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Reflection of the NRAO's Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum and the Importance of Multidisciplinary Studies

First Author's Affiliation
Prairie View A&M University
Abstract text:

Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum is a two-semester-long program hosted by the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) designed to promote diversity in amateur radio. Through this program, two cohorts of young adults, totaling thirty people, worked towards the goal of receiving their technician’s and/or general class license. For the second cohort of students, three students also became peer mentors. Students within the cohorts ranged from a multitude of backgrounds and undergraduate programs, which ultimately tied into the program's success. Beyond the program, students gained knowledge and experience learning about radio wave propagation and the ionosphere, morse code, and how to operate different levels of radio equipment. Students were also able to build lasting relationships with their peers and mentors. The ultimate goal of the program is to develop a curriculum for amateur radio clubs, schools, and other interested individuals. In this presentation, a member of this program will share their experience within it, and provide insight on the importance of multidisciplinary studies.

Poster PDF
McBride-Stubbs.pdf (1008.66 KB)
Student in poster competition
Poster category
EDU - Education, Outreach, Citizen Science