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2023 Workshop: Atmospheric waves

Long title
Waves in the near-space region
Katrina Bossert
Sharon Vadas
Komal Kumari
Zishun Qiao

This session will focus on waves and atmospheric coupling associated with waves and wave-wave interactions. This includes gravity waves, planetary waves, tides, and other wave phenomena in the atmosphere/near-space region. We invite presentations including theory, modeling, and observations.


Waves are a significant driver of day-to-day variability in the thermosphere/ionosphere system, and are associated with both coupling from below and forcing from above. Additionally, there are still many questions regarding wave-wave interactions (e.g. planetary wave or tidal filtering of gravity waves) and generation mechanisms for waves in the thermosphere. This open-ended session will provide an opportunity to share new research on this topic.

Related to CEDAR Science Thrusts:
Encourage and undertake a systems perspective of geospace
Fuse the knowledge base across disciplines in the geosciences
Workshop format
Short Presentations
Gravity waves, tides, planetary waves, instabilities