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Role of Q2DW-Tide-GW Interactions at SH Mid-latitudes in Interhemispheric Coupling

First Author's Affiliation
(1) Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (2) HAO/NCAR
Abstract text:

Most theoretical investigations into the mechanism of interhemispheric coupling (IHC) have previously focused on the modulation of mesospheric meridional circulation driven by forcing of GWs originating in the troposphere and recently on the role of quasi-two-day waves (Q2DW) and GWs in-situ generated in the middle atmosphere. This study utilizes paired meteor radar observations (CONDOR, 31.2ºS,70.0ºW and Buckland Park Meteor Radar, 34.6ºS,138.4ºW) and SD-WACCM-X simulations to provide observational confirmation on the role of Q2DW and GWs at summer hemisphere mid-latitudes to IHC mechanisms. Specifically, Q2DW-tide interactions as well as their child waves are investigated during the 2021 and 2023 NH SSW. The connection between Q2DW-tide-GW interactions and IHC mechanism during the NH SSWs will be presented.

Student not in poster competition
Poster category
COUP - Coupling of the Upper Atmosphere with Lower Altitudes