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2015 Workshop:Ground based support for ICON and GOLD

Long title
Ground-based support for ICON and GOLD
Jonathan Makela
Dave Anderson
Carlos Martinis
Harald Frey

The launches of ICON and GOLD in 2017 will give the space science community new tools and opportunities to investigate and finally understand coupling processes between our atmosphere and ionosphere. GOLD with its global view and continuous coverage of a particular region from geostationary orbit, ICON with its smaller and more detailed repeating measurements of the whole equatorial ionosphere and thermosphere, and their modelling components together will provide information about the meso-scale behavior of the coupled atmospheric-ionospheric system. In order to achieve a full systems-science perspective of the coupling and dynamics, these space missions will greatly benefit from comprehensive ground-based support from ionospheric imagers, radars, lidars, Fabry-Perot interferometers, and other instruments. In order to gather input from the ground-based community to the space community and vice versa we would like to stimulate an exchange of ideas and development of strategies for ground-based support of ICON and GOLD. We encourage contributions about existing networks and future instruments, observation strategies, collaboration suggestions, and strategic visions for ground-based support by the CEDAR community.


The launches of ICON and GOLD in 2017 will give the space science community new tools and opportunities to investigate and finally understand coupling processes between our atmosphere and ionosphere. The CEDAR community will benefit from planning to support these missions with comprehensive ground-based measurements, leveraging the unique capabilities and opportunities afforded by these missions.