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Rayleigh-Taylor Instability Growth Rate Estimated Using WAM-IPE

First Author's Affiliation
University of Colorado, Boulder
Abstract text:

The simplify expression for Rayleigh-Taylor (R-T) growth rate is derived for direct estimation using the coupled Whole Atmosphere Model and Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamic model (WAM-IPE). The result show that the strong R-T growth rate is generated in the uplifting ionosphere structure at the magnetic equator during the post-sunset period. To further investigate the distributions and the variations of the R-T growth rate, the diurnal variation, seasonal variation, and solar activity effect are carried out. The R-T growth rates mainly appear between 1900 LT and 2200 LT, and the magnitude at 284°E is greater than that at 120°E as well as 0°E. During the high solar activity period, the R-T growth rates are more prominent in equinox seasons, and however, the greatest growth rate is found at east Pacific sector in December solstice during low solar activity period.

Student in poster competition
Poster category
EQIT - Equatorial Ionosphere or Thermosphere