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2018 MLT Poster List

cedar 2018

26 June, 2018
Santa Fe, New Mexico

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(41 of 67 posters in competition, 6 students not in competition, 18 Non-student)

Coupling of the Upper Atmosphere with Lower Altitudes (7 of 14 posters in competition)

COUP-01 Fang, Tzu-Wei, University of Colorado, Non-student, "The coupled Whole Atmosphere Model and Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics Model (WAM-IPE)"

COUP-02 McCandless, Martin, Mississippi State University, Student IN poster competition, "Identifying the sources of the variability in thermospheric mass density"

COUP-03 Fedrizzi, Mariangel, University of Colorado, Boulder, "Assessing Nitric Oxide Cooling in CTIPe model using TIMED/SABER Observations"

COUP-04 Ghosh, Priyanka, National Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Student IN poster competition, "Vertical coupling from the lower atmosphere to the ionosphere: Observations inferred from Indian MST radar, GPS radiosonde, Ionosonde and SABER/TIMED instrument o

COUP-05 McInerney, Joe, NCAR,Non-student, "Recent Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model eXtended (WACCM-X) Highlights"

COUP-06 Chiu, Yi Chung, National Central University, Student IN poster competition, "The Response of Ionospheric TEC and 630 nm Airglow Emissions During the 2016 Stratospheric Sudden Warming"

COUP-07 Siddiqui, Tarique, NCAR,Non-student, "Semidiurnal solar and lunar tidal variabilities of the equatorial electrojet during sudden stratospheric warmings"

COUP-08 Inchin, Pavel, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Student IN poster competition,"Modeling and observations of atmosphere-ionosphere response to Earth’s surface Rayleigh waves"

COUP-09 Chang, Loren, National Central University, Non-student, "On the Relationship between E Region Scintillation and ENSO Observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC"

COUP-10 Malhotra, Garima,University of Michigan, Student IN poster competition, "Understanding the Effects of Lower Boundary variations on the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System"

COUP-11 Chou, Min-Yang, NCKU, Non-student, "Ionospheric disturbances triggered by SpaceX Falcon Heavy"

COUP-12 Huda, Md Nurul, Virginia Tech, Student IN poster competition, "3D Simulator for ICON MIGHTI Data-Model comparison"

COUP-13 Tai, Tzu-Ya, National Central University, Student IN poster competition, "Regional S4 index variations observed using FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC GPS RO technique during Stratospheric Sudden Warming in recent years"

COUP-14 CAI, XUGUANG, Utah State University, Non-student, "A Numerical Investigation on the Thermospheric Sodium Layer observed in Cerro Pacheon, Chile during Equinox"


Data Assimilation and Management (4 of 8 posters in competition)

DATA-01 Hsu, Chih-Ting, National Central University of Taiwan, Student IN poster competition, "Ionospheric Weather revealed by COSMIC missions with GSI Ionosphere data assimilation system"

DATA-02 Chen, Zhou, Nanchang University, Non-student, "Application and improvement of a deep learning algorithm for total electron content (TEC) maps: super resolution and image completion"

DATA-03 LIU, YUNXIANG, University of Colorado Boulder, Student IN poster competition, "Characterisation of Ionospheric Scintillation using Machine Learning Algorithms"

DATA-04 Molina, Ivana, Utah State University, Student NOT in poster competition, "Using the Thermospheric Wind Assimilation Model (TWAM) to estimate neutral winds in the F-Region."

DATA-05 Merino, Meyer, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Student IN poster competition, "Numerical simulations and data fusion strategies for tomographic reconstruction of low latitude ionospheric plasma"

DATA-06 Liu, Re, IRU, Student NOT in poster competition, "Studies of new data assimilation system for instruments at polar regions"

DATA-07 Ramirez, Uriel, Illinois Institute of Technology, Student IN poster competition, "Data assimilation and the search for Lagrangian coherent structures in the ionosphere"

DATA-08 Cantrall, Clayton, University of Colorado, Boulder, Student NOT in poster competition, "GOLD radiance data assimilation for global thermosphere state inference and space weather forecasting"


Instruments or Techniques for Middle Atmosphere Observations (6 of 7 posters in competition)

ITMA-01 Chu, Kristina, University of Illinois, Student IN poster competition, "Recent Measurements of Thermospheric Winds over South Africa and Comparison with the Horizontal Wind Model"

ITMA-02 Kim, Jieun, KOREA POLAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Non-student, "Observation of OH (6-2) Meinel and O2 (0-1) atmospheric airglow emissions with Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager in King Sejong Station (62.22?S 58.75?W), Antarctica"

ITMA-03 Davis, Eric, Utah State University, Student IN poster competition, "Ray Tracing investigation of quasi-stationary mesospheric mountain waves observed over New Zealand during the DEEPWAVE Campaign"

ITMA-04 Klemm, Jared, University of Alaska Fairbanks,S tudent IN poster competition, "SKiYMET Meteor Radar System at Poker Flat Research Range: Initial Results"

ITMA-05 Lee, Kiwook, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Student IN poster competition, "Mesospheric Wind Estimation with the Jicamarca MST Radar"

ITMA-06 Mesquita, Rafael, Clemson University, Student IN poster competition, "In-situ observations of neutral shear instability eects in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere during the SuperSoaker experiment"

ITMA-07 Zhao, Jian, University of Colorado Boulder, Student NOT in poster competition, "Spectral proportion method and its application to the estimation of wave energy from lidar observations in Antarctica"


Long Term Variations of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (1 of 1 posters in competition)

LTVM-01 Phal, Yamuna, "University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign", Student IN poster competition,"LT and solar cycle variation of escape flux of H in the terrestrial upper atmosphere"


Meteor Science other than wind observations (2 of 3 posters in competition)

METR-01 Guttormsen, Gabrielle, Boston University, Student IN poster competition, "Simulating Meteor Sputtering using Molecular Dynamic Simulation"

METR-02 Tarnecki, Liane, Boston University, Student NOT in poster competition, "Spectral Features of Simulated 3D Meteor Trails"

METR-03 Marino, John,University of Colorado Boulder, Student IN poster competition, "First Observations from Meteor Radar at McMurdo Station Antarctica"


Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Gravity Waves (8 of 11 posters in competition)

MLTG-01 Aguilar Guerrero, Jaime, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Student IN poster competition, "Characterization of line-of-sight effects in airbo"

MLTG-02 Rong, Pingping, Hampton University, Non-student, "AIM CIPS cloud wind tracking statistics and the potential impact from the gravity waves"

MLTG-03 Caton, Anthony, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Student IN poster competition, "Measurements of phase differences between temperature and vertical wind perturbations associated with gravity waves in the mesopause region"

MLTG-04 SOWARD, DAVID, Utah State University, Student IN poster competition, "Variations of Winter-time Mesospheric Gravity Waves Observed at ALOMAR (69° N), Norway"

MLTG-06 Mixa, Tyler, University of Colorado Boulder, Student IN poster competition, "Characterizing High Frequency Gravity Wave Propagation Through an Evolving Inertial Wave in the MLT"

MLTG-07 Criddle, Neal, Utah State University, Student NOT in poster competition, "Investigation of variable horizontal phase speed, quasi-stationary waves above Logan, Utah."

MLTG-08 Yang, Fan, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Student IN poster competition, "Stability Characteristics of the Mesopause Region above the Andes"

MLTG-09 Amaro-Rivera, Yolian, Pennsylvania State University, Student NOT in poster competition, "O(1S) and OH(6,2) intensity variations and wave activity over the Andes Lidar Observatory (ALO) (30.3°S, 70.7°W)"


Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Lidar Studies (3 of 5 posters in competition)

MLTL-01 Alspach, Jennifer, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Student IN poster competition, "New Sodium Resonance Wind-Temperature Lidar at Poker Flat Research Range: Initial Observations"

MLTL-02 Lautenbach, Jens, Arecibo Observatory, Non-student, "Feasibility study to measure Meridional Wind with the Arecibo Potassium Lidar"

MLTL-03 Chu, Xinzhao, University of Colorado Boulder, Non-student, "First simultaneous lidar observations of Na and Fe layers, temperatures and vertical winds over Antarctica"

MLTL-04 Price, Jonathan, Utah State University, Student IN poster competition, "Absolute Neutral Densities in the Mesosphere from ALO-USU Rayleigh Lidar Observations"


Mesosphere or Lower Thermosphere General Studies (2 of 3 posters in competition)

MLTS-01 Li, Jingyuan, Nanjing University of Information Science & technology, Student IN poster competition, "The physical mechanisms driving the effects of a geomagnetic storms on the mesosphere and lower thermosphere temperature at middle latitudes"

MLTS-02 Yonker, Justin, Virginia Tech, Non-student, "A Revised Model for NO Equilibrium in the Thermosphere"

MLTS-03 Vitharana, Ashan, University of Louisville, Student IN poster competition, "Study of Short-term Migrating (DW1) Tidal Variability in eCMAM30 and SABER Using Information Theory"


Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Other Tidal, Planetary Waves, or Sudden Stratosphere Warnings (4 of 6 posters in competition)

MLTT-01 Krier, Christopher, Virginia Tech, Student IN poster competition, "Deriving Nonmigrating Tides from GOLD Temperature and O/N2 Measurements"

MLTT-02 Pokhotelov, Dimitry, Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Non-student, "Dynamic forcing of thermosphere from below: numerical simulations and radar data"

MLTT-03 kumari, komal, Clemson University, Student IN poster competition, "Short-term Tidal Variability From SABER Related to the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation From Information Theory and Bayesian Statistics"

MLTT-04 Palo, Scott, University of Colorado Boulder, Non-student,"Understanding short-term variability of the migrating diurnal tide using satellite observations and model simulations"

MLTT-05 Salinas, Cornelius Csar Jude, National Central University, Student IN poster competition,         "Local-time Variations of Low Latitude Lower Thermospheric SABER CO2 during Equinoctial Solar Minimum"

MLTT-06 Zhou, Xu, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Student IN poster competition, "New Approach to Estimate Tidal Climatology from Ground- and Space-based Observations"


Solar Terrestrial Interactions in the Upper Atmosphere (7 of 9 posters in competition)

SOLA-01 Aryal, Saurav, UMass-Lowell, Student IN poster competition, "Observation of eclipse's effect on the upper atmosphere during the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017"

SOLA-02 Cnossen, Ingrid, University of Michigan hosted at British Antarctic Survey, Non-student, "The response of the ionosphere-thermosphere system to the August 21, 2017 solar eclipse"

SOLA-03 Chakraborty, Shibaji, Virginia Tech, Student IN poster competition, "A Study of Solar Flare Effects on Mid and High Latitude Radio Wave Propagation using SuperDARN"

SOLA-04 Frissell, Nathaniel, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Non-student, "Modeling Amateur Radio Soundings of the Ionospheric Response to the 2017 Great American Eclipse"

SOLA-05 Cucho-Padin, Gonzalo, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Student IN poster competition, "Time-dependent tomographic hydrogen density estimation and its role in the ring current decay after storm-time"

SOLA-06 Kordella, Lee, Virginia Tech, Student IN poster competition,"Distributed High-Frequency Soudings of the Ionosphere During the 2017 Solar Eclipse"

SOLA-07 Moses, Magdalina, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), Student IN poster competition, "Analysis of the August 2017 Eclipse’s Effect on Radio Wave Propagation Employing a Raytrace Algorithm"

SOLA-08 Mrak, Sebastijan, Boston University, Student IN poster competition, "Direct EUV/X-ray Modulation of the Ionosphere during the August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse"


Sprites (2 of 4 posters in competition)

SPRT-01 Liu, Ningyu, The University of New Hampshire, Non-student, "Branching of sprite streamers propagating at an angle from the vertical diection"

SPRT-02 Boggs, Levi, Florida institute of technology, Student IN poster competition, "A high speed spectroscopy system for observing transient luminous events"

SPRT-03 Pasko, Victor, Penn State University, Non-student, "Photoionization of metallic species at sprite altitudes by far-UV emissions of LBH band system of molecular nitrogen"

SPRT-04 Janalizadeh Choobbasti, Reza, Pennsylvania State University, Student IN poster competition, "Necessary Conditions for Initiation of Sprite Streamers"


Stratosphere Studies and Below (1 of 1 posters in competition)

STRB-01 Shiben, Elliot, Hampton University, Student IN poster competition, "Investigating Atmospheric Coupling in the stratosphere Using Gravity Wave Observations from the CIPS RAA Data Product and AIRS."