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Validation of Data Ingestion in NeQuick 2 Model over South America by Means of Ionosonde and COSMIC data

First Author's Affiliation
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Abstract text:

In this paper, an investigation of a technique for data ingestion in theNeQuick 2 model is introduced. This method involves binning data in spatialresolution and subsequent indexing to estimate the median or nearest points ineach cell grid. The effectiveness of this technique depends on the geographi-cal region as well as the availability of data in both space and time. The SouthAmerican sector has been considered a case study due to the deployment of moreGNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) receivers over the years, therebyenabling further validation of the NeQuick 2 model for a near-real-time de-scription of the low- and mid-latitude ionosphere. Our results showed that theNeQuick 2 model is able to describe the evolution of the Equatorial IonizationAnomaly during both quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions. Validationwith Ionosonde and COSMIC electron density profiles showed significant im-provement after data ingestion.

Student in poster competition
Poster category
ITIT - Instruments or Techniques for Ionospheric or Thermospheric Observation