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2012 Workshop: CUBESAT Synergies

Long title
CUBESAT Synergies
John Noto

The goal of this workshop is to explore and promote potential synergies between upcoming Cubesat missions and community resources in order to enhance the scientific return of isolated research initiatives and foster a greatly improved understanding of the sun-earth interaction region. The session will begin with a brief overview of the science goals, instrumentation, and project timelines of several Cubesat missions in various stages of readiness for launch. Following these short presentations will be a discussion among the session attendees regarding opportunities and strategies for coordinated observing campaigns and modeling support.


The coordination between existing observing platforms with new ones based in low earth orbit has been identified as critical for advancing CEDAR research. This workshop will explore opportunities for synergistic collaboration between and among the upcoming CUBESAT missions and various ground-based optical and radar facilities in direct support of this strategic goal. Not only will such coordination enhance understanding of the sun-earth interaction region on a global basis, but the comprehensive, multi-platform approach will also enable calibration and validation of ground-based remote sensing techniques and consequently support the investigation of long term trends in historical data sets.