This is the pre-conference meeting of the Eldorado staff and the CEDAR Workshop staff (left to right: Ellen Martinez VSP/NCAR, Mara Saubers Eldorado Conference Services, Susan Baltuch VSP/NCAR, Anthony Martinez Eldorado Front Desk, Eduardo Vasquez Eldorado Banquets, Shawna Johnson USU, Barbara Emery HAO/NCAR, and Antoinette Eugenio Eldorado Concierge)CEDAR Bus from Fort Marcy Getting off the bus at the Eldorado Hotel before the reception.Salsa Dance Class Ilgin Seker of PSU leads the class in salsa dancing in the Sunset room on Tuesday night.Poster Judges Rick Doe of SRI, the poster chair (on the right), discusses strategy with two of his judges, Tony van Eyken and Anja Stromme of EISCAT.Tsankawi Outing Gail Tepley, Doug (Emery-)Geiger, and Joe Grebowsky descend a ladder at the abandoned pueblo of Tsankawi.Meteor Workshop in Anasazi South Sigrid Close is the speaker.Fabry-Perot Workshop in Zia with John Meriwether of Clemson asking the speaker Aaron Ridley of the University of Michigan questions.Posters Farzad Kamalabadi of U IL is asking Mike Taylor of USU about his student's poster.Tent Rocks Outing Our guide, in red, leads Ron Woodman of Jicamarca up a steep climb to where Don Farley of Cornell and Chantal Lathuillere of Grenoble are standing. (It turned out to be a dead end - fortunately for those of us who were not prepared for so much scrambling!)Dining Out Part of the pleasures of CEDAR are dining/working outside the conference. At the Plaza Cafe from left to right: Pamela Loughmiller of Embry-Riddle, Ron Woodman from Jicamarca, Don Farley of Cornell, Barbara Emery of NCAR, Doug (Emery-)Geiger, and Wes Swartz of Cornell.Pecos Outing Barbara Emery of NCAR at the Pecos site with a kiva and church in the background with other members of our group.