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2011 Workshop: Stratwarmings

Long title
Coupling between the lower and upper atmosphere during extreme meteorological events
L. Goncharenko
Jorge Chau
Amal Chandran

The dynamic coupling of the troposphere-stratosphere-mesosphere-ionosphere system is a complex interdisciplinary problem. Over the last three years our understanding of the relationship between the neutral atmosphere and ionosphere has been altered due to the research strategy focused on sudden stratospheric warmings (SSW), which are the clearest and strongest manifestation of the coupling in the atmosphere-ionosphere system. Recent studies suggest that a SSW couples all atmospheric layers from the ground to the thermosphere and from the poles to the equator. We invite experimental and modeling results discussing evidence for coupling between different altitudinal and latitudinal regions, similarities and differences for different stratospheric sudden warmings and other meteorological events, and temporal development of variations in the stratosphere, mesosphere and upper atmosphere.


Agenda (pdf)