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2018 IT Poster List

cedar 2018

27 June, 2018
Santa Fe, New Mexico

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(53 of 84 posters in competition, 10 students NOT in competition, 20 Non-student)

Equatorial Thermosphere or Ionosphere (7 of 10 posters in competition)

EQIT-01 Shidler, Sam, UT Dallas, Student IN poster competition, "Data-aided model estimation of the morphology of equatorial zonal plasma drifts"

EQIT-02 Khadka, Sovit, Boston College, Student NOT in poster competition, "Day-to-Day Variability of Counter Electrojet and Accompanying Features of Ionospheric F-Layer in the Low Latitudes"

EQIT-03 Kuyeng Ruiz, Karim Milagros, Jicamarca Radio Observatory, Student NOT in poster competition, "Update on the Multi-static HF radar system in Peru"

EQIT-04 WU, TSUNG-YU, National Central University, Student IN poster competition, "Ionospheric Lunar tide induced by total solar eclipse on 21 August 2017"

EQIT-05 Young,Matthew, Boston University, Student IN poster competition, "Numerical Simulation of Secondary Farley-Buneman Instability"

EQIT-06 Huang,He, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Non-student, "Longitudinal and altitudinal variations of the interhemispheric asymmetry of equatorial ionization anomaly"

EQIT-07 Derghazarian,Sevag,Cornell University, Student IN poster competition, "Equatorial plasmaspheric parameters obtained from Jicamarca ISR data"

EQIT-08 Evonosky, William,University of Colorado Boulder, Student IN poster competition, "Longitudinal and temporal variability of the Midnight Temperature Maximum"

EQIT-09 Holt, Hannah, University of Colorado,S tudent IN poster competition, "Equatorial Thermosphere Anomaly and Related Helium Density Signatures"

EQIT-10 Rodriguez-Zuluaga, Juan, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Student IN poster competition, "Diamagnetic and paramagnetic signatures related to equatorial plasma depletions: observations from the Swarm mission"


Irregularities of Ionosphere or Atmosphere (9 of 12 posters in competition)

IRRI-01 Breitsch, Brian, "University of Colorado, Boulder", Student IN poster competition, "Analysis of GNSS Carrier Phase During Ionosphere Scintillation-Induced Deep Fades"

IRRI-02 Loucks, Diana, United States Military Academy, Non-student, "GPS L1 Scintillation Detection Using a Novel 3-Dimensional PFISR Mode"

IRRI-03 Haws, Jordan, Utah State University, Student IN poster competition, "SPORT (Scintillation Prediction Observation Research Task)"

IRRI-04 González, Gilda de Lourdes, National University of Tucuman, Student NOT in poster competition, "Occurrence of ESF at low latitudes in Argentina during the geomagnetic storm of May 28, 2017 and comparison with the IRI model"

IRRI-05 Iyer, Gayatri, The University of Texas at Dallas, Student IN poster competition, "Separating Plasma Bubble and Background Signatures using Wavelet Transformation"

IRRI-06 Jin, Han, University of Michigan, Student IN poster competition, "Investigation of low-latitude ionospheric F region irregularities during the geomagnetic storm of 8 September 2017"

IRRI-07 Napiecek, Andrew, Virginia Tech, Student IN poster competition, "Spatial Resolution of Plasma Bubbles using Time-Delay Integration Images from ICON’s Far-Ultraviolet Spectrographic Imager"

IRRI-08 Ren, Jiaen, University of Michigan, Student IN poster competition, "Characteristics and Evolution of Polar Cap Patches"

IRRI-09 Shen, Ming-Hsueh, National Cheng Kung University, Student IN poster competition, "Observation and simulation of upper atmosphere perturbations due to rocket trajectories"

IRRI-10 Sreenivash, Vaishnavi, Illinois Institute of Technology, Student IN poster competition, "Identifying E or F region irregularities with a Scintillation Auroral GPS Array (SAGA)"

IRRI-11 Zhan, Weijia, University of Texas at Dallas, Student IN poster competition, "On the origin of post-midnight equatorial spread F events during the 2008/2009 extreme solar minimum"



Instruments or Techniques for Ionospheric or Thermospheric Observation (13 of 21 posters in competition)


ITIT-02 Cushley, Alex, Royal Military College of Canada, Student NOT poster competition, "Faraday Rotation of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Signals as a Method of Ionospheric Characterization"

ITIT-03 Guerra, Alvaro, Penn State University, Student IN poster competition, "Penn State G-Chaser PAWSS Payload: Science of Polar mesosphere Winter Echoes"

ITIT-04 Kavanagh, Andrew, British Antarctic Survey, Non-student, "Ion velocity measurements with EISCAT: comparing different spatial and temporal scales and implications for electric field estimates"

ITIT-05 Lomidze, Levan, University of Calgary, Non-student, "Ionospheric Observations by the Swarm Satellites"

ITIT-06 Gunter, Liam, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Student IN poster competition, "Planar Ion Probe Instrument for Low-Latitude Ionosphere/Thermosphere Enhancements in Density CubeSat Mission"

ITIT-07 Pacheco, Edgardo, Instituto Geofisico del Peru, Non-student,"Cubesat instrumentation and software-defined radio receivers for TEC measurements"

ITIT-08 Huyghebaert, Devin, University of Saskatchewan, Student IN poster competition, "First Results of a Fully Digital Auroral Bi-static Radar for Ionospheric E-region Research"

ITIT-09 Fritz, Bruce, University of New Hampshire, Non-student,"Tomographic Reconstruction of the Cusp Using RENU 2 and DMSP Measurements"

ITIT-10 Duann, Yi, National Central University, Student IN poster competition, "Photochemical model for atomic oxygen ion retrieval from ground-based observations of airglow"

ITIT-11 Debchoudhury, Shantanab, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,Student NOT in poster competition,"BATFORD: An algorithm for improved estimation of Ionospheric parameters by retarding potential analyzers"

ITIT-12 Li, Jintai, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Student IN poster competition, "Turbulence measurements with Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) -A hypothesis test approach"

ITIT-13 Inonan, Marcos, University of Washington, Student NOT in poster competition, "Low Cost passive coherent radar for TEC measurements"

ITIT-14 Longley, William, Boston University, Student IN poster competition,"Electron-electron collision effects on ISR spectra"

ITIT-15 Yellu, Augustine, Virginia Tech, Student IN poster competition, "Stimulated electromagnetic emission measurements from the September 2017 HAARP Campaign"

ITIT-16 Medrano Cordova, Melissa, General Atomics, Student IN poster competition, "Low-cost ground-based beacon satellite receiver for TEC measurements"

ITIT-17 Parham, Jonathan, Boston Univerity, Student IN poster competition, "Small Satellite Swarm Observations for Auroral Physics"

ITIT-18 Peng, YuXiang, Virginia Tech, Student IN poster competition, "GPS-based Satellite Formation Flying Simulation and Applications to Ionospheric Remote Sensing"

ITIT-19 Rojas Villalba, Enrique, Cornell University, Student IN poster competition, "Estimating flows and fields from Doppler moments: Results and Applications"

ITIT-20 Tipton, Nathan, Utah State University, Student IN poster competition, "SPORT (Scintillation Prediction Observation Research Task)"

ITIT-21 Zia, Kenneth, Utah State University,S tudent IN poster competition, "Investigating the OPAL CubeSat’s Ability to Measure Thermospheric Gravity Waves"


Long Term Variations of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere (0 of 3 posters in competition)

LTVI-01 Hunt, Linda, SSAI, Non-student, "The State of the Thermosphere over Seven Decades"

LTVI-02 Lin, Cissi, University of Texas at Arlington, Non-student,"Players in the Long-term Thermospheric Energy Budget: Nitric Oxide and Gravity Waves"

LTVI-03 Weimer, Daniel, Virginia Tech, Non-student, "High Correlations between SABER Measurements and the Semi-Annual Thermosphere Oscillations"


MidLatitude Thermosphere or Ionosphere (4 of 4 posters in competition)

MDIT-01 MacDonald, Timothy, Boston University, Student IN poster competition, "Velocities of MSTIDs in the Europe-Africa Sector"

MDIT-02 chen, xuetao, USTC, Student IN poster competition, "A numerical study of overcooling in the upper thermosphere during the recovery of 2003 October storms"

MDIT-03 Zacharias, Anissa, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Student IN poster competition, "Using radiative transport modeling to investigate Balmer-alpha line width derived exospheric temperatures"

MDIT-04 Wang, Ningchao, Illinois Institute of Technology, Student IN poster competition, "Analyzing dynamical interactions in the IT system via Lagrangian Coherent Structure technique"


Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling (16 of 25 posters in competition)

MITC-01 Burleigh, Meghan, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Student IN poster competition, "Transient forcing of ionospheric outflow"

MITC-02 Fletcher, Alexander, Naval Research Laboratory, Non-student, "Wave excitation from an ion ring instability in the ionosphere"

MITC-04 Goodwin, Lindsay, Boston University, Non-student, "Mesoscale Convection Structures Associated with Polar Cap Patches and Their Magnetosphere Counterpart"

MITC-05 Diaz Pena, Joaquin, Boston University, Student IN poster competition , "Conjugate measurements of flow channels in the ionosphere using DMSP driftmeter and PFISR"

MITC-06 Kiene, Andrew, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Non-student, "High-resolution local measurements of F-region ion temperatures and Joule heating rates using SuperDARN and ground-based optics"

MITC-07 Fitzmaurice, Anna, The Catholic University of America, Student IN poster competition, "Estimating Precipitating Electron Energy Flux using Field-Aligned-Current Measurements from AMPERE"

MITC-08 Maute, Astrid, NCAR, Non-student, "Sensitivity of the thermosphere-ionosphere system to aurora particle precipitation changes with respect to the high latitude forcing method"

MITC-09 Gallant, Margaret, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Student IN poster competition, "Comparisons of Diurnal Asymmetry in Observed Geocoronal Balmer Series Intensity and Modeled Line-Of-Sight Intensities using NRLMSIS00 and WACCM-X Model Atmospheres"

MITC-10 Ngwira, Chigomezyo, Catholic University of America, Non-student, "Comprehensive Investigation of Mid-latitude Long-Lasting SED"

MITC-11 Irvin, Robert, Purdue University, Student IN poster competition, "A Statistical Study of Energetic Particle Precipitation in the D-region Ionosphere"

MITC-12 Xu, Zhonghua, Virginia Tech, Non-student, "A comparison of the ground magnetic responses during the 2013 and 2015 St. Patrick’s Day geomagnetic storms"

MITC-13 Kenward, David,  University of New Hampshire, Student IN poster competition, "In situ observations of energy inputs during a cusp neutral density enhancement"

MITC-14 Sheng, Cheng, University of Texas at Arlington, Student NOT in poster competition, "Effects of Alignment Between Particle Precipitation and Polar Cap Convection on Joule heating"

MITC-15 Kim, Eunsol, Korea Polar Research Instutute, Student IN poster competition, "Climatology of ionospheric density profiles in the auroral and polar cap regions from long-term incoherent scatter radar observations"

MITC-16 Umbel, Rachel, NJIT, Student NOT in poster competition, "Study of Open Closed Boundary at the Polar Caps"

MITC-17 Lu, Yang, University of Texas at Arlington, Student IN poster competition, "Simulation of Sub-auroral polarization streams(SAPS) during during 2013 St.Patrick’s storm with UCLA-RCM and GITM coupled Model"

MITC-18 Grawe, Matthew, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Student NOT in poster competition, "L1 to Ground Prediction of Geomagnetically-Induced Currents: Key Challenges"

MITC-19 Maimaiti, Maimaitirebike, Virginia Tech, Student IN poster competition, "IMF Influence on Nightside Quiet Time Subauroral Ionospheric Convection Observed by the North American Midlatitude SuperDARN Radars"

MITC-20 Mukhopadhyay, Agnit, University of Michigan, Student IN poster competition, "Empirical Estimation of Ionospheric Conductance using MHD"

MITC-21 Sivadas, Nithin, Boston University, Student IN poster competition, "Multi-event analysis of growth-phase energetic electron precipitation"

MITC-22 Wang, Boyi, University of California Los Angeles, Student IN poster competition, "Dayside magnetosphere and ionosphere responses to transient upstream disturbances measured by satellite-imager coordination"

MITC-23 Wang, Zihan, Universtiy of Michigan, Student IN poster competition, "Relation between Conductivity and Field-Aligned Currents: PFISR and SWARM Observations"

MITC-24 Wu, Haonan, Clemson University, Student IN poster competition, "Neutral Temperature Responses to Geomagnetic Storms: Observation Versus Modeling"

MITC-25 Zhu, Qingyu, University of Texas at Arlington, Student IN poster competition, "Impacts of multi-scale field-aligned currents (FACs) on the ionosphere-thermosphere system"


PLAN Planetary Studies (0 of 2 posters in competition)

PLAN-01 Pilinski, Marcin, University of Colorado, Boulder, Non-student, "Neutral and Plasma Wave Activity in the Martian Thermosphere-Ionosphere System"

PLAN-02 Ghosh, Priyanka, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Non-student, "Vertical temperature wave number spectra of the Martian lower atmosphere"


POLA Polar Aeronomy (4 of 7 posters in competition)

POLA-01 Branning, Kylee, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Student IN poster competition, "Applications in Antarctica of a Ground Based Height Profiling Technique to Resolve Altitude Variations of Neutral Winds in the Lower Thermosphere"

POLA-02 Ji, Eun-Young, Korea Polar Research Institute, Non-student, "The ionospheric plasma structures in the dayside polar cap/cusp region"

POLA-03 Elliott, John, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Student IN poster competition, "Observations of storm-time [0]/[N2] depletion and thermospheric wind perturbations using ground-based optical instruments in Alaska during April 4-10 2010"

POLA-04 Lee, Changsup, Korea Polar Research Institute, Non-student, "Comparative study on the mesospheric winds and temperature measured by Fabry-Perot interferometer and meteor radar at King Sejong Station, Antarctica"

POLA-05 Ham, Young-bae, Korea Polar Research Institute, Student IN poster competition, "Comparison of neutral winds and ion drifts observed at Jang Bogo station, Antarctica"

POLA-06 Blandin, Matthew, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Student NOT in poster competition, "The tracking of patchy aurora and it's correlation to co-rotation convection drift"

POLA-07 Hughes, Andrea, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ., Student IN poster competition, "MAVEN/IUVS Proton Aurora Observations at Mars"