CEDAR Prize Lectures
The CEDAR Prize lecture was instituted in 1989 and honors a recent outstanding science contribution of importance to the CEDAR community. The recipient of the award presents an invited plenary lecture at the annual CEDAR workshop in June on the research contribution for which they were nominated.
The CEDAR Prize Lecture is open to non-U.S. citizens as well as U.S. citizens, provided a strong connection to the CEDAR community can be demonstrated. The nomination should be based on significant research reported in a peer-reviewed publication(s) within the four years prior to the June CEDAR workshop.
A nomination consists of three items:
- Name of nominee;
- Paper citation(s); and
- A maximum 1-page statement of why the research is important and relevant to the CEDAR community by, for example, relating the contribution to the Strategic Thrusts detailed in the CEDAR: The New Dimension, Strategic Vision.
List of Prize Lectures
The following is a list of the CEDAR Prize Lecturers and titles of their talks. The annual CEDAR video tapes started to include the CEDAR Prize Lecture beginning in 1991, with hard copies of the Prize Lecture available beginning in 1992, on-line .pdfs starting in 2000, and on-line CEDAR videos starting in 2010
1) 1989, Arthur Richmond (HAO/NCAR) - Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics
2) 1990, Michael Mendillo (Boston U) - The Discovery of a Sodium Magneto-Nebula Around Jupiter
3) 1991, Craig Heinselmann (SRI International) - Sondrestrom MUSCOX
4) 1992, Colin Hines (Arecibo Obs) - The Doppler Spreading Theory of Gravity Wave Spectra (pdf)
5) 1993, John Cho (Arecibo Obs), Radar Scattering from the Coldest Place in our Atmosphere: Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes (pdf)
6) 1994, Raymond Roble (HAO/NCAR), Modelling the Circulation, Temperature and Compositional Structure of the Upper Atmosphere (30-500km) (pdf)
7)1995, David Fritts (U of Colorado) - Modeling of Gravity Wave and Instability Processes in the Middle Atmosphere (pdf)
8) 1996, Chester Gardner (U of Illinois) - The ALOHA/ANLC-93 Campaigns (pdf)
9) 1997, Bela Fejer (Utah State U) - Multi-Instrument Studies of Ionospheric Electrodynamics (pdf)
10) 1998, Gary Swenson (U of Illinois) - A Model for Calculating Acoustic Gravity Wave Energy and Momentum Flux in the Mesosphere from OH Airglow (pdf)
11) 1999, David Hysell (Clemson University) - A New Look at Low- and Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Irregularities.
12) 2000, Joshua Semeter (SRI International) - The Information Content of the Aurora (pdf)
13) 2001, Hans Mayr (Goddard Space Flight Center) - Modelling wave driven non-linear flow oscillations: The terrestrial QBO, and a solar analog (pdf)
In 2002, no CEDAR prize winner was selected, but we had two science talks by:
- Nestor Aponte (Arecibo Observatory) - (N. Aponte, M. P. Sulzer and S. A. Gonzalez), "Correction of the Jicamarca Te/Ti ratio problem: Verifying the effect of electron Coulomb collisions on the incoherent scatter spectrum" (pdf)
- Victor Pasko (CSSL Laboratory, Penn Sate University) - (V. Pasko, M. Stanley, J. Mathews, U. Inan and T. Wood), Electrical Discharge from a Thundercloud Top to the Lower Ionosphere (pdf)
14) 2003, Chiao-Yao (Joe) She, (Colorado State University) - Climatology and variability in the mesopause region over Colorado: Sodium lidar observation of temperature and winds (pdf)
15) 2004, Maura Hagan, (High Altitude Observatory, National Center for Atmospheric Research) - Tidal Coupling in the Earth's Atmosphere (pdf)
16) 2005, James Hecht (Aerospace Corporation) - TOMEX (Turbulent Oxygen Mixing Experiment): A Rocket/Ground-Based Experiment to Study Instabilities over the MALT (Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere) (pdf) by J. Hecht, R. Walterscheid, J. Clemmons, C. Gardner, A. Liu, G. Papen, G. Swenson, M. Larsen, R. Bishop and R. Roble
17) 2006, Erhan Kudeki (University of Illinois) - Incoherent Scatter Radar Perpendicular to B (pdf)
18) 2007, John Plane (University of Leeds, UK) - Meteoric Smoke - Where on Earth is it? (pdf)
19) 2008, Sharon Vadas (Colorado Research Association) - The coupling of the lower atmosphere to the thermosphere via gravity wave excitation, propagation and dissipation (pdf)
20) 2009, Michael Nicolls (SRI International) - New Observational Capabilities for Studying the Lower Ionosphere using Incoherent Scatter Radar (pdf)
21) 2010, Paul Bernhardt (Naval Research Lab) - Using Active Experiments to SEE and HEAR the Ionosphere (view video)
22) 2011, Joseph D Huba (Naval Research Laboratory) - Modeling Global Ionospheric Phenomena (view video)
23) 2012, Larisa Goncharenko (MIT), Stratospheric warmings and their Effects in the Ionosphere (view video)
24) 2013, Jorge (Koki) Chau (Jicamarca Radio Observatory), 150-km echoes and their relevance to Aeronomy (view video)
25) 2014, Jeff Forbes (U CO) et al., Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling by Tides and Planetary Waves (view video)
26) 2015, Jonathan Makela (U IL), Thermospheric dynamics as observed through the lens of networked FPIs (view video)
27) 2016, Meers Oppenheim (BU), Simulating the Ionosphere, one electron at a time (view video)
28.) 2017, Delores Knipp (CU Boulder), Nitric Oxide: How the thermosphere 'fights back' during intense storms (view video)
29) 2018, Hanli Liu (High Altitude Observatory/NCAR), Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model--eXtended (WACCM-X): Development, Validation and Capabilities (view video)
30) 2019, Xinzhao Chu (University of Colorado, Boulder) Coupling from the Atmosphere to Geospace in Antarctica (view video)
31) 2020, Martin Mlynczak (NASA Langley Research Center) (Prize lecture was given in 2021 due to covid-19) Energy Balance and Long-Term Change in the Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (view video)
32) 2022 Larry Lyons (UCLA) Reading the Aurora: A tool for Interconnections (view video)
33) 2023 Ruth Lieberman (NASA) The Role of Tides and Planetary Waves in Atmospheric Vertical Coupling (view video)