2018 Workshop Summary
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The NSF Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) upper atmospheric community met from Sunday, June 24 through Friday, June 29 at the Eldorado and Hilton hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) workshop took place in Hilton hotel in Santa Fe, NM, the week before CEDAR from 17-22 June, 2018. A GEM-CEDAR committee was formed, which organized the common GEM/CEDAR day on Saturday 23 June, 2018 in the Eldorado hotel. The common day was very well received. It was attended by 128 people and registration was provided for free at the GEM conference website. The GEM/CEDAR committee decided on common overarching science topics, solicited speakers and allotted enough time for discussion. To compensate for the more structured format, the GEM/CEDAR committee provided an upload site on the agenda to which community members could upload 2-3 slides. The moderators could consider to include the slides in the discussion. Each session had a GEM and a CEDAR associated moderator. The GEM/CEDAR day topics were “Multiscale aspects of the energy budget”, “Interhemispheric processes, hemispheric symmetries & asymmetries”, “What is needed to make progress?” and “Data Science in Geospace”. The schedule with the uploaded presentations can be seen here.
A total of 338 participants registered via the CEDAR website among them 114 CEDAR students. The number of participants is up from 2017 with 325 participants, in 2016 (345 participants) which was a joint GEM-CEDAR workshop and in 2015 (348 participants). The number of students is steady with 114 students; 2017 (114 students), 2016 (136 students) and 2015 (143 students). The CEDAR participants came from 90 different institutions which is an increase from the 86 (2017) and 76 institutions in 2016. The participants were from 12 different countries, from the USA , Canada, Germany, India, Peru, South Korea, Taiwan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Norway, Sweden, Argentina. In 2018 there were 22 international institutions presented at CEDAR. This is a slight increase from previous years with 20 (2017), 13 (2016), 17 (2015), but lower that in 2014 with 25 institutions. There were 57 universities (49 in 2017; 50 in 2016), 26 laboratories and observatories (16 in 2017; 20 in 2016), and 7 businesses (11 in 2017; 6 in 2016) presented at the CEDAR workshop.
Overall 82 participants were new to the CEDAR workshop (69 in 2017; 69 in 2016). 51 of first time attendants were students (45% of all students). There were 9 undergraduate students (12 in 2017; 16 in 2016), and 18 students (21 in 2017; 19 in 2016, 15 in 2015) came from 13 foreign institutions (15 in 2017; 11 in 2016) and including one student from the Jicamarca Observatory. The number of undergraduates declined to 9, the number of foreign students steadily is steady. Since funding depended on presenting a poster, all students presented a poster at the poster sessions, and 1 student presented 2 posters. All poster presenters got wiki logins to be able to upload their posters, which was required for the 94 students in the student poster competition. 38 non-student posters (45 in 2017; 50 in 2016, 50 in 2015) were presented or about 25% of the total CEDAR posters.
Due to reduced CEDAR budget the number of students who receive travel support had to be limited. In 2018, the CSSC developed a set of criteria which is available at the CEDAR website. Only students who present a poster can receive support. Approximately 7.5% of the total funding is allocated to students residing outside the US and can receive lodging support. The remaining funds support students residing within the US. From these funds 10% goes to undergraduates, and then 35%, 25% and 15% to first, second and more than 2-times recipients of CEDAR financial support, respectively. The remaining 15% can be used to evenly distribute funding, e.g., with respect to geographic location, adviser. In 2018, 119 students applied for funding by the March 16, 2018 deadline. Among them were 28 students from aboard, and 91 residing within the US. They were from 77 unique CEDAR advisers and from 42 different institutions. 88 PhD students, 19 MS and 1 MA student, 5 BS and 5 BA students applied. There were 84 male and 29 female students with 6 not identifying their gender. There were 78 students selected for support; 68 students residing within the US, and 10 students outside the US. 71% of selected students were male and 25% female. 6 undergraduates, 62 graduates from within the US, and 10 graduate students residing outside the US were supported. The students came from 23 domestic institutions, and 7 international institutions. We were fortunate that in 2018 remaining funds from the previous funded proposal period could be carried over to support additional students. All the students who did not receive travel support were notified of the additional funding which lead to an additional 36 student receiving support, and a total of 114 supported students.
There were 151 posters (2017: 153 posters; 2016: 171 posters) at two poster sessions from 4-7 PM on Tuesday and Wednesday, where the CEDAR posters were separated into 67 Mesosphere-Lower-Thermosphere (MLT), Solar-terrestrial Interaction & coupling, and data assimilation posters on Tuesday and 84 Ionosphere-Thermosphere (IT) posters on Wednesday. There were 110 CEDAR student presenters, including 7 undergraduate posters. 94 posters were in the student poster competition. Prizes were a certificate, and one of the text books "Ionospheres: Physics, Plasma Physics, and Chemistry" courtesy of co-author Bob Schunk (USU), the e-book “Understanding Space Weather and the Physics Behind It” courtesy of author Delores Knipp (CU Boulder) and books from the "Heliophysics" series (edited by Karel Schrijver, George Sisco, Fran Bagenal, and Jan Sojka) for the first place winners.
First Place IT Winner
Hannah Holt (U. of Colorado, Boulder) with EQIT-09 (pdf)
Second Place IT Winner
Qingyu Zhu (U. of Texas, Arlington) with MITC-25 (pdf)
Honorable Mention
William Longley (Boston University) with ITIT-14 (pdf)
Undergraduate Honorable Mention
Robert Irvin (Perdue University) with MITC-11 (pdf)
Undergraduate MLT Honorable Mention
Gabrielle Guttormsen (Boston University) with METR-01 (pdf)
Graduate MLT Honorable Mention
Komal Kumari (Clemson University) with MLTT-03 (pdf)
Second Place MLT Winner
Chih-Ting Hsu (National Central University, Taiwan) with DATA-01 (pdf)
First Place Winner in MLT
Gonzalo Cucho-Padin (U. of Illinois, Urbana Champaign) with SOLA-05 (pdf)
Thanks to the chief judges: Susan Nossal, Loren Chang, Ethan Miller, Lynn Harvey, and special thanks to the 18 IT and 14 MLT judges for their time and discussions to find the winners. Thanks to all the students who participated in the student poster competition and to their advisors.
Student Workshop
The student workshop was on Sunday under the theme “Fundamentals of Space Physics”. The student workshop was organized by the student representatives, Nithin Sivadas and Megan Burleigh, and was very well attended. This year no presentations were given by students and the students included two Socratic dialogues about “Frontiers of Space Physics: What we know and what we don't?” and “Models and Observations: How to fill the gaps?”. Non-students were welcomed to attend the student workshop. The student day concluded with a local hike. There were two student specific events during the week with “Dine with a Scientist” on Monday and a lunch panel on Tuesday. The new student representative is Matthew Grawe coming in for outgoing Meghan Burleigh.
The 29th CEDAR Prize Lecture was given by Hanli Liu from the High Altitude Observatory/NCAR. Hanli gave a very interesting presentation with the title “Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model--eXtended (WACCM-X): Development, Validation and Capabilities” about the new WACCM-X development. The Distinguished Lecture was postponed to 2019 since the recipient was not available this year. On Tuesday morning the agency update was given by NSF, NASA and AFOSR. For NSF Mike Wiltberger (section head) and Ruth Lieberman (Aeronomy) provided an overview, and John Meriwether (Facilities), Irfan Azeem (Space Weather), Carrie Black (magnetosphere) were present. For NASA Jim Spann gave an update of NASA programs, and for AFOSR Julie Moses provided an overview of the program. Since discussion time was short a town hall was already schedule for Wednesday lunch time. The Town hall gave the community the opportunity to have in depth discussion with NSF represented by all program managers and the section head. The Town hall was attended by approximately 50 people. The workshop included a tutorial about "Multi-scale I-T System Dynamics: Major questions and our approaches" in connection with the Grand Challenge Workshop. The tutorial was scheduled on Monday to make it more convenient for GEM people to attend. The tutorial was split into an introduction (pdf) presented by Aaron Ridley and Toshi Nishimura, a data perspective (pdf) covered by Ryan McGranaghan and a modeling perspective (pdf) given by Matt Zettergren. We had 4 science highlights and 4 early career science highlights. It was the first year time was dedicated to early career scientists science highlight. The combination of senior and more junior presenters worked well. The CEDAR workshop included 28 individual workshops. The 3 finished grand challenge workshops presented their results in the plenary session. In 2018 the CSSC decided to select only one new Grand Challenge (GC) workshops and limit them to 3 years to have more continuity. View a list of GC workshops. In general GC workshops provide a tutorial in the plenary session and meet for 4 hrs, even though in 2018 the newly selected GC workshop met for 6 hrs due to the breath of the topic. The final reports of the three ending GC workshops about “Grand Challenge MLT-X: Frontiers in Science and Sensing” (pdf) and “The High Latitude Geospace System: Frontiers in science and sensing” (pdf) and “Storms and Substorms without Borders” (pdf) were presented at the 2018 CEDAR workshop. The CEDAR Prize lecture and the tutorials were videotaped and are all available at CEDAR Tutorials and Videos page and are also linked on the 2018 Agenda, along with presentation pdfs.
Some workshop presentations are linked to individual workshop pages, where workshop conveners and speakers are encouraged to add .pdf files of their talks to the wiki to make the meeting archive more complete and useful. Apart from the Sunday Student Workshop, there were 28 individual CEDAR workshops, including the one Grand Challenge workshops “Multi scale IT System Dynamics”. We had 31, 38, 26, 31, 24, and 32 individual workshops in 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012, respectively. Participants are encouraged to add content to the Workshop URL which can be accessed via the 2018 workshop agenda, and upload their poster presentations for IT and MLT sessions . All presentations of the plenary session can be viewed on the 2018 workshop agenda page.
The CEDAR workshop included a “Women at CEDAR” breakfast with a panel consisting of Rebecca Bishop, Ruth Lieberman and Tomoko Matsuo. The breakfast from 7:15 to 8:00 AM was at the Chapel in the Eldorado which can fit around 50 people. Sign up was requested since participants were ask to pay for breakfast if they are not staying at the Eldorado hotel. It was advertised one time via the CEDAR e-mail list, and all spots filled up. The participation was not limited to women but due to the title most men did not feel included. While organizing this event it was noticed that most students did not sign up for the cedar e-mail list and therefore do not receive the notifications. At the workshop we told students to sign up for the mailing list. The breakfast was well received and topics discussed was mainly child care. We will explore future event options.