CEDAR Science Steering Committee (CSSC)

The CEDAR Science Steering Committee (CSSC), formerly known as the CEDAR Steering Committee (CSC), has been in existence since 1987. The CSSC is responsible for periodic checks on the community science progress and direction, in coordination with the CEDAR community. The CSSC organizes the scientific content of the annual CEDAR Workshop and connects with other programs.
The CSSC meetings are not open to the public, but the CSSC welcomes any input from the CEDAR community by contacting the current CSSC members.
The CSSC supports the development of CEDAR strategic documents
- 2012 CEDAR - The New Dimension Strategic Plan
- 2004's CEDAR Lidar Beyond Phase III (pdf) - self assessment for the NSF
"The steering committee's role is to help the community do what it wants to do, rather than to tell it what to do."
— G. Romick
Current CSSC Members

mgconde at alaska.edu
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Chair, year 3 of 3

lynn.harvey at lasp.colorado.edu
Chair-elect, year 1 of 3

angeline.burrell at nrl.navy.mil
Naval Research Laboratory
year 3 of 3

nathaniel.frissell at scranton.edu
University of Scranton
year 2 of 3

bea.gallardolacourt at nasa.gov
Catholic University of America
year 1 of 3

frederico.gasperini at orionspace.com
Orion Sapce Sol.
year 2 of 3

katelynn.greer at lasp.colorado.edu
University of Colorado, LASP
year 3 of 3

elay at lanl.gov
Los Alamos National Laboratory in Space and Remote Sensing
year 1 of 3

Kristina.A.Lynch at dartmouth.edu
year 2 of 3

luis.navarro at colorado.edu
SWx TREC, University of Colorado at Boulder
year 1 of 3

romina.nikoukar at jhuapl.edu
John Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory
year 1 of 3

gperry at njit.edu
New Jersey Institute of Technology
year 1 of 3

srphil10 at asu.edu
ASU, student representative
year 2 of 2

dscipion at igp.gob.pe
Jicamarca Radio Observatory/Instituto Geofisico del Peru
year 2 of 3

at968 at njit.edu
year 1 of 2

titus.yuan at usu.edu
Utah State University
year 3 of 3

shunrong at mit.edu
MIT Haystack
year 1 of 3

thuang at nsf.gov
Aeronomy ex-officio representative

CEDAR Co-PI, ex-officio representative

sraizada at nsf.gov
Aeronomy ex-officio representative
See Past Science Steering Committee Members
For CSSC Members: login to see internal information