2025 Workshop: Incoherent Scatter Working Group
Long title
2024 Workshop: World Day Planning Meeting
CEDAR Regular Workshop
Lindsay Goodwin
Marco Milla
Asti Bhatt
Aidan Thayer
Marco Milla
Asti Bhatt
Aidan Thayer
Prior to CEDAR-GEM, ISR proposals will be solicited for "World Days" (days in which multiple ISRs simultaneously take observations for science needs that are global in nature). This meeting will consist of short discussions of each proposal, group decision-making, and tentative scheduling of the successful requests.
The URSI Incoherent Scatter Working Group meets to set the ISR World Day program for the following year. The workshop can be timetabled as needed, according to where it would fit best into the schedule.
Related to CEDAR Science Thrusts:
Explore processes related to geospace evolution
Develop observational and instrumentation strategies for geospace system studies
Workshop format
Short Presentations
Round Table Discussion
Include a virtual component?
incoherent scatter radars, Thomson scatter, global observations