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Visual and Numerical Correlations of Auroral Brightness and Plasma Convection

First Author's Affiliation
Penn State University, Penn State SuperDARN
Abstract text:

Understanding the intricate relationship between plasma velocity and auroral brightness is pivotal for clarifying the heating mechanisms within the thermosphere. Accurate forecasting of this heating phenomenon is necessary for accurate prediction of satellite orbit for low-Earth-orbit (LEO). Using plasma convection data from the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN), alongside auroral brightness data from THEMIS All-Sky Imagers, this project aims to establish a time series explaining and quantifying the spatial and temporal correlations between plasma velocity and auroral brightness. The correlation values hold promise for enhancing empirical models, thereby facilitating more precise simulations of thermosphere dynamics and energetics. In this poster we present initial work on selection of data intervals, visual correlation, and some calculations for individual time series.

Student not in poster competition
Poster category
DATA - Data Assimilation, Data Analytics, Methods and Management