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Statistical Analysis of LSTID Events Observed by Passive HF Amateur Radio Receiver Networks

First Author's Affiliation
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Abstract text:

A new climatology of Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances (LSTIDs) has been observed from ham radio data in 2017. LSTIDs are quasiperiodic electron density perturbations of the F region ionosphere. LSTIDs have periods of 30 min to over 180 min, wavelengths of over 1000 km, and velocities of over 1400 km/hr. We will present a climatology of LSTID events using data from the Reverse Beacon Network (RBN), Weak Signal Propagation Network (WSPRNet), and PSKReporter amateur radio networks. This climatology analysis was performed independently by two members of the research team to counteract observational bias. Results show that most of the observed LSTIDs occurred during the winter months with a decline towards summer, with the exception of a spike in June. This paper provides additional insight into the seasonal trends of LSTIDs. Results are presented as a function of longitudinal sector (North America and Europe), season, and geomagnetic activity level. We will also discuss progress towards identifying source(s) of the LSTIDs.

Student in poster competition
Poster category
ITIT - Instruments or Techniques for Ionospheric or Thermospheric Observation