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Using a High-Resolution Atmospheric Model to Examine Energy Flow During Gravity Wave Breaking

First Author's Affiliation
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Abstract text:

Our study examines the energy perspective of GW breaking using a high-resolution atmospheric model. We calculate changes in kinetic energy, internal energy, and potential energy within a selected region. Before GW breaking, potential energy converts to kinetic energy, mostly leaving the region. After GW breaking, turbulence develops, converting potential energy to internal energy. We calculate the transfer of kinetic energy between GWs, turbulence, and the background (BG), including interactions like BG-GW, BG-turbulence, and GW-turbulence. Turbulence gains energy from GW-turbulence and BG-turbulence interactions while losing energy to GWs and the background. We also analyze instability probabilities during different stages of GW breaking, observing that GW propagation induces instabilities leading to GW breaking, while turbulence reduces convective instability.

Poster category
MLTG - Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Gravity Waves