Years of Ionospheric Space Weather Research - 63 min (view video)
4. 2014 Rod Heelis (University of Texas in Dallas) - From Discovery to System Science - 49 min (view video)
5. 2015 Michael Mendillo (BU) There's an Ionosphere in Each Hemisphere (view video)
6. 2016 No Distinguished Lecture solicited since GEM/CEDAR meeting
7. 2017 Art Richmond (NCAR/HAO) Perspectives on Ionospheric Electrodynamics (view video)
2018 selected but postponed to 2019 (Jan 2019: cannot attend CEDAR 2019, new selection for 2019)
8. 2019 Cheryl Huang (AFRL) | Solar wind forcing of the high-latitude ionosphere-thermosphere system
9. 2020 Bob Schunk (Utah State University) (lecture was given in 2021 due to covid-19) Modeling, Specifying and Forecasting Space Weather (view video)
10. 2022 Anthea Coster (MIT Haystack) System Science from Above and Below: Past, Present, Future (view video)
11. 2023 Mike Taylor (Utah State University) Have Camera - Will Travel: Over 40 Years of Quantifying Dynamics and Impacts of Mesospheric Gravity Waves Around the World (view video)