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2009 Workshop Agenda

CEDAR 2009

28 June - 2 July 2009
Santa Fe, New Mexico

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Sunday 28 June 2009

Zia Room CEDAR Student Workshop (Non-students Welcome)

Theme - Instrumentation: How Can We Probe the Upper Atmosphere?

Co-Chairs M Milla (U IL) and J Fentzke (U CO) (CEDAR student reps)
08:00-09:00 Breakfast, Registration, Sign Travel Vouchers in concourses, Put up Posters in Pavilion  
09:00-09:10 Student welcome from NSF R Behnke/R Robinson (NSF)
09:10-09:30 Introduction to the CEDAR program (pdf) J Thayer (CSSC chair)
09:30-09:40 Agenda information and organizational details J. Fentzke and M. Milla (CSSC student reps)
09:40-10:40 Keynote Talk #1: A historical overview on aeronomy instrumentation (pdf) Mike Kelley (Cornell)
10:40-10:55 --- Break ---  
10:55-11:55 Student Tutorials 1  
  Zia: Radars: Powerful tools to study the upper atmosphere (pdf) Jorge Chau (Jicamarca)/Roger Varney (Cornell U.)
  Sunset: A New Horizon: LIDAR Exploration of Atmosphere and Space (pdf) Xinzhao Chu/Wentao Huang (U CO)
  Anasazi North: In situ Measurements in the Ionosphere and Thermosphere on Satellites (pdf) Robert Pfaff (GSFC)
11:55-13:30 Lunch on own at area restaurants  
13:30-14:30 Student Tutorials 2  
  Zia: Using GPS Receivers to Study the Upper Atmosphere  (pdf) Jonathan Makela (U IL)
  Sunset: All-sky imaging techniques to study the upper atmosphere (pdf) Carlos Martinis (BU)
  Anasazi North: Rocket Instrumentation for the mesosphere and thermosphere (pdf) Gerald Lehmacher (Clemson)
14:30-14:45 --- Break ---  
14:45-15:45 Keynote Talk #2: Next-Generation Instruments for Geospace Science (pdf) John Foster (MIT)
15:45 Adjourn  
16:00-19:00 Free time for student recreation (Annual CEDAR Soccer Game, Ultimate Frisbee; 16:30-17:30: volleyball or swimming ($1.85 pp, bring towel), etc) Ft. Marcy Park baseball field

Ft. Marcy Recreation Center

19:30-21:00 Reception Buffet for all participants (Posters can be posted in the Pavilion all day) Anasazi/Zia
19:30-21:30 CSSC Dinner Meeting Santa Fe Bar and Grill

Monday 29 June 2009

0715-0800 Breakfast/registration Anasazi concourse
0800-0810 Welcome from NSF/CSSC Behnke (NSF)/Thayer (CSSC)
0810-0820 Introduction of students by institution J Fentzke (U CO)
0820-0905 CEDAR Prize Lecture: New Observational Capabilities for Studying the Lower Ionosphere using Incoherent Scatter Radar (pdf) M Nicolls (SRI)
0905-0915 Report of student workshop M Milla (U IL)
0915-0930 Update from NSF C Fesen (NSF)
0930-1000 Break (Posters must be in Pavilion)  
1000-1020 Programmatic #1: CEDAR Strategic Plan (pdf) J Thayer (CSSC chair)
1020-1040 Science Highlight #1: Lightning-related transient luminous events at high altitude in the Earth’s atmosphere (pdf) V Pasko (PSU)
1040-1100 Science Highlight #2: The role of Incoherent Scatter Radars during the International Polar Year: Past successes and future plans A van Eyken (SRI)
1100-1300 lunch on own (or free CEDAR bus trip to Tin-Nee-Ann souvenir shop)  
1300-1500 Anasazi South: CEDAR and ITM Strategic Planning  J Thayer and L Paxton
1300-1500 Anasazi North: South American initiative to study the causal linkage between thermospheric gravity wave activity and equatorial spread F development (Part 1) J Meriwether, Fritts, Mendillo, Makela, Gerrard, Valladares
1300-1500 Zia: Magnetosphere Ionosphere Coupling (Part 1) J Semeter and W Bristow
1300-1500 Sunset: Ionosphere/Thermosphere (IT) Modeling J Huba, A Ridley, R Schunk
1500-1600 networking break (coffee only)  
1600-1900 Poster session #1 (MLT) and reception Pavilion
1930-2130 Anasazi South: CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere Modeling Challenge M Kuznetsova, Emery, Sojka, Holt, Lei
1930-2130 Anasazi North: S American g waves and spread F (Part 2) J Meriwether, Fritts, Mendillo, Makela, Gerrard, Valladares
1930-2130 Zia: Magnetosphere Ionosphere Coupling (Part 2) J Semeter and W Bristow

Tuesday 30 June 2009

0715-0800 Breakfast Anasazi concourse
0800-0900 Tutorial #1: Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) Studies of the Upper Atmosphere (pdf) D Marsh (NCAR)
0900-0920 CEDAR Post-Doc Final Report #1: Coordinated Space-Based Observations of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Using TIMED/GUVI and DMSP (pdf) J Comberiate (JHU/APL)
0920-0930 CEDAR Post-Doc Interim Report #1: Modulations of the longitudinal structure in F2 peak height in the equatorial ionosphere G Liu (UCB)
0930-1000 Break  
1000-1010 Programmatic #2: AMPERE: Active Magnetosphere and Planetary Electrodynamics Response Experiment (pdf) B Anderson (JHU/APL)
1010-1020 Programmatic #3: Mid-latitude SuperDARN Radar Infrastructure for the Study of Ionospheric Electrodynamics and Atmospheric Processes on Global Scales W Bristow (U AK)
1020-1040 Science Highlight #3: Measuring MLT Winds by Tracking Meteor Trails with Incoherent Scatter Radar: A New Method Observes Rapidly Changing Winds Exceeding 500km/Hr M Oppenheim (BU)
1040-1050 Programmatic #4: Achievements in Equatorial Aeronomy in Africa (pdf) R Smith (U AK)
1050-1100 Programmatic #5: The Benefits of Scientific Instrumentation in Africa (pdf) Yizengaw/Makela
1100-1300 lunch on own  
1300-1500 Anasazi South: Upper Atmosphere Facilities (UAF) - Integrating Management, Operations, and Science A vanEyken and J Foster
1300-1500 Anasazi North: Ionospheric electrodynamics and disturbances and middle and low latitudes during magnetic storms C-S Huang, N Maruyama, T Fuller-Rowell
1300-1500 Zia: Meteors and the Upper Atmosphere L Dyrud and D Janches
1300-1500 Sunset: Atomic Hydrogen in the Thermosphere and Exosphere E Mierkiewicz
1500-1600 networking break (coffee only)  
1600-1900 Poster session #2 (non-MLT) and reception (all posters down by ~2030-2130, competition posters must remain up until ~2000-2100) Pavilion
1930-2130 Anasazi South: The equatorial ionosphere during solar minimum - CNOFS and Jicamarca Amigos (Part 1) O de la Beaujardiere, D Hysell, J Chau
1930-2130 Anasazi North: Small-Scale Dynamics of the MLT: Observation, Modeling, and Theory J Snively, D Fritts, M Taylor
1930-2130 Zia A: M-I Coupling at the Plasmasphere Boundary Layer A Coster and J M Ruohoniemi
1930-2130 Zia B+C: Comparative meteor science - The effects of meteoroids on planetary atmospheres and ionospheres P Withers and M Oppenheim
1930-2130 Sunset: Measurement and Modeling of Neutral Winds in the MLT and IT Regions G Crowley, Ridley, Kelley, Meriwether, Drob, Earle, Huang

Wednesday 01 July 2009

0715-0830 Breakfast Anasazi concourse
0715-0830 Student Breakfast with NSF Sunset
0830-0930 Tutorial #2: Electrodynamics in the Mid-Latitudes (pdf) A Coster (MIT)
0930-0940 Announcement of poster prize winners D Janches, W Bristow, JM Ruohoniemi, S Skone
0940-1000 break  
1000-1020 Science Highlight #4: Comparative Aeronomy (pdf) Nagy/Mendillo
1020-1040 Science Highlight #5: Impact of high speed solar wind streams on the thermosphere/ionosphere (pdf) J Lei (U CO)
1040-1055 Science Highlight #6: Evidence that the Great Siberian Impact was Due to a Comet (pdf) M Kelley (Cornell)
1055-1100 Announcement of new CSSC members and other interesting news (pdf) R Behnke (NSF)
1100-1105  Resolute Incoherent Scatter Radar (RISR) (pdf) E Donovan (U Calgary, Canada)
1105-1300 lunch on own  
1100-1300 CSSC lunch Georgia O'Keefe Cafe
1300-1500 Anasazi South: Passive optical calibration techniques and error assessment (Part 1) J Baumgardner and S Nossal
1300-1500 Anasazi North: GOLD Community Interactions A Burns and R Eastes
1300-1500 Zia: Ionosphere and Mesosphere Polar Aeronomy Campaign (IMPAC) 2009 Q Wu and W Wang
1300-1500 Sunset: The equatorial ionosphere during solar minimum - CNOFS and Jicamarca Amigos (Part 2) O de la Beaujardiere, D Hysell, J Chau
1500-1600 networking break  
1600-1800 Anasazi South: Passive optical calibration techniques and error assessment (Part 2) J Baumgardner and S Nossal
1600-1800 Anasazi North: Estimating Physical Drivers from Ionospheric Imaging and Data Assimilation G Bust and A Komjathy
1600-1800 Zia: Thermospheric and ionospheric effects of solar wind shocks and pressure pulses during the declining phase of solar cycle 23 D Knipp and C Huang
1600-1800 Sunset: World Day Planning I Haggstrom
1800-2030 dinner on own  
2030-2130 CEDAR Distinguished Lecture (canceled until 2010): The NCAR Thermospheric General Circulation Models (TGCMs): Past, Present and Future (pdf) R Roble (NCAR)

Thursday 02 July 2009

0715-0800 Breakfast Anasazi concourse
0800-0900 Tutorial #3: Strategies for Successful CubeSat Development (pdf) J Puig-Suari (Cal Poly)
0900-0920 CEDAR Post-Doc Final Report #3: Imaging studies of ionospheric instabilities (pdf) C Martinis (BU)
0920-0930 CEDAR Post-Doc Interim Report #2: Nocturnal oxygen spatial heterodyne interferometry techniques (pdf) S Briczinski(U WI)
0930-1000 Break  
1000-1020 Science Highlight #7: New Results from the C/NOFS Program (pdf) R Heelis (UTD)
1020-1040 Science Highlight #8: Connections between the stratosphere and ionosphere L Goncharenko (MIT)
1040-1050 Programmatic #6: RAIDS Preview: Lower Thermosphere/Ionosphere Observations and Potential Collaborations (pdf) R Bishop (Aero)
1050-1100 Programmatic #7: Strategy for a New Dimension (SAND) of CEDAR (pdf) J Thayer (CSSC Chair)
1050-1230 shorter lunch on own  
1230-1700 Possible extra-curricular tour with the bus  
1230-1430 Anasazi South: Arecibo Friends (Part 1) M Sulzer
1230-1430 Anasazi North: Cubesat Constellations and Communications (Part 1) G Swenson and D Klumpar
1230-1430 Zia: Science Rational for an Antarctic ISR (Part 1) A Stromme, van Eyken, Kelly, Clauer, Sanchez
1230-1430 Sunset: Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response to Large Stratospheric Changes (Part 1) L Goncharenko, J Chau, H Liu
1430-1500 short networking break  
1500-1700 Anasazi South: Arecibo Friends (Part 2) M Sulzer
1500-1700 Anasazi North: Cubesat Constellations and Communications (Part 2) G Swenson and D Klumpar
1500-1700 Zia: Science Rational for an Antarctic ISR (Part 2) A Stromme, van Eyken, Kelly, Clauer, Sanchez
1500-1700 Sunset: Ionospheric and Thermospheric Response to Large Stratospheric Changes (Part 2) L Goncharenko, J Chau, H Liu