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Modelling a non-Maxwellian electron velocity distribution in the ionospheric D-region during artificial radio wave heating

First Author's Affiliation
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Abstract text:

Current models most likely overestimates the effect of artificial heating in the D-region compared to observations. In the ionospheric D-region, the electron density is low and the neutral density is relatively high. Artificial heating increases the electron temperature by transferring the energy of high power radio waves into thermal energy of electrons. The electron velocity distribution may influence the modelling of electron temperature in the D-region during heating. A previous study by Stubbe 1981 demonstrated the non-Maxwellian electron velocity distribution during heating. However, most following studies assumed a Maxwellian distribution. In another study, the authors speculate that the assumption of the Maxwellian electron velocity distribution may cause the discrepancy between model and observations [A. Senior et al. (2010)]. We are now implementing the non-Maxwellian distribution from Stubbe 1981 with updated cross sections for the following neutral species: rotational and vibrational excitation of molecular nitrogen and molecular oxygen, electronic excitation and fine structure excitation of atomic oxygen.
[1] A. Senior et al. (2010): «Diagnosing radio plasma heating in the polar summer mesosphere using cross modulation: Theory and observations». Journal of geophysical research, vol. 115, A09318.
[2] P. Stubbe (1981): «Modifying effects of a strong electromagnetic wave upon a weakly ionized plasma: A kinetic description». Radio Science, Volume 3, page 417-425.

Student not in poster competition
Poster category
MLTS - Mesosphere or Lower Thermosphere General Studies