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2024 Workshop: DEI and Outreach in CEDAR

Long title
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Outreach Activities in the CEDAR Community
Katrina Bossert
Angeline Burrell
Philip Erickson
Lindsay Goodwin
Katelynn Greer
Komal Kumari
Meghan LeMay
Huixin Liu
Susan Nossal
Sophie Phillips
Andrew Pepper
Zishun Qiao
Julio Urbina
Jia Yue
Matthew Zettergren
Chirag Skolar

This interactive session will focus on Diverse, Equitable, Inclusive, Outreach topics that impact and are planned or currently ongoing in the CEDAR community. Of particular interest at this year’s session is to hear from those in our community that have done/participated in, are currently doing/participating in, or are planning on doing/participating in outreach activities at their institutions or community. These activities may include educational efforts, citizen science projects, workshops, or open houses that target the broader community, underrepresented populations, and/or K-12 students. We also seek to have speakers talk about DEI topics such as the following: historical events including but not limited to, Juneteenth; micro-aggressions; imposter syndrome; systematic oppression; allyship; demographic studies; one’s involvement with DEI work at their home institution, lab, campus, or any other DEI outreach or related topic. Additionally, we will also have some time at the end of the workshop for general discussion amongst those in attendance, and feedback on how/what DEI activities the DEI Task Force should focus on over the next year. This workshop seeks to have 4-8 speakers informing the community on these topics, as well as sharing their lived experiences. This workshop also invites presentation on any of the topics discussed above, as well as any DEI-related topic submitted in the community input papers submitted to the most recent Decadal Survey on Solar and Space Physics. It is our hope that ALL will interactively engage and learn from our speakers through this discussion.


10:00 – 10:05        Opening Remarks
10:05 – 10:17        Katherine DavidsonOn the NSF EPSCoR Future Technologies & Enabling Plasma Processes (FTPP) consortium at UAH (virtual)
10:17 - 10:29        Jeremy RioussetLessons learned running SPARCLE-R, a STEM camp at ERAU (virtual)
10:29 – 10:41        Piyush MehtaOverview of NSF CAREER and ANSWERS Engagement and Outreach Activities
10:41 – 10:53        Diana Loucks,  CAREER: Interleaving Space Weather and STEM outreach
10:53 – 11:05        Angeline BurrellEquitable Letters for Space Physics
11:05 – 11:17       Dogacan OzturkAGU SPA Nomination Task Force (virtual)
11:17 – 11:29       Aidan ThayerPromoting DEI in Your Community: Opportunities and Examples
11:29 – 11:41        Romina NikoukarRaising awareness on mental health in the heliophysics community
11:41 – 12:00        Discussion and Closing Remarks


Over the past several years the CEDAR community has embraced the need to make CEDAR more diverse, equitable, and inclusive. In response to previous year’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) workshop, the CEDAR Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force has been working hard over the past couple of years on community suggested DEI Action Items (…) that arose from that workshop. Further, the “Statement and Call to Action on Racial Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion by the CEDAR DEI Task Force” (…) now has over 120 signatories. It is thus necessary to continue the DEI discussion within the CEDAR community and keep the momentum going! Continued support of DEI shows that we as the CEDAR community are invested in DEI initiatives now and into the future, and are open to challenging ourselves to become a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive community where all can thrive. We welcome and encourage people from the CEDAR community to present and share their experiences with DEI efforts.

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Fuse the knowledge base across disciplines in the geosciences
Workshop format
Short Presentations
Round Table Discussion
Include a virtual component?
Virtual Component Information
Virtual Information
Zoom Link
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility, Outreach