2017 MLT Poster List
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(47 of 80 posters in competition, 13 students not in competition, 20 Non-student)
Coupling of the Upper Atmosphere with Lower Altitudes (6 of 11 posters in competition)
COUP-01 Malhotra, Garima, Student IN poster competition, University of Michigan, "Understanding the Non-linear Effects of Eddy Diffusion on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System"
COUP-02 Gan, Quan, Non-student, Clemson Univ., "Short-term variability in the ionosphere due to the nonlinear interaction between the 6-day wave and migrating tides"
COUP-03 CHOU, MINYANG, Student IN poster competition, National Cheng Kung University, "Concentric traveling ionosphere disturbances triggered by Super Typhoon Meranti (2016)"
COUP-04 Maruyama, Naomi, Non-student, NOAA swpc, "Transitioning a Coupling Whole Atmosphere (WAM) and Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) Model into Operations at NOAA"
COUP-05 Inchin, Pavel, Student IN poster competition, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, "Investigation of ground level magnetic field disturbances after 2010 Chile 8.8M earthquake"
COUP-06 Wu, Qian, Non-student, NCAR, "Observations and simulations of ionosphere SAO"
COUP-07 Siddiqui, Tarique, Student IN poster competition, GFZ Potsdam, "Longitude dependent lunar tidal modulation of the equatorial electrojet during stratospheric sudden warmings"
COUP-08 McInerney, Joe, Non-student, National Center for Atmospheric Research, "Release of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model eXtended (WACCM-X)"
COUP-09 Moral, Aysegul, Student IN poster competition, Nagoya University, "Lower atmospheric gravity waves as sources of low-latitude traveling ionospheric disturbances as studied by an airglow imager, CHAMP satellite, and a general circulation model"
COUP-10 Wu, Chen, Student NOT in poster competition, University of Michigan, "Investigating the effect of eddy diffusion in mesosphere and lower thermosphere region with multiple data sets"
COUP-11 Chiu, Shih-Chi, Student IN poster competition, National Central University, "INSPIRESat-1 sampling and observation using the coupled whole atmosphere model and ionosphere model"
COUP-12 Gasperini, Federico, Non-student, Utah State University, "Signatures of the Madden-Julian oscillation in the thermosphere?" (NOTE COUP-12 not in COUP poster section)
Irregularities of Ionosphere or Atmosphere (1 poster - others in IT session)
IRRI-01 McGranaghan, Ryan, Non-student, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, "Finding multi-scale connectivity in our geospace observational system: Network analysis of total electron content"
Instruments or Techniques for Ionospheric or Thermospheric Observation (17 of 25 posters in competition)
ITIT-01 Chang, Loren, Non-student, National Central University, "Expanding Ionospheric Observations with CubeSats: INSPIRESat-1 and IDEASSat"
ITIT-02 Mao, Ya Chih, Student NOT in poster competition, National Central University, "Recent Progress on Advanced Ionospheric Probe Onboard FORMOSAT-5 Satellite"
ITIT-03 Sivadas, Nithin, Student IN poster competition, Boston University, "2-D Energy Flux Maps of Precipitating Electrons using Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar"
ITIT-04 Debchoudhury, Shantanab, Student NOT in poster competition, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, "Limiting SNR regimes for successful parameter estimation from Retarding Potential Analyzers"
ITIT-05 DUANN, YI, Student IN poster competition, National Central University, "Photochemical model for atomic oxygen ion retrieval from ground-based observations of airglow"
ITIT-06 Fritz, Bruce, Student IN in poster competition, University of New Hampshire, "ELF Whistler Dependence on a Sunlit Ionosphere"
ITIT-07 Fritz, Bruce, Student NOT poster competition, University of New Hampshire, "RENU 2 UV Measurement of Atomic Oxygen in the Cusp Region"
ITIT-08 Harding, Brian, Student NOT in poster competition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, "Errors in ground-based thermospheric wind and temperature measurements"
ITIT-09 Song, Huan, Student IN poster competition, University of Colorado Boulder, "Three-dimensional inversion technique for short distance oblique Dynasonde ionograms"
ITIT-10 Frissell, Nathaniel, Non-student, New Jersey Institute of Technology, "Ionospheric Simulations of the 2017 Solar Eclipse QSO Party"
ITIT-11 Rojas Villalba, Enrique, Student IN poster competition, Cornell University, "Coherent scatter from radar aurora: Improvements and applications"
ITIT-12 Swoboda, John, Non-student, MIT, "Scientific Measurements Using Software Defined-Radio at MIT Haystack Observatory: Digital RF and its Applications"
ITIT-13 Robertson, Ellen, Student IN poster competition, Virginia Tech, "Simulation of Particle Flow in Neutral Wind Sensor"
ITIT-14 Spann, Jim, Non-student , ST01, The Scintillation "Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT): Anticipated Data Products"
ITIT-15 Parham, Jonathan, Student IN poster competition, Boston University, "Resolution Metrics for Auroral Multipoint Measurements with Satellite Swarms"
ITIT-16 Katz, Joshua, Student IN poster competition, New Jersey Institute Technology, "Fitting Ionospheric Models Using Real-Time High Frequency Amateur Radio Observations"
ITIT-17 Geddes, George, Student IN poster competition, UMass Lowell, "Preliminary Results from LITES and Model Comparison"
ITIT-18 Longley, William, Student IN poster competition, Boston University, "Particle-in-cell simulations of collisional ISR spectra"
ITIT-19 Andersen, Carl, Student IN poster competition, University of Alaska Fairbanks, "Thermospheric Measurements With Sounding Rocket Chemical Release Payloads"
ITIT-20 Aryal, Saurav, Student IN poster competition, UMass-Lowell, "Auroral energy and energy flux derivation using multi-spectral imaging"
ITIT-21 ELLIOTT, JOHN, Student IN poster competition, "University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute", "Geophysical Inversion of thermospheric winds at 250km altitude using higher order Tikhonov regularization on the Alaskan Allsky Fabry-Pert interferometry network for the night of Jan 31st, 2016."
ITIT-22 Swenson, Anthony, Student IN poster competition, Center for Space Engineering, "The Design and Function of the Gridded Retarding Ion Distribution Sensor"
ITIT-23 Gallant, Margaret, Student IN poster competition, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, "Investigating Near Space Interaction Regions: Developing a Remote Observatory"
ITIT-24 Goodwin, Lindsay, Student IN poster competition, University of Saskatchewan, "Monte-Carlo simulations of ion velocity distributions and resulting incoherent radar spectra under strong ion frictional heating conditions"
ITIT-25 Kordella, Lee, Student NOT poster competition, Virginia Tech, "Development of a commercial off-the-shelf software defined radio ionosonde"
Instruments or Techniques for Middle Atmosphere Observations (3 of 5 posters in competition)
ITMA-01 Philbrick, Channing, Student IN poster competition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, "Lower Atmosphere Ionosphere Coupling Experiment"
ITMA-02 Clemmons, James, Non-student, The Aerospace Corporation, "Toward a new capability for upper atmospheric research using atomic oxygen lidar"
ITMA-03 Renick, Chad, Student IN poster competition, University of Colorado Denver, "LWPC Modeling of Ionospheric Perturbations Due to Lightning Induced Energetic Electron Precipitation Using Overlapping VLF Propagation Paths"
ITMA-04 Collins, Richard, Student NOT in poster competition, University of Alaska Fairbanks, "Detection and characterization of Turbulence with Incoherent Scatter Radar"
ITMA-05 Aguilar Guerero, Jaime, Student NOT poster competition, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, "Observability of Acoustic Waves in the MLT by Ground-Based and Airborne Synthetic Airglow Imagers"
Long Term Variations of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (1 of 2 posters in competition)
LTVM-01 Smith, Anne, Non-student, NCAR, "Zonal winds in the tropical middle atmosphere"
LTVM-02 Salinas, Cornelius Csar Jude, Student IN poster competition, National Central University, "Interannual Variations of SABER CO2 and CO2-based Eddy Diffusion Coefficients in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Region"
Meteor Science other than wind observations (1 of 3 posters in competition)
METR-01 Young, Matthew, Student IN poster competition, Boston University, "A Simulation of Plasma Turbulence from Dust Gradients."
METR-02 Galindo, Freddy, Student NOT in poster competition, The Pennsylvania State University, "Effect of Plasma Turbulence on the evolution of Specular Meteor Echoes"
METR-03 Tarnecki, Liane, Student NOT in poster competition, Boston University, "PIC Simulations of 3D Finite Meteor Trails"
Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Gravity Waves (7 of 10 posters in competition
MLTG-01 Amaro-Rivera, Yolian, Student IN poster competition, Pennsylvania State University, "Selection of an atmospheric reference model and branching ratios for numerical modeling of gravity wave-airglow interactions"
MLTG-02 Bruntz, Robert, Non-student, Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), "Application of the Transfer Function Model (TFM) in gravity wave modeling"
MLTG-03 Caton, Anthony, Student IN poster competition, University of Illinois, "Measurements of phase differences between temperature and vertical wind perturbations associated with gravity waves in the mesopause region"
MLTG-04 Bossert, Katrina, Non-student, GATS, inc., "Multi-Scale Gravity Wave Environments and Influences on Gravity Wave Propagation"
MLTG-05 Dinsmore, Ross, Student IN poster competition, Pennsylvania State University, "GPS TEC Detection of MSTIDs/LSTIDs and Source Determination"
MLTG-06 McLaughlin, Pattilyn, Student NOT in poster competition, Utah State University, "Classifying mesospheric mountain wave characteristics over New Zealand during the 2014 DEEPWAVE campaign"
MLTG-07 Geraghty, Ian, Student IN poster competition, University of Colorado, "Multi-Year Survey of Short Period Gravity Wave Parameters in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere at McMurdo (77.8ºS, 166.7ºE), Antarctica"
MLTG-08 Grawe, Matthew, Student IN poster competition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, "Automated estimation of dominant horizontal wave parameters appearing in airglow images"
MLTG-09 Kogure, Masaru, Student IN poster competition, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), "Rayleigh/Raman lidar observations of gravity wave activity in the middle atmosphere over Syowa (69°S, 40°E), Antarctic"
MLTG-10 Zhao, Jian, Student IN poster competition, University of Colorado Boulder, "Coupling by gravity waves through the middle and upper atmosphere in Antarctica: Are dominant stratospheric gravity waves the direct source of persistent gravity waves in the MLT?"
Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Lidar Studies (3 of 5 posters in competition)
MLTL-01 Cai, Xuguang, Student IN poster competition, Utah State University, "Investigation of Na layer by numeric simulation"
MLTL-02 Takahashi, Toru, Non-student, National Institute of Polar Research, "Depletion of mesospheric sodium during extended period of pulsating aurora: high speed sodium lidar observation"
MLTL-03 Chang, Dongming, Student IN poster competition, University of Colorado Boulder, "Simultaneous Lidar Measurements of Fe and Na layers, Temperatures, and Winds in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere-Extended (MLT-X) at Boulder, Colorado"
MLTL-04 Guo, Yafang, Student NOT in poster competition, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, "Na lidar measurements of turbulence heat flux, thermal diffusivity and energy dissipation rate in the mesopause region"
MLTL-05 Qiao, Shuai, Student IN poster competition, "Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences", "Initial Results of Na Lidar Measured Stratospheric Temperatures at Andes Lidar Observatory (30.3°S, 70.7°W)"
Mesosphere or Lower Thermosphere General Studies (3 of 10 posters in competition)
MLTS-01 Vitharana, Ashan, Student IN poster competition, University of Louisville, "Statistical Characteristics of Short-term Tidal Variability for DW1 in eCMAM30 and SABER"
MLTS-02 Dawkins, Erin, Non-student, NASA GSFC/Catholic University of America, "Validation of NASA TIMED/SABER v2.0 temperature data with ground-based lidars: first results."
MLTS-03 Pineyro, Benedict, Student IN poster competition, Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, "Nonlinear acoustic wave effects on lower thermosphere composition"
MLTS-04 Kim, Jeong-Han, Non-student, Korea Polar Research Institute, "Mesospheric temperatures during day and night estimated from meteor radar observation"
MLTS-05 Nowak, Nabil, Student IN poster competition, Virginia Tech, "Seasonal Variation of Ozone in the Upper Mesosphere at High Latitudes"
MLTS-06 Lee, Changsup, Non-student, Korea Polar Research Insitute, "New method of estimating temperatures near the mesopause region using meteor radar observations"
MLTS-07 Lin, Cissi, Non-student, University of Texas at Arlington, "Comparison Between Thermospheric Nitric Oxide Emission Observations and the Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model (GITM) Simulations: Sensitivity Study to Solar and Geomagnetic Activities"
MLTS-08 Pokhotelov, Dimitry, Non-student, Leibniz Institute of Atmospheric Physics, "Simulations of MLT dynamics with global circulation models and their comparison with mid- and high-latitude ground-based radar observations"
MLTS-09 Panka, Peter, Student NOT in poster competition, George Mason University, "New non-LTE model of OH(v) in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere"
MLTS-10 Scherliess, Ludger, Student NOT in poster competition, Utah State University, "OPAL CubeSatellite Data Analysis Model"
Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Other Tidal, Planetary Waves, or Sudden Stratosphere Warnings (3 of 4 posters in competition)
MLTT-01 Nischal, Nirmal, Student IN poster competition, Clemson University, "Seasonal and solar cycle variability of DE2 and DE3 in the CO2 15 m cooling of the lower thermosphere"
MLTT-02 Forbes, Jeffrey, Student NOT in poster competition, University of Colorado, "Exploring Wave-Wave Interactions in a General Circulation Model"
MLTT-03 Wang, Jack, Student IN poster competition, University of Colorado, "The quasi 2 day wave response in TIME-GCM nudged with NOGAPS-ALPHA"
MLTT-04 kumari, komal, Student IN poster competition, Clemson University, "A New Approach to Study Short-Term Nonmigrating Tidal Variability using Information Theory and Bayesian Statistics"
Sprites (1 of 2 posters in competition)
SPRT-01 Engle, Jacob, Student IN poster competition, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, "Numerical and analytical studies of corona discharge initiation in air & CO2-rich environment"
SPRT-02 Liu, Ningyu, Non-student, The University of New Hampshire, "Fractal properties of lightning from high-speed video observations"
Stratosphere Studies and Below (2 of 2 posters in competition)
STRB-01 PERUMAL, PRASAD, Student IN poster competition, S.V.University, "Analysis of Black carbon emissions over a semi-urban station Vijayawada: Preliminary results"
STRB-02 Su, Yucheng, Student IN poster competition, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, "Carbon dioxide in the polar stratosphere from AIM/SOFIE measurements"