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Characteristics of auroral occurrence at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica

First Author's Affiliation
Korea Polar Research Institute
Abstract text:

Jang Bogo Station (JBS) is located at the magnetic latitude of about 79 deg, which mostly belongs to the polar cap region but closely approaches to the auroral oval in the morning sector. In order to observe the auroral activity over the JBS, we have been operating visible auroral All-Sky Camera (ASC) since 2018. Using the auroral image data from the ASC for 6-year winter period of 2018-2023, we produced auroral occurrence maps to investigate the characteristics of the auroral occurrence over the JBS including its variations with local time, magnetic activity index (Kp), and Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF). The produced auroral occurrence maps indicate that JBS is mostly located at the polar cap region but becomes close to the auroral oval at the magnetic local morning sector. In particular, the auroral occurrence maps indicate that the JBS seems to be located at the cusp region near the magnetic local noon. The auroral occurrences also show complex variations with Kp index and IMF conditions. Furthermore, the characteristics of the auroral occurrence over the JBS may allow us to investigate the behaviors of the polar cap boundary with the magnetic activity in the magnetic morning and noon sector.

Poster PDF
Student in poster competition
Poster category
MITC - Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling