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Towards Uncertainty Quantification of TID Detection by a Modular Network of Distributed Citizen Science Receivers

First Author's Affiliation
Case Western Reserve University
Abstract text:

Doppler measurement of the precise carriers of time standard stations, such as WWV, WWVH and CHU, is an established means of detecting ionospheric variability. It is the core operating principle of the Low-Cost Personal Space Weather Station (the "Grape"), an NSF-supported project of the Amateur Radio Science Citizen Investigation (HamSCI). A growing network of open-source prototype stations, maintained by independent citizen scientists, have been collecting Doppler data since late 2019. This poster will present the data collected by these stations, explore the scale of traveling ionospheric disturbance (TID) detection made possible by this distributed instrument, and explore the question of optimized station placement for future stations.

Poster PDF
Student in poster competition
Poster category
EDU - Education, Outreach, Citizen Science