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2021 Workshop: Decadal Survey Prep

Long title
Looking forward towards 2050: Gearing up for the Decadal Survey
Douglas Rowland
Jared Leisner
Shasha Zou

The CEDAR 2021 Workshop is a prime opportunity for the ITM community to amplify the discussions that started with the Heliophysics 2050 Workshop and look forward to what new and emerging science topics should be addressed in the next and following decades. In this workshop, we provide a place for the community to learn about the next decadal survey, what the federal agencies are looking towards in the coming decades, and what community preparations are already underway. There will be discussions about agency programs and how they leverage the decadal survey, summaries from pre-decadal discussions already underway, and a whole-workshop dialog about where ITM science should go and how it fits into the expanding field of solar and space physics.



Shasha and Doug brief kickoff / intro 5 minutes
Lisa Winter / NSF – Decadal Survey perspective 10 minutes
Elsayed Talaat / NOAA – Decadal Survey perspective 10 minutes
Jared Leisner / NASA – Decadal Survey perspective 10 minutes
Art Charo / Abby Sheffer NASEM process for Decadal 10 minutes
Christina Cohen / LWS architecture study 10 minutes
Shasha and Doug – DS white paper coordination intro 5 minutes
white paper open discussion – identify big themes and topics 10 minutes
report from Anthea Coster / ISR working group 10 minutes
report from other Helio2050 groups: R Nikoukar / SWx 5 minutes
report from other Helio2050 groups: Lindsay future of comm 5 minutes
report from other Helio2050 groups: Larry Mag / Geospace 5 minutes
report from other Helio2050 groups: Ryan/Asti data science 10 minutes
open discussion 15 minutes


This is a programmatic / science discussion, which will include NSF, NASA, NOAA program leads outlining the Decadal Survey process and how it may align with ongoing trends / programs in the Agencies, and also a 2-hour discussion forum (community led workshop / roundtable style) where people will make the case for various science topics / investigations needed to span the next thirty years of ITM physics.