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Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program
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Accelerating Your Science With Assimilative Mapping of Geospace Observations (AMGeO): Tutorial and Interactive Demos
Advances in atmosphere vertical coupling and its relationship with ionosphere-thermosphere oscillatory phenomena (TAD/TIDs/MSTIDs)
AIM Coupling Studies at High Latitudes Inspired with Lidar Observations
AIM Coupling Studies at Midlatitudes Inspired with Lidar Observations
CEDAR and Climate Change
Current Status, Needs, and Capabilities For 21st Century Thermospheric Dynamics Measurements: The 2019-2021 Thermospheric Winds SWOT Analysis
Data Science in CEDAR: CEDAR Data Science as a guide for the Heliophysics Decadal Survey
Distributed Arrays of Small Instrument (DASI) and satellite missions
Dynamic coupling of the thermosphere-ionosphere system during geomagnetically active periods
Exploring mesosphere-lower thermosphere-ionosphere (MLTI) applications for emerging commercial suborbital spacecraft
Geospace observations and space weather studies at the magnetic equator
Grand Challenge: Coordinated Ground and Space-based Observations of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
Grand Challenge: Initiative Mesosphere / Lower Thermosphere
Grand Challenge: Multi-scale Ionosphere-Thermosphere System Dynamics
Grand Challenge: Understanding the Electromagnetic Energy Input to Earth’s Atmosphere
Gravity wave multi-step vertical coupling from the troposphere to the thermosphere/ionosphere
Hydrogen in the Upper Atmosphere
Instrumentation and Calibration for Optical Observations of the Earth's Upper Atmosphere
Interhemispheric IT asymmetries and their causes and effects
Lidar Science & Engineering Advances
Looking forward towards 2050: Gearing up for the Decadal Survey
Magnetosphere, ionosphere, and atmosphere coupling at subauroral latitudes: Recent advances and open questions
Meteoroids and Space Debris
Model software engineering
Non-storm time variations in the ionosphere and thermosphere
Observations and modeling of vertical coupling in the Space-Atmosphere Interaction Region
Progress in understanding solar eclipse effects on geospace
Reproducibility in Geospace Science: Best practices for Data Stewardship
Snakes on a Spaceship: Survival of the Python
Space Weather impacts on GNSS applications at Mid-latitudes
Storm time modification of ionosphere/thermosphere - drivers and interactions near solar minimum
Synergy Between First-Principles and Data-Informed Modeling
Towards Establishing DEI (Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive) Safe Spaces in CEDAR