2013 Workshop: Thermospheric Winds
J. Makela
J. Meriwether
The thermospheric neutral winds are extremely important in determining the dynamics of both the neutrals and the ions, yet there are very few measurements of them. We would like to hold two sessions in which we explore (a) our ability to model the winds and (b) ways in which we can measure the winds over a large scale. In this session, we would like to solicit talks on data-model comparisons with winds to assess our ability to model the thermospheric wind fields, and talks on wind measurement techniques (either results of new measurements or ideas for new measurements). We will leave significant amount of discussion time to allow free flowing ideas on these topics.
"The Thermospheric Wind Field within an Auroral Substorm as part of the HEX-2 Sounding Rocket Investigation" by John Craven et al.
The thermospheric neutral winds are extremely important in determining the dynamics of both the neutrals and the ions, yet there are very few measurements of them. We would like to hold two sessions in which we explore (a) our ability to model the winds and (b) ways in which we can measure the winds over a large scale. We will address these issues through presentations on the modeling results and discussion of different techniques on how we can create new measurements of the thermospheric winds. Progress will be measured over the next couple of years by attempting to better (a) our ability to measure the global wind pattern and (b) our ability to measure the winds.