2025 Workshop: Multi-decadal Variation
Julio Urbina
There are many causes of long-term variation in the Earth’s atmosphere, some of which have profound impacts on the whole Earth system for decades and centuries. The sun is a major source of long-term variation in the upper atmosphere. Knowledge of processes at different altitudes and coupling between atmosphere regions can enhance understanding of the complex whole atmosphere system. We welcome discussion of all types of long term variation. Additionally, we welcome participation from scientists studying the middle and upper atmospheric, as well as the troposphere and other parts of the Earth system. One of the goals of the workshop is to discuss ways that we might further collaborate to advance knowledge of the whole atmosphere system. Additionally, we welcome discussion about strategies for education and outreach related to multi-decadal variation. We plan to hold this session using a hybrid format. For more information and to contribute a presentation, please contact one of the workshop organizers.
Long term variation impacts all regions of the Earth’s system from the surface through the magnetosphere. Understanding underlying physical processes of multi-decadal variations can also help explain variability on shorter timescales. Integrating knowledge from scientists studying different regions and components of the Earth’s system enhances our overall understanding of its complexity and response to multi-decadal variation.