Grand Challenge Workshops
Grand Challenge (GC) workshop addresses urgent, overarching questions which require a multiyear effort and are of high importance to the CEDAR community. GC workshops are 3 year efforts and should be organized by a diverse team of conveners with a clear schedule and specific goals and topics for the 3 years. Each GC workshop will introduce the topic to the CEDAR community in the plenary session in the first year and provide updates in the 2nd & 3rd, and a summary after year 3.
Each year one new grand challenge workshop is selected by the CEDAR Science Steering Committee.
CEDAR workshop 2024
Year 3: Grand Challenge: Interhemispheric asymmetries (IHA) and impact on the global I-T systemConveners: Yue Deng, Lynn Harvey, Astrid Maute, Qingyu Zhu, Yun-Ju Chen, Rich Collins, Aaron Ridley, Guiping Liu, Sevag Derghazarian
Year 2: The role of gravity waves in the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere cross-scale coupling and irregularities: Observations and numerical simulationsConveners: Titus Yuan, Mike Taylor, Sharon Vadas, Erich Becker, Hanli Liu, Jonathan Makela, Brian Harding, Jonathan Snively, Christopher Heale, Cesar Valladares
Year 1: Impact of Terrestrial Weather on the Space Weather of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-MesosphereConveners: Jens Oberheide, Shantanab Debchoudhury, Larisa Goncharenko, Guiping Liu, Sarah McDonald, Fabrizio Sassi, Jiarong Zhang, Deepali Aggarwal, Bjoern Bergsson, Mack Jones, Zishun Qiao
CEDAR workshop 2023
Year 2: Grand Challenge: Interhemispheric asymmetries (IHA) and impact on the global I-T system
Conveners: Yue Deng, Lynn Harvey, Astrid Maute, Qingyu Zhu, Yun-Ju Chen, Rich Collins, Aaron Ridley, Guiping Liu, Sevag Derghazarian
Year 1: The role of gravity waves in the mesosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere cross-scale coupling and irregularities: Observations and numerical simulations
Conveners: Titus Yuan, Mike Taylor, Sharon Vadas, Erich Becker, Hanli Liu, Jonathan Makela, Brian Harding, Jonathan Snively, Christopher Heale, Cesar Valladares
CEDAR workshop 2022
Year 3: CONCERT: Coordinated Ground and Space-based Observations of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
Conveners: Katelynn Greer, Alan Burns, Scott England, Bill Scheiner, Iurii Cherniak
Year 2: Understanding the Electromagnetic Energy Input to Earth’s Atmosphere
Conveners: Alex Chartier, Tomoko Matsuo, Gareth Perry, Bill Bristow, Wenbin Wang, Seebany Datta-Barua
Year 1:Interhemispheric Asymmetries (IHA) in the IT system generated by high latitude forcing and lower atmosphere
Conveners: Yue Deng, Qingu Zhu, Yun-Ju Chen, Astrid Maute, Rich Collins, Aaron Ridley, Dan Welling, Hyomin Kim
CEDAR workshop 2021
Year 3: Grand Challenge Multi scale IT system System Dynamics
Conveners: Toshi Nishimura(Co-Lead), Aaron Ridley(Co-Lead)
Naomi Maruyama, Ryan McGranaghan, Yue Deng, Larry Lyons, Ying Zou, Ingrid Cnossen,
Matt Zettergren, Meers Oppenheim, Marilia Samara,Katrina Bossert
Year 2: CONCERT: Coordinated Ground and Space-based Observations of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
Conveners: Katelynn Greer, Alan Burns, Scott England, Carlos Martinis, Iurii Cherniak, Wenbin Wang
Year 1: Understanding the Electromagnetic Energy Input to Earth’s Atmosphere
Conveners: Alex Chartier, Tomoko Matsuo, Gareth Perry, Bill Bristow, Wenbin Wang, Seebany Datta-Barua
CEDAR workshop 2020 cancelled
CEDAR workshop 2019
Year 2: Grand Challenge Multi scale IT system System Dynamics
Conveners: Toshi Nishimura(Co-Lead), Aaron Ridley(Co-Lead)
Naomi Maruyama, Ryan McGranaghan, Yue Deng, Larry Lyons, Ying Zou, Ingrid Cnossen,
Matt Zettergren, Meers Oppenheim, Marilia Samara,Katrina Bossert
Year 1: CONCERT: Coordinated Ground and Space-based Observations of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
Conveners: Katelynn Greer, Alan Burns, Scott England, Carlos Martinis, Iurii Cherniak, Wenbin Wang
CEDAR workshop 2018
Year 1: Grand Challenge Multi scale IT system System Dynamics
Conveners: Toshi Nishimura(Co-Lead), Aaron Ridley(Co-Lead)
Naomi Maruyama, Ryan McGranaghan, Yue Deng, Larry Lyons, Ying Zou,
Ingrid Cnossen, Matt Zettergren, Meers Oppenheim, Marilia Samara,Katrina Bossert
CEDAR workshop 2017
Year 4: Grand Challenge MLT-X: Frontiers in Science and Sensing
Conveners: J. Thayer, J. Semeter, D. Hysell
Year 4: The High Latitude Geospace System: Frontiers in science and sensing
Conveners: Josh Semeter, Matthew Zettergren, Cheryl Huang, Yanshi Huang, Jeffrey Thayer
Year 3: Storms and Substorms Without Borders (SSWB) 3: Refinement and Synthesis
Converners: P. Erickson, N. Maruyama, J. Baker, S. Sazykin, A. Mannucci, J. M. Ruohoniemi
CEDAR workshop 2016
Year 3: Coupling and Transport Processes from the Upper Mesosphere through the Middle Thermosphere (80-200 km)
Conveners: J. Thayer, C. Gardner and G. Swenson
Year 3: The high latitude geospace system
Conveners: J. Semeter, C. Huang, Y. Huang, M. Zettergren
Year 2: Storms and Substorms Without Borders (SSWB)
Converners: N. Maruyama, T. Mannucci, M. Ruohonieme, J. Baker, P. Erickson, S. Shephard
CEDAR workshop 2015
Year 2: Coupling and Transport Processes from the Upper Mesosphere through the Middle Thermosphere (80-200 km)
Conveners: J. Thayer, C. Gardner and G. Swenson
Year 2: The high latitude geospace system
Conveners: Semeter, Dahlgren, St. Maurice, Zettergren, Wu, Nicolls
Year 1: Storms and Substorms Without Borders (SSWB)
Converners: N. Maruyama, T. Mannucci, M. Ruohonieme, J. Baker, P. Erickson, S. Shephard
CEDAR workshop 2014
Year 1: Coupling and Transport Processes from the Upper Mesosphere through the Middle Thermosphere (80-200 km)
Conveners: Thayer, Gardner and Swenson
Year 1: The high latitude geospace system
Conveners: Semeter, Dahlgren, St. Maurice, Zettergren, Wu, Nicolls