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Climatology of tides and Q2D PWs in the MLT region over the central coast of Peru and comparison with WACCM-X model

José Manuel
Suclupe Osorio
First Author's Affiliation
Jicamarca Radio Observatory, Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Lima, Perú
Abstract text:

This work will show results of the climatology of tides (8, 12 and 24 hours) and quasi-two-day (Q2D) planetary waves obtained from the analysis of zonal and meridional mean winds that have been estimated at heights between 80-100 km over the central coast of Peru. We are considering in this analysis more than two years of wind data (2020-2022) measured with the multi-static specular meteor radar deployed around the Jicamarca Radio Observatory (11.95°S, 76.87°W) (SIMONe Jicamarca). Furthermore, this observational climatology is compared to a climatology obtained with the WACCM-X model. Based on the observations, we can conclude that, in general, the diurnal tide is more intense than the semidiurnal tide, and that the meridional components are more intense than the zonal ones. Moreover, the observations show higher amplitudes than the model does. The observations show that the Q2D PW has the maximum module in local summer months (mainly January) while the model shows maximum amplitudes in local summer months (January) and also in local winter months (June and July). Observations show that the 24h tide has the main maximum intensity between August and September, and a second peak in April, but the model shows two similar maximum peaks, the first one between August and September and the second one between February and April. Further details about the monthly and seasonal variations of the MLT winds, tides and Q2D PW and their comparison to the WACCM-X model will be described in this work.

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Student not in poster competition
Poster category
MLTS - Mesosphere or Lower Thermosphere General Studies