2019 IT Poster List
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(35 of 78 posters in competition, 8 students NOT in competition, 34 Non-student)
IRRI Irregularities of Ionosphere or Atmosphere (13 of 22 posters in competition)
IRRI01 Bernstein, Valerie, University of Colorado Boulder, Student IN poster competition, "Investigating Atmospheric Drag Coefficient Composition Sensitivities"
IRRI02 HONG, CHENG MING, National Central University, Student IN poster competition, "Characteristics of Es and F layer observed by CODAR SeaSonde HF radar"
IRRI03 Chen, Shih-Ping, National Cheng Kung University, Non-student, "Global scintillation occurrence calculated by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC S4-index"
IRRI04 Coppeans, Thomas, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Student IN poster competition, "GNSS TEC and Scintillation Variations Following Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Enhancement"
IRRI05 Goodwin, Lindsay, Boston University, Non-student, "The role of substorms in polar cap patch formation"
IRRI06 Elliott, John, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Student IN poster competition, "Observations of Spatiotemporally local Strucure in the Thermosphere over Alaska"
IRRI07 Horton, Wendell, Applied Research Laboratory, Non-student, "Auroral beads first stage of Substorm Onset"
IRRI08 Smith, Jonathon, NASA Goddard Space flight Center and Catholic University of America, Student IN poster competition, "Equatorial Plasma Bubble Growth: Preliminary Numerical Assessment"
IRRI09 Lamarche, Leslie, SRI International, Non-student, "Analysis of plasma irregularities on a range of scintillation-scales using the Resolute Bay Incoherent Scatter Radars"
IRRI10 Irvin, Robert, University of Illinois Urbana - Champaign, Student NOT in poster competition, "A study of Polar Cap Patches using RISR"
IRRI11 Young, Matthew, University of New Hampshire, Non-student, "The Farley-Buneman Spectrum in 2-D and 3-D PIC Simulations"
IRRI12 Ren, Jiaen, University of MichiganAnn Arbor, Student IN poster competition, "Multi-scale Observations of High-Latitude Ionosphere Plasma Transport During Oct. 12, 2016 Geomagnetic Storm"
IRRI13 Yang, Zhe, "University of Colorado, Boulder", Non-student, "A Global View of Ionospheric Response Impacts on Kinematic GPS Positioning during the 2015 St Patrick's Day Storm"
IRRI14 VAGGU, PRALAY RAJ, EMBRY RIDDLE AERONAUTICAL UNIVERSITY, Student IN poster competition, "A case study to understand the ionospheric structures over Poker Flat Research Range using forward propagation model SIGMA and Configuration Space Model"
IRRI15 Zhan, Weijia, The University of Texas at Dallas, Student IN poster competition, "MELISSA studies of equatorial spread F: Post-midnight events"
IRRI16 Smith, Dallin, University of Utah, Student NOT in poster competition, "FDTD Modeling of HF Waves Through Ionospheric Plasma Irregularities"
IRRI17 Lopez, Aurora, Illinois Institute of Technology, Student IN poster competition, "Overview of scintillation events due to E region and F region as inferred from SAGA"
IRRI18 Mrak, Sebastijan, Boston University, Student IN poster competition, "Multi-scale denisty irregularities at mid-latitudes: GPS scintillation imaging"
IRRI19 Rojas Villalba, Enrique, Cornell University, Student IN poster competition, "Hybrid Simulations of Farley Buneman Instabilities in the Auroral E Region"
IRRI20 Shahbazi, Anahita, Oregon State University, Student IN poster competition, "An effective technique for isolation of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances from GNSS-derived Total Electron Content measurements"
IRRI21 Wang, Jack, University of Colorado Boulder, Student IN poster competition, "ROTI estimation by dual-frequency GPS receiver measurements during magnetic storms"
IRRI22 Joshi, Dev, Boston College, Student IN poster competition, "Peak Height Distributions of Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities deduced from the C/NOFS satellite mission"
ITIT Instruments or Techniques for Ionospheric or Thermospheric Observation (5 of 16 posters in competition)
ITIT01 Yellu, Augustine, Virginia Tech, Student NOT in poster competition, "Observations of Second Harmonic Generation in Stimulated Electromagnetic Emissions during Ionospheric Heating"
ITIT02 LIAO, CHI-TING, "National Central University, NCU", Student IN poster competition, "Performance Assessment and Improvements for the FORMOSAT-5 Onboard Orbit Propagator Using GPS Ephemeris"
ITIT03 De La Jara, César, Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Student NOT in poster competition, "Ionospheric Echoes Detection in Digital Ionograms Using Convolutional Neural Networks"
ITIT04 Breitsch, Brian, "University of Colorado, Boulder", Student IN poster competition, "False Detection of Ionosphere-Induce GNSS Cycle Slips at High-Latitude"
ITIT05 Longley, William, Boston University, Student NOT in poster competition, "Electron collision effects on ISR temperature measurements of the ionosphere."
ITIT06 LeMay, Meghan, Boston University, Student IN poster competition, "Northern Alaska Receiver Comparison"
ITIT07 Malins, Joseph, University of New Mexico, Student NOT in poster competition, "Three Dimensional Mapping of Lightning Produced Ionospheric Reflections
ITIT09 Oborn, Benjamin, Utah State University, Student NOT in poster competition, "Gridded Retarding Ion Drift Sensor (GRIDS) for PetitSat"
ITIT10 KE, KAI-Jun, National Central University, Student IN poster competition, "Using two dimensional autocorrelation method to improve the performance of automatic algorithm on ionogram"
ITIT11 Hoffmann, Alex, European Space Agency, Non-student, "Daedalus: ESA's Earth Explorer 10 mission candidate for thermosphere-ionosphere studies"
ITIT12 Kumar, Narender, IIT DELHI INDIA, Student IN poster competition, "Ion acoustic terahertz generation by a femtosecond laser pulse in plasma"
ITIT13 Akbari, Hassan, University of Colorado, Non-student, "In-situ electron density from Langmuir waves: the influence of the spacecraft wake"
ITIT14 Forsythe, Victoriya, Geophysical Institute, Non-student, "Comparison of Ionospheric Electron Density Retrieved from Spire Global Radio Occultation Data with Arecibo Incoherent Scatter Radar and Ionosonde Measurements"
ITIT16 Mehta, Piyush, West Virginia University, Non-student, "On Deriving Self-consistent, High-accuracy Mass Density Measurements"
ITIT17 Chen, ZhiQing, "National Space Science Center, CAS", Non-student, "The Chinese Merdian Project for Space Weather Monitoring"
MDIT MidLatitude Thermosphere or Ionosphere (3 of 10 posters in competition)
MDIT01 Debchoudhury, Shantanab, Virginia Tech, Non-student, "A Machine Learning-based study of TEC variations in response to large equinoctial geomagnetic storms"
MDIT02 Chakraborty, Shibaji, Virginia Tech., Student NOT in poster competition, "A Study of Solar Flare Effects on Mid and High Latitude Radio Wave Propagation using SuperDARN"
MDIT03 Weimer, Daniel, Virginia Tech, Non-student, A High-Resolution Model of Exospheric Temperatures"
MDIT04 Ponder, Brandon, University of Michigan, St"udent IN poster competition, "Solving for the Thermal Conductivity Coefficients Experimentally"
MDIT05 Yonker, Justin, Hollins University, Non-student, "Retrieval of Thermospheric Atomic Nitrogen using Preassociative Nitric Oxide Delta Band Emissions"
MDIT06 Joshi, Pratik, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Student IN poster competition, "Parametric estimation of neutral hydrogen density using proton continuity balance with TIMED/GUVI and SAMI3"
MDIT07 Jonah, Olusegun, MIT, Non-student, "Source Investigation and analysis of TIDs over equatorial and low-latitude regions"
MDIT08 Jonah, Olusegun, MIT, Non-student, "Dynamic response of ionospheric plasma density to the geomagnetic storm of 22-23 June 2015"
MDIT09 Liu, Lei, University of Michigan, Student IN poster competition, "Ionosphere responses to the May 2017 magnetic storm: Results from multi-instrumental observations over the Chinese sector"
MDIT10 Leonard, Thomas, QinetiQ Ltd, Non-student, "Comparative testing of electron density assimilative models"
MITC Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling (11 of 22 posters in competition)
MITC01 Moser, Chrystal, Dartmouth College, Student IN poster competition, "CAPER-2 and TRICE-2 Sounding Rocket Investigations: Wave-Particle and Wave-Wave Interactions in the Polar Cusp"
MITC02 Kilcommons, Liam, "University of Colorado, Boulder", Non-student, "Poynting Flux from DMSP in Auroral Boundary Coordinates"
MITC03 Albarran, Robert, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Student IN poster competition, "Kinetic modeling of auroral ion outflows"
MITC04 Chatterjee, Kausik, "NASA, GSFC", Non-student, "A Hydrodynamic Model for Plasmasphere Refilling Following Geomagnetic Storms"
MITC05 Blandin, Matthew, Geophysical Institute, Student IN poster competition, "Time History Observations of Barium Releases from the C-REX Mission and their Relevance to the Ionosphere CUSP Region Density Anomaly"
MITC06 Chen, Yun-Ju, University of Texas at Dallas, Non-student, "Characteristics of meso-scale structures in the high-latitude ionosphere"
MITC07 Diaz Pena, Joaquin, Boston University, Student IN poster competition, "Small-scale convection cells in the polar ionosphere: Origins and implications for energy dissipation"
MITC08 Kunduri, Bharat, Virginia Tech, Non-student, "An examination of inner-magnetosphere shielding by Region-2 Field-Aligned Currents"
MITC09 Hogan, Benjamin, Dartmouth College, Student IN poster competition, "Alfvenic heating as a source of thermospheric density anomalies"
MITC10 Lejosne, Solene, UC Berkeley, Non-student, "Electric Drift Morphology According to Van Allen Probes Measurements"
MITC11 Lin, Meiyun, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Student IN poster competition, "Determine the role of nitrogen ions in the ionospheric outflow"
MITC12 Liang, Jun, University of Calgary, Non-student, "On the spectra and emission altitudes of STEVE: A case study"
MITC13 Shi, Yining, University of Colorado Boulder, Student IN poster competition, "Hemispheric Asymmetries in High-latitude Field-aligned Currents (FACs) Revealed by Inverse and Assimilative Analysis of AMPERE Magnetometer Data"
MITC14 Maruyama, Naomi, CU, Non-student, "On the factors that control plasmaspheric ion composition"
MITC15 Wu, Haonan, Clemson University, Student IN poster competition, "Localized Neutral Temperature Responses to Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling A Mechanism Study of Temperature Inversion Layer"
MITC16 Maute, Astrid, NCAR, Non-student, "Simulating magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling via field-aligned current"
MITC17 Zhu, Qingyu, University of Texas at Arlington, Student IN poster competition, "Impacts of binning methods on high-latitude electrodynamics: Static vs boundary-oriented binning"
MITC18 Ozturk, Dogacan, "Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology", Non-student, "A case study of meso-scale electric fields and their effects on the I-T system"
MITC19 Sivadas, Nithin, Boston University, Student IN poster competition, "Optical Signature of Outer Radiation Belt Boundary"
MITC20 Wang, Boyi, Boston University, Non-student, "Ionosphere modulation by Pc5 ULF waves and wave structure detected by PFISR"
MITC21 Wang, Zihan, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Student IN poster competition, "Storm-Enhanced Density (SED) Formation and Structuring During the September 7, 2017 Geomagnetic Storm"
MITC22 Zou, Ying, Boston University, Non-student, "Effects of substorms on high-latitude upper thermospheric winds"
POLA Polar Aeronomy (3 of 9 posters in competition)
POLA01 Frissell, Nathaniel, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Non-student, "Measuring Ionospheric Variability Using HF Signals of Opportunity in the Antarctic"
POLA02 Branning, Kylee, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Student IN poster competition, "Comparison between 1-D and 4-D Ground Based Height Profiling Techniques to Resolve Altitude Variations of Neutral Winds in the Lower Thermosphere"
POLA03 Fritz, Bruce, U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Non-student, "UV Tomography in the Cusp"
POLA04 Kjellstrand, Carl, Columbia University, Student IN poster competition, "High resolution Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities observed during the 2018 PMC Turbo flight"
POLA05 Kiene, Andrew, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Non-student, "The effect of sustained magnetic activity on Joule heating rates in the polar cap"
POLA06 Itani, Rajan, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Student IN poster competition, "Characterizing unexpected slowing of the Cross Polar Jet over Alaska in the midnight sector"
POLA07 Lin, Cissi, University of Texas at Arlington, Non-student, "Effects of Energetic Particle Precipitations on Thermospheric Nitric Oxide Cooling"
POLA08 Reyes, Pablo, SRI International, Non-student, "Overview of PFISR D-region capabilities"
POLA09 Wu, Qian, NCAR, Non-student, "New HIWIND Obsevational Results from 2018 Flight"