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2025 Joint CEDAR / GEM Workshop

The CEDAR Workshop is funded by the NSF.

22 - 27 June 2025
Des Moines, Iowa

The NSF CEDAR workshop provides the community an opportunity to self-organize, exchange and foster new ideas. NSF CEDAR thrives to be a safe space for all participants and it has a strong educational component.

The workshop includes community organized breakout workshops/sessions (regular and grand challenge), poster sessions with a student poster competition, a student day, plenary sessions with science highlights, agency updates and tutorials, a distinguished lecture, and a prize lecture.

This year we will be hosting a joint workshop with GEM. There will be joint CEDAR-GEM sessions throughout the conference, but if you register here you will be attending the CEDAR only sessions and joint CEDAR-GEM sessions.


Deadlines and Key Dates

March 7 Workshop proposal submission (including GC)
March 14 CEDAR Prize and Distinguished Lecture nomination due 
March 21 Student registration, poster abstract submission and travel support application
April 11 Student notifications for student travel support
May 1 Early Bird registration ends
May 9 Dependent care support request
May 9 Poster abstract submission (general)
May 21- June 1 Hotel booking deadlines depending on hotels (3 hotels)
June 27 Registration ends at 4:59PM



See Fees Information

Register for the 2025 CEDAR Workshop


Workshop Venue

Iowa Events Center, Convention Center
730 3rd St.
Des Moines, IA 50309

Lunch restaurants near the venue

Lunch options will be posted closer to the event.



Agenda will be coming in April/May, 2025.


How to participate in NSF CEDAR

See a brief overview of the NSF CEDAR workshop components. This is helpful information especially for first time attendees. 


Student workshop attendance support

NSF CEDAR supports many students to attend the NSF CEDAR workshop. 

For students enrolled in a US institution and traveling from a location within the United States, financial support will consist of registration fee, roundtrip travel to the NSF CEDAR workshop venue, and housing. For students enrolled in an institution outside the US, financial support will consist of registration fee and housing.  To be eligible students need to apply for support by March 21, 2025. Students will be notified in April if they have been selected to receive support (Student Travel Support Selection Criteria).

Apply for Student Travel Support


Poster session

CEDAR will have two poster sessions allowing you to present and discuss your work with the community. Anyone can submit up to two poster abstracts. For abstracts NOT submitted by students seeking support, the deadline for submission is May 9th, 2025.

Students applying for workshop travel support MUST submit a poster abstract by March 21st, 2025. 

We encourage students to participate in the student poster competition.

Check out the poster guidelines

Poster abstract submission 

Submit a Poster Abstract

Poster Details

Posters can have a maximum size of 4x4 feet (1.2x1.2m). Students in the poster competition are required to upload their poster by the Friday before the meeting starts. Instructions will be send beforehand to the students. All others can upload their poster if they want to.


Workshop proposal submission

Please check out the Workshop Proposal Guidelines

The final workshop agenda will be decided by a subcommittee of the CEDAR and GEM Science Steering Committees and Meeting Organizers. Based on the range of the topics proposed and the availability of time slots for breakout workshops/sessions, some proposed breakout workshops/sessions may be consolidated at the discretion of the joint CEDAR-GEM workshop/session organizers.

The 2025 joint CEDAR-GEM Workshop will be in-person, but conveners of individual and grand challenge workshops can choose to include virtual components. Conveners should include Zoom links in their online agendas if they choose to include virtual components.

CEDAR Regular Workshops/Sessions

Regular Workshops are 1 year efforts focused on a specific topic and the associated science questions. Most regular workshops are 1 year efforts.

CEDAR Grand Challenge (GC) Workshops/Sessions

Grand Challenge (GC) workshop addresses urgent, overarching questions which require a multiyear effort and are of high importance to the NSF CEDAR community. GC workshops are 3 year efforts and should be organized by a diverse team of conveners with a clear schedule and specific goals and topics for the 3 years. Each GC workshop will introduce the topic to the NSF CEDAR community in the plenary session in the first year and provide updates in the 2nd & 3rd, and a summary after year 3. 

Each year one new grand challenge workshop is selected by the NSF CEDAR Science Steering Committee. List of Grand challenge workshops.

Joint CEDAR-GEM Workshops/Sessions

If you are interested in proposing a joint CEDAR-GEM workshop/session, you can find GEM Focus Groups (FGs), Co-Chairs, and their contact information on the GEM Focus Groups website. FGs highlighted in green have expressed interest in collaborating with CEDAR for joint GEM-CEDAR workshops/sessions.

Current Submitted Workshop Proposals

See the Workshops currently submitted

Workshop Proposal is closed


Dependent care grants 

NSF CEDAR helps community members with dependent care needs to attend the NSF CEDAR workshop.  Please read the dependent care grants information before filling out the form. 

Apply for a Dependent Care Grant


NSF CEDAR Prize and Distinguished Lecture nominations

Information about the nomination criteria and process can be found on the respective sites for the NSF CEDAR Prize Lecture and the NSF CEDAR Distinguished Lecture.

Nominations for the 2025 CEDAR Prize Lecture and Distinguished Lecture should be emailed to Bea Gallardo-Lacourt and Nathaniel Frissell. Nominations will be considered by the full CEDAR Science Steering Committee and are due 14 March 2025.


Contact Information

For program information, please contact Liying Qian.

For logistics questions, please contact Maggie Payeur.

Science Steering Committee
Mark Conde (Chair)
Lynn Harvey (Chair-elect)
Angeline Burrell
Nathaniel Frissel
Bea Gallardo-Lacourt
Federico Gasperini
Katelynn Greer
Erin Lay
Kristina Lynch
Luis Alejandro Navarro
Romina Nikoukar
Gareth Perry
Sophie Phillips (student representative)
Danny Scipion
Aiden Thayer
Titus Yuan
Shunrong Zhang
Tai-Yin Huang (NSF aeronomy ex-officio representative)
Shikha Raizada (NSF aeronomy ex-officio representative)
Liying Qian (UCAR CPAESS CEDAR CO-PI, ex-officio representative)