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2007 CEDAR-DASI Workshops

CEDAR 2007

24-29 June 2007
Santa Fe, New Mexico

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Sunday Sessions/Workshops/Tutorials

  • CEDAR Student Workshop: Theme - Winds in the Upper Atmosphere: Physics, Observations, and Empirical Models with conveners R Nikoukar (U IL) and M Nicolls (SRI Intl)
  • Kenote Speech #1: Dynamics of the Thermosphere: J Forbes (U CO) (09:20-10:20)
  • Keynote Speech #2: Neutral winds and their role in ionospheric electrodynamics: A Richmond (NCAR) (10:40-11:40)
  • Wind observations - Rockets: M Larsen (Clemson U) (13:00-13:30)
  • Wind observations - Meteor radars: S Palo (U CO) (13:30-14:00)
  • Measuring Middle Atmosphere Winds With Lasers: C Gardner (U IL) (14:00-14:30)
  • Measurements of High Latitude Winds in Alaska: J Meriwether (Clemson U) (14:50-15:20)
  • Neutral wind models: J Emmert (NRL) (15:20-16:00)

Monday Sessions/Workshops/Tutorials

  • Opening Addresses (Anasazi): NSF and Small Satellites: J Sojka (CSSC), R Behnke (NSF), M Hagan (NCAR) (08:00-08:10)
  • Report on Student Workshop: R Nikoukar (U IL) (08:10-08:20)
  • CEDAR Prize Lecture: Meteoric Smoke - Where on Earth is it?: J Plane (U. of Leeds, UK) (08:30-09:15)
  • CEDAR Post-Doc Report #1: Multi-instrument observations of inner-magnetospheric density structures and dynamics: E Yizengaw (UCLA) (10:15-10:30)
  • NASA Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) ground-based update: D Rusch (U CO) (10:30-10:40)
  • Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory (VSTO) and CEDAR DB update: P Fox (NCAR) (10:40-10:50)
  • NRL Space Science Division Jobs for New PhDs: J Dahlburg (NRL) (10:50-11:00)
  • AS: Putting your degree to work (P Fiske): M Nicolls and R Nikoukar (13:00-15:00)
  • AN: Meteors and the upper atmosphere (3 hr): L Dyrud and S Close (13:00-15:00)
  • Z: Short period gravity waves and their effects in the MLT region: J Snively, T-Y Huang, M Taylor (13:00-15:00)
  • S: Equatorial ionospheric challenges and the C/NOFS mission: Odile de La Beaujardiere et al (13:00-15:00)

Tuesday Sessions/Workshops/Tutorials

  • Tutorial #1: Meteor Science: Diego Janches (CoRA) (08:00-09:00)
  • A: Poker Flat AMISR: The first six months: C Heinselman and M Nicolls (09:30-11:30)
  • Z: Science opportunities with the lidar consortium: D Fritts and C-Y She (09:30-11:30)
  • S: Data assimilation in space sciences: Methods and results I: M Codrescu (09:30-11:30)
  • P: Virtual Solar-Terrestrial Observatory (VSTO) with lunch: P Fox (11:30-13:00)
  • AS: The Poker Flat 2007 Winter Campaign: M Larsen, J Craven, and C Heinselman (13:00-15:00)
  • AN: Friends of Arecibo I (videocon with Arecibo: S Gonzalez (13:00-15:00)
  • Z: CEDAR Lidar technology workshop: X ChuC-Y She, and G Swenson (13:00-15:00)
  • S: Data assimilation in space sciences: Methods and results II: M Codrescu (13:00-15:00)

Wednesday Sessions/Workshops/Tutorials

  • Tutorial #2: State of the art of modeling the Mesosphere: D Siskind (NRL) (08:00-09:00)
  • A: Small Satellites I: D Klumpar, C Swenson, and G Swenson (09:30-11:30)
  • Z: I-T Challenges Based on Continuous Observations Through the IPY (or PRIMO II): J Sojka, A van Eyken, C Heinselman, and J Holt (09:30-11:30)
  • S: Radar chain, satellite observations and modelling of Nov 2004 storm I: M Kelley (09:30-11:30)
  • A: Small Satellites II: D Klumpar, C Swenson, and G Swenson (13:00-15:00)
  • Z: Optical Calibration Techniques and Issues I: S Nossal, J Baumgardner, and M Taylor (13:00-15:00)
  • S: Impact of electric fields during ionospheric storms: C-S Huang and T Fuller-Rowell (13:00-15:00)
  • AS: Jicamarca Amigos: D Hysell and J Chau (16:00-18:00)
  • AN: Optical Calibration Techniques and Issues II: S Nossal, J Baumgardner, and M Taylor (16:00-18:00)
  • Z: Developing a coordinated ground- and space-based community approach to understanding the I-T system: A Mannucci and L Paxton (16:00-18:00)
  • S: Radar chain, satellite observations and modelling of Nov 2004 storm II: M Kelley (16:00-18:00)

Thursday Sessions/Workshops/Tutorials

  • Tutorial #3: State of the Art in Mesosphere Science: J Meriwether (Clemson U) (08:00-09:00)
  • CEDAR Post-Doc Report #2: Comparing momentum flux of mesospheric gravity waves using different background measurements and their impact on the background wind field: M Ejiri (USU) (09:00-09:15)
  • Interim CEDAR Post-Doc Report #1: Coordinated Space-Based Observations of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles Using TIMED/Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) and Defense Meteorological Satellites Program: J Comberiate (JHU/APL) (09:15-09:25)
  • Interim CEDAR Post-Doc Report #2: Modeling Studies of Optical Properties of Sprite Streamers and Their Chemical Effects On the Upper Atmosphere: N Liu (PSU) (09:25-09:35)
  • In Memory of Tor Hagfors: D Farley (Cornell) (10:10-10:25)
  • Poker Flat AMISR update: C Heinselman (SRI Intl) (10:25-10:40)
  • Science Hightlight: An overview of the 2007 Poker Flat sounding rocket campaign: M Larsen (Clemson) (10:40-11:00)
  • AS: Friends of Arecibo II: S Gonzalez (13:00-15:00)
  • AN: Ionospheric studies using radio occultation electron density profiles: K Cahoy (Stanford) (13:00-15:00)
  • Z: The Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission: R Eastes (13:00-15:00)
  • S: Application of SuperDARN radar observations to CEDAR research I: W Bristow, JM Ruohoniemi, and S Shepherd (13:00-15:00)
  • AS: Characteristics and causes of MLT spatial and temporal variabilities: J-H Yee and E Talaat (16:00-18:00)
  • AN: Global Observations of the Upper Atmosphere and Ionosphere Using Coordinated World Days: W Swartz (16:00-18:00)
  • Z: Lightning effects on the upper atmosphere: M Stanley, M Taylor, and N Liu (16:00-18:00)
  • S: Application of SuperDARN radar observations to CEDAR research II: W Bristow, JM Ruohoniemi, and S Shepherd (16:00-18:00)

Friday Sessions/Workshops/Tutorials