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Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions Program
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Arecibo Friends
Calibration and analysis techniques for optical observations
Can we build an InFO strawman plan for the future development and deployment of existing and new Incoherent Scatter Radars
CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Modeling Challenge
CESM/WACCM-X: A Tutorial
CUBESAT Synergies
Equatorial-PRIMO (Problems Related to Ionospheric Models and Observations)
FPI Measurements of Neutral Winds and Temperatures in the Upper Atmosphere
Geospace system response at mid to high latitudes during recent geomagnetic storms
Gravity Wave Propagation, Dissipation, and Effects in the MLT, Thermosphere, and Ionosphere from Tropospheric, MLT, and Thermospheric Sources
Hands-On CCMC Models and Tools for the Ionosphere
High Latitude GPS Scintillations and Forward Modeling
In situ measurements of the mesosphere-lower thermosphere (MLT) by commercial suborbital spacecraft.
Lightning Effects in the Middle and Upper Atmosphere
LISN: to develop a strategy to forecast ESF
Making loading data and accessing data easy with Madrigal and the CEDAR Madrigal archive
Meteoroids and Debris
Middle latitude Ionosphere-Atmosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling
MLT and thermosphere response to large-scale wave activity
Neutral Hydrogen in the Earth's Thermosphere, Exosphere, and Plasmasphere
New Discoveries and Advances by Lidar from Polar to Tropical Regions
New studies of gravity waves, instabilities and other unusual phenomena observed in the MLT region
PINOT - PFISR Ion Neutral Observations in the Thermosphere
Planetary Aeronomy & Comparative Upper Atmospheres
Swarm Electric Field Instrument Validation Using Incoherent Scatter Radars
Technique and Applications of Radio Occultation
The equatorial ionospheric response to coupling from the atmosphere and the magnetosphere and its longitudinal dependence
Thermosphere-ionosphere coupling and the development of irregularities
U.S./Norway Collaborative Science
Wave Dynamics in the Polar Regions
World Day planning