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2020 Workshop: CONCERT

Long title
Grand Challenge: Coordinated Ground and Space-based Observations of the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
Grand Challenge
Katelynn Greer
Alan Burns
Scott England
Carlos Martinis
Iurii Cherniak
Wenbin Wang

This workshop provides a forum for the community of investigators studying the thermospheric thermal, compositional, dynamic structures, and their interaction with the ionosphere using coordinated observations from ground- and space-based instruments, including GOLD, ICON and COSMIC-2. Contributions are welcome in the form of brief focused presentations. Of particular interest are investigations combining ground-based and space-based observations, opportunities for campaigns, and/or proposals for coordinated ground- and space-based instruments. The sessions will include time for open discussion assessing progress and discussing future directions. The workshop provides a forum for sharing what was learned from each campaign, but the primary goal of that activity is to help refine plans for the following year and present new scientific insights from previous campaigns.



11:30 Katelynn Greer Welcome/Logistics

11:40 Richard Eastes

11:50 Scott England Comparison of GOLD and ground-based GPS-TEC

12:00 Xuguang Cai Response of thermosphere and ionosphere composition to weak geomagnetic activity during solar minimum

12:10 Fazlul Laskar Response of GOLD Retrived Thermospheric Temperatures to Geomagnetic Storms

12:20 Tomoko Matsuo GOLD and Data Assimilation

12:30 Rob Daniell GOLD Night-time Brightnesses

12:40 Discussion

12:50 Discussion


11:30 Katelynn Greer Welcome/Logistics

11:40 Jonathon Makela FPI and ICON

11:50 Gilles Wautelet ICON EUV/FUV electron density profile comparison with ionosonde and COSMIC-2 data

12:00 John Braun The FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Mission: An Initial Assessment of Space Weather Data for Research and Operations

12:10 Carlos Martinis GOLD and All-sky Imagers

12:20 Josh Semeter DMSP / Van Allen probes' and TEC Measurements

12:30 Valery Yudin Optimal Estimation and Vertical Characterization of GOLD-Disk Products

12:40 Discussion

12:50 Discussion