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Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program
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Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling: Wave, Instabilities, Turbulence, Transport
Calibration, analysis, and uncertainty assessment for optical observations
CEDAR and Climate Change
CEDAR Science halfway through the Decadal Survey
Current Status and Needs For 21st Century Thermospheric Wind Measurements: The 2019-2020 Thermospheric Winds SWOT Analysis.
Developing an Agile Rideshare Program for NASA Heliophysics
Distributed Arrays of Small Instruments and Incoherent Scatter Radars
E-region challenges for observations and simulations: density, dynamics and energy
GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge: Conductivities and High-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling
GEM-CEDAR Modeling Challenge: TEC and Scintillation
Geospace storms and ionosphere-thermosphere-lower atmosphere coupling phenomena and processes
Grand Challenge: Coordinated Ground and Space-based Observations of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
Grand Challenge: Multi-scale I-T System Dynamics
ITM models: Past, Present and Future
Light Atoms Across Atmospheric Regions
Meteoroids and Space Debris
Multi-instrument investigations pertaining to the Earth’s upper atmosphere at low and mid-latitudes
New and emerging capabilities for imaging and modelling gravity wave and instability dynamics.
New Techniques for Active Experiments Workshop
Observational and Modeling Challenges in the Energy Budget Estimation of the Upper Atmosphere
Polar GeoSPARO for AIM Coupling, Neutral Dynamics, and Cosmic Dust
Reconciling observations and models of high-latitude IT processes
Resolving the generation mechanisms and electrodynamical effects of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (TIDs)
Snakes on a Spaceship and the Goblet of Plots
Software Engineering for Heliophysics
The challenge, opportunity, and art of data science for geospace
Variations in thermospheric density, temperature and compositions and their impact on the ionosphere
Vertical Coupling between Troposphere, Mesosphere, and Thermosphere via Acoustic-Gravity waves and MSTIDs
Vertical coupling throughout the atmosphere due to gravity waves and secondary gravity wave generation