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Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program
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2015 CEDAR Workshops
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C/NOFS: Topside/bottomside dynamics
Calibration and analysis techniques for passive optical and lidar observations
CEDAR-GEM Modeling Challenge
Collaborative Studies of Coupling Processes over the Andes
Conjugate Observations and Models of ionospheric processes
Coordinated ISR observation days for 2016
DEEPWAVE - Gravity Wave Coupling from Lower Atmosphere Sources Throughout the MLT
Developing Strategies for Enhancing CEDAR Science in Student Research, Curriculum, and Outreach
Distributed observatories of small instruments: Science and assimilation
Energy input and partitioning in the ionosphere-thermosphere system
Geospace disturbances during the March 17, 2015 great storm
Global Support of the CARINA Science Mission to Study the Lower Thermosphere
Grand Challenge: Coupling and Transport Processes from the Upper Mesosphere through the Middle Thermosphere (80-200 km)
Grand Challenge: Storms and Substorms Without Borders (SSWB)
Grand Challenge: The high-latitude geospace system
Ground-based support for ICON and GOLD
HAARP Application to CEDAR Science
Inner Magnetospheric and Ionospheric Coupling and Dynamics
Jicamarca: New instruments, radar modes and results
Lidar Workshop: Space-Atmosphere Interaction, Wave Dynamics and Cosmic Dust Studies with Lidar Technology Transformation
Lightning and thunderstorm effects in the mesosphere and ionosphere
Long-term variations in the geospace environment
Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling in the Polar Cap: Drivers and Impacts
Meteoroids and Space Debris
Storm-time variations in the ionosphere and thermosphere and preconditioning
Understanding Dynamical and Chemical Coupling from Tides, Planetary and Gravity Waves