2017 IT Poster List
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(40 of 75 posters in competition, 13 NOT, 22 Non-student)
Data Assimilation and Management (3 of 5 posters in competition)
DATA-01 Flynn, Sierra, Student IN poster competition, "University of Colorado, Boulder", Understanding the variability in thermospheric nitric oxide flux using empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs)
DATA-02 Kilcommons, Liam, Non-student, University of Colorado, A Level 2 DMSP SSM Magnetometer & Auroral Boundary Dataset
DATA-03 Hsu, Chih-Ting, Student IN poster competition, National Central University of Taiwan, Assessment of the impact of FORMOSAT-7/COMIC-2 GNSS RO observation on ionospheric specification and forecast using observing system simulation experiments
DATA-04 Reimer, Ashton, Non-student, SRI International, Real-Time Fitted Data for the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar
DATA-05 Shi, Yining, Student IN poster competition, University of Colorado Boulder, Determining optimal setting for AMIENext procedure using cross validation
Equatorial Thermosphere or Ionosphere (6 of 12 posters in competition)
EQIT-01 Fang, Tzu-Wei, Non-student, University of Colorado at Boulder, Impact of Midnight Thermosphere Dynamics on the Nighttime Mid- and Low-latitude Ionosphere
EQIT-02 Derghazarian, Sevag, Student IN poster competition, Cornell University, Probing the Equatorial Plasmasphere with Jicamarca Long Pulse Experiments
EQIT-03 Lee, Wookyoung, Non-student, Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Tropical ionization trough identified by Swarm satellite observations
EQIT-04 NAVARRO, LUIS, Student IN poster competition, Utah State University, Effects of disturbance wind on equatorial regions recorded by the Fabry-Perot Interferometer network over Peru
EQIT-05 Lien, Chuan-Ping, Non-student, National Cheng-Kung Univ., Simulation on the north-south ionospheric asymmetry during June solstice 2008
EQIT-07 Maute, Astrid, Non-student, NCAR, Calculating the 3-dimensional current in the ionosphere and its associated magnetic perturbation
EQIT-08 Khadka, Sovit, Student NOT in poster competition, Boston College, Characteristics of Equatorial Electrojet Variability and its Consequences in Low-Latitude Ionosphere
EQIT-09 Evonosky, William, Student IN poster competition, University of Colorado Boulder, Interactive Ion-Neutral Dynamics in the Low Latitude Evening Ionosphere
EQIT-10 Mathew, Tiju, Student NOT in poster competition, NCAR, Pre-sunrise uplift in vertical plasma drift using TIEGCM-ICON simulation
EQIT-11 Desai, Abhishek, Student IN poster competition, Clemson University, Studying the variability of 150 km Echoes
EQIT-12 Valdez Portocarrero, Alexander, Student IN poster competition, Jicamarca Radio Observatory, Multi-static HF radar system in Peru
Irregularities of Ionosphere or Atmosphere (7 of 14 posters in competition)
IRRI-01 Chakraborty, Shibaji, Student IN poster competition, Virginia Tech, Characterization of Shortwave Fadeout seen in Daytime SuperDARN Ground-Scatter Observations
IRRI-02 Hickey, Dustin, Student NOT in poster competition, Boston University, Variations in equatorial spread F between conjugate sites
IRRI-03 Chiu, Pei-yun, Student IN poster competition, National Central University, On the Relationship between Sporadic-E and ENSO Observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC
IRRI-04 Fallen, Christopher, Non-student, University of Alaska Fairbanks, First experiments at the (new) UAF-HAARP facility: preliminary artificial airglow results and guidelines for future experiments
IRRI-05 Joshi, Dev, Student IN poster competition, Boston College, In-situ and ground-based observations of equatorial plasma irregularities and implications for Spread F dynamics
IRRI-06 Seif, Aramesh, Non-student, National Central University, A Global Study of Ionospheric Irregularities during Daytime at the Magnetic Dip Equator using SCINDA Ground-based and Radio Occultation Measurements
IRRI-07 Mrak, Sebastijan, Student IN poster competition, Boston University, Reconstruction of the GPS phase scintillation during a magnetospheric substorm
IRRI-08 Bhaneja, Preeti, Student NOT in poster competition, N/A, "Detection of Spread-F, foF2 values and Planetary and Gravity Wave Signatures using Digisonde and VIPIR instruments and their comparison with COSMIC-I/FORMOSAT-3 data"
IRRI-09 Smith, Jonathon, Student IN poster competition, University of Texas at Dallas, "Equatorial Plasma Bubbles: variations of occurrence and spatial scale in local time, longitude, season and solar activity"
IRRI-10 Han, Xiaoyu, Student NOT in poster competition, Virginia Tech, Deployable Satellite Receiver Node Design to Measure Ionospheric Scintillation
IRRI-11 Su, Yang, Student IN poster competition, Illinois Institute of Technology, Sensing Ionospheric Irregularities with a GNSS Receiver Array during a Geomagnetic Storm
IRRI-12 Inonan, Marcos, Student NOT in poster competition, University of Washington, Radar Imaging with MaxEnt for Manastash Ridge Radar
IRRI-13 Zhan, Weijia, Student IN poster competition, The University of Texas at Dallas, June solstice equatorial spread F: On the role of weak vertical plasma drifts
IRRI-14 Finan, Robert, Student NOT in poster competition, Boston University, Zonal Structure in All Sky Images of Auroral Features
Long Term Variations of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere (2 of 4 posters in competition)
LTVI-01 Nossal, Susan, Non-student, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Observed increase in geocoronal hydrogen emissions
LTVI-02 Phal, Yamuna, Student IN poster competition, UIUC, Diurnal variation of atomic hydrogen density in the terrestrial upper atmosphere
LTVI-03 Franco-Diaz, Eframir, Non-student, Arecibo Observatory / SRI International, Spectral Analysis of the Neutral Wind Components over Arecibo based on Five Consecutive Years (2012-2017) of Fabry-Perot Observations
LTVI-04 Tsai Lin, Rong, Student IN poster competition, National Central University, The long-term trends in thermospheric mass density and ionospherie total electron content
MidLatitude Thermosphere or Ionosphere (6 of 9 posters in competition)
MDIT-01 Branning, Kylee, Student IN poster competition, University of Alaska Fairbanks - Geophysical Institute, Wind Field Plotting for Red and Green Line Scanning Doppler Imager Data
MDIT-02 Nossa, Eliana, Non-student, SRI - Arecibo Observatory, Arecibo Observatory - HF facility and diagnostics
MDIT-03 Brown, Steven, Student IN poster competition, George Mason Univeristy, Ionosonde-Based Indices for Improved Representation of Solar Cycle Variation in the International Reference Ionosphere Model
MDIT-04 Santos, Pedrina, Non-student, Arecibo Observatory/SRI international, "The Arecibo Observatory Remote Optical Facility (AO-ROF) in Culebra Island, Puerto Rico: Current Status and Future Projects"
MDIT-05 Joshi, Pratik, Student IN poster competition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, O-O+ momentum imbalance in the topside ionosphere: implications for bias in MSIS oxygen density specification
MDIT-06 Maimaiti, Maimaitirebike, Student IN poster competition, Virginia Tech, Statistical Study of Nightside Quiet Time Subauroral Ionospheric Convection Observed by the North American Midlatitude SuperDARN Radars
MDIT-07 zhang, kedeng, Student IN poster competition, Wuhan University, Longitudinal structure in electron density at mid-latitudes: upward-propagating tidal effects
MDIT-08 Johnsrud, Torfinn, Student NOT poster competition, CU Boulder, Helium Structure in the Upper Thermosphere
MDIT-09 Wang, Ningchao, Student IN poster competition, Illinois Institute of Technology, Seeking Lagrangian Coherent Structures in Ionospheric Plasma Drift Flows
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling (7 of 10 posters in competition)
MITC-01 Burleigh, Meghan, Student IN poster competition, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Model-data comparison of neutral wind impacts on high-latitude ionospheric upflows
MITC-02 Qin, Jianqi, Non-student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling through H redistribution driven by geomagnetic storms
MITC-03 Dang, Tong, Student IN poster competition, University of Science and Technology of China, On the relation between soft electron precipitations in the cusp 1 region and solar wind coupling functions
MITC-04 Sheng, Cheng, Student NOT in poster competition, NCAR, Effects of SAPS on thermospheric wind and density during the 17 March 2013 storm
MITC-05 Lu, Yang, Student IN poster competition, UTA, SAPS simulation with GITM_RCM coupled Model
MITC-06 Landry, Russell, Student NOT in poster competition, University of Texas at Dallas, Observations of the midlatitude trough and its relationship to subauroral ion drifts (SAID)
MITC-07 Mukhopadhyay, Agnit, Student IN poster competition, University of Michigan, Statistical Comparison of the Magnetopause Distance and CPCP for Global MHD Models
MITC-08 Shen, Yangyang, Student IN poster competition, University of Calgary, Low-altitude ion heating with downflowing and upflowing ions
MITC-09 Wu, Jiashu, Student IN poster competition, University of Calgary, Swarm Observation of Field-Aligned Currents in Multiple Arc System
MITC-10 Zhu, Qingyu, Student IN poster competition, University of Texas at Arlington, Impact of the electric field variability on the upper atmosphere during the geomagnetic storm
Planetary Studies (1 of 2 posters in competition)
PLAN-01 Trovato, Jeffrey, Non-student, Boston University, Comparative Aeronomy: Molecular Ionospheres at Earth and Mars
PLAN-02 Judd, Emily, Student IN poster competition, University of Michigan, Using the Development Process of the Venus Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model to Understand the Importance of Planetary Attributes on Earth's Atmosphere
Polar Aeronomy (5 of 11 posters in competition)
POLA-01 Albarran, Robert, Student IN poster competition, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Kinetic modeling of auroral ion Outflows observed by the VISIONS sounding rocket
POLA-02 Conde, Mark, Non-student, University of Alaska, Imaging Fabry-Perot Observations of Thermospheric Dynamics in Antarctica
POLA-03 Ren, Jiaen, Student IN poster competition, University of Michigan, Statistical Characteristics of Ionospheric Polar Cap Patches Observed by RISR-C
POLA-04 Dhadly, Manbharat, Non-student, "Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC.", Seasonal dependence of geomagnetic active time northern high-latitude upper thermospheric winds
POLA-05 Bunch, Aaron, Student IN poster competition, California State University Long Beach, Characterizing the Polar Topside Ionosphere
POLA-06 Jee, Geonhwa, Non-student, Korea Polar Research Institute, Occurrence of ion upflow associated with ion/electron heating in the polar cap and cusp regions
POLA-07 Guo, Dongjie, Student IN poster competition, University of Michigan, Exploring the high-latitude thermosphere responses to IMF By reversal
POLA-08 Kiene, Andrew, Non-student, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Measuring F-region ion-neutral coupling in response to increases in auroral precipitation
POLA-09 XU, HEQIUCEN, Student IN poster competition, Nagoya University, "Thermospheric wind variations at substorm onset: Multi-event study using a Fabry-Perot interferometer at Tromsoe, Norway"
POLA-10 Ahrns, Michael, Student NOT in poster competition, University of Alaska Fairbanks, High Resolution Case Studies of Giant Auroral Undulations
POLA-11 Clayton, Robert, Student NOT in poster competition, Dartmouth College, Preliminary Data Analysis of ISINGLASS Campaign Launches
Solar Terrestrial Interactions in the Upper Atmosphere (2 of 7 posters in competition)
SOLA-01 Cucho-Padin, Gonzalo, Student IN poster competition, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Tomographic estimation of exospheric hydrogen density distributions
SOLA-02 Abe Pacini, Alessandra, Non-student, Johns Hopkins University, Studying the response of the low-ionosphere to solar Long Duration Gamma-Ray Flares (LDGRF)
SOLA-03 Kodikara, Timothy, Student IN poster competition, "RMIT University, Australia", Effects of Space Environment on LEO Satellite Drag
SOLA-04 Fedrizzi, Mariangel, Non-student, University of Colorado/CIRES and NOAA/SWPC, Initial Validation of CTIPe Neutral Winds using GOCE Satellite Observations
SOLA-05 Meng, Xing, Non-student, California Institute of Technology, Ionosphere-thermosphere modeling in a forecastable mode: case study of the June 2012 geomagnetic storm
SOLA-06 Song, Huan, Student NOT in poster competition, University of Colorado Boulder, Statistical study of the traveling ionospheric disturbances generated by solar terminator based on Dynasonde data
SOLA-07 Moses, Magdalina, Student NOT in poster competition, Virginia Tech, Analysis of the August 2017 Eclipses Effect on Radio Wave Propagation Employing a Raytrace Algorithm
Instruments or Techniques for Ionospheric or Thermospheric Observation (1 poster; others on Tuesday)
ITIT-14 Spann, Jim, Non-student, ST01, The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT): Anticipated Data Products