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Student Travel Support Form

CEDAR Student Travel Support is limited so please be prompt in applying for support. Applying for student travel support does not guarantee that it will be granted as funds are limited.

(The form is on this page, simply scroll down.)

New this Year

The CEDAR Student Travel Support Request Deadline is Friday, March 21st, 2025.  Students will be notified if they have been selected to receive travel support on or by Friday, April 11th, 2025. For additional information review the Student Selection Criteria.

Students that register after April 11 will receive travel support if funding is available. Please contact Maggie Payeur at if you have any questions. Thank you.


All student airfare who receive travel support will be purchased through UCAR CPAESS Travel, and will be direct billed to UCAR. Students will not be reimbursed for airfare that is purchased personally by the student. The CPAESS travel team MUST book airfare.

UCAR CPAESS Travel Coordinators will reach out to you 1 week after you’ve been notified about receiving travel support. You will work with them on the flights you’d like them to book. CEDAR is only able to accommodate domestic flights for students enrolled at a US degree giving institution. Students enrolled at non-US institutions can apply for lodging support.

Car Travel

Students that prefer to drive their own car will be reimbursed for round-trip, direct mileage up to the maximum amount of the equivalent airfare posted in March, or $450.00 whichever is less.  Direct mileage is determined by the Rand McNally online site from your departure city to Des Moines, IA. 

Student Lodging

Student lodging has been arranged at the the Hilton Des Moines Downtown and will be provided from Saturday, June 21st, 2025 through departure on Saturday, June 28th, 2025.  Any stays outside these dates must be justified and approved by Maggie Payeur at  

  • We cannot guarantee availability of rooms prior to Saturday, June 21st, 2025
  • Lodging will be assigned. All rooms are non-smoking and will require the student to check-in with their own credit card to secure incidentals. All room + tax costs will be directly billed to UCAR.
  • Student rooms will be assigned on a shared basis.
  • Students bringing their families or guests should make their own lodging arrangements and apply for a maximum reimbursement of $75.00/per night. A detailed, itemized receipt will be required, in the name of the student, in order to be considered for reimbursement.

If you need to CANCEL your CEDAR shared lodging, please email Maggie Payeur at

Student Travel Support Form

Student Lodging

Do you need shared lodging?
For travel purposes, what is the gender listed on your government-issued ID?
NSF NCAR/UCAR will assign rooms based on the gender listed on your government-issued ID. If you prefer for your housing to be determined in some other way, please let us know in the special lodging considerations question below. Please also let us know if you have any accessibility needs that we need to consider when arranging housing. If you have any concerns or requests related to this, please don't hesitate to get in touch with Maggie Costley at Please note, if you are requesting your own room, we are able to reimburse you up to $75 a night for 6 nights, but you are responsible for paying the remainder of the cost of your stay. 
We will do our best to honor roommate requests, but in order to minimize costs priority will be given to arrival and departure dates.

Travel Section

How are you traveling to CEDAR?

All airfare arrangements this year will be done by the UCAR CPAESS travel coordinators as the airline tickets will be directly billed to UCAR. Once we receive your information and poster abstract(s), they will need the information that follows, in order to book travel for you.

PLEASE NOTE: It is the student's responsibility to ensure air itinerary dates match the lodging dates requested (if applicable). CEDAR is unable to pay for additional nights of lodging unless pre-approved by Maggie Payeur at No exceptions can be made to this policy.
If you do not have a middle name, please enter NA.
Month/Day/Year as mm/dd/yyyy
Aisle, middle, or window seat
Include Airline name.
Is your attendance at the Joint CEDAR/GEM workshop contingent on financial support from the CEDAR workshop?

A strict condition for a student to receive funding is that they must present a poster at the workshop.

Note: if your answer is "No", you may still receive travel support through a random drawing process. Please refer to Student Travel Support Selection Criteria.