Dean Lisa Graumlich, College of the Environment, University of Washington, addresses the CEDAR community Monday June 23.vCSSC Chair David Hysell (Cornell) on left gives CEDAR Prize Lecturer #25 Jeff Forbes (U CO) his plaque of appreciation Monday June 23.Brian Anderson (APL/JHU) presents his Science Highlight on AMPERE Monday June 23.Aeronomy Director Anne-Marie Schmoltner presents her report to the CEDAR community Monday June 23.Aaron Ridley (U MI) at the podium chairs the NASA missions reports given by Richard Eastes (UCF) for GOLD, Tom Immel (UCB) for ICON, Rob Pfaff (GSFC) for GDC against the wall (Jeff Forbes (U CO) for DYNAMIC missing) while Elsayed Talaat of NASA HQ listens in the front row next to CSSC chair David Hysell (Cornell).Naomi Maruyama (CIRES/NOAA) presides over the workshop “Geospace system science during storms and substorms) at Kane Hall 130, helped by co-convener Phil Erickson (MIT) at the podium.Herb Carlson (USU) gives the first Grand Challenge Tutorial on Tuesday June 24 on “Challenges in High-Latitude Geospace Science”.Tim Fuller-Rowell (CIRES/NOAA) gives the second Grand Challenge tutorial on Wednesday June 25 on “Impact of lower atmosphere waves sources on the thermosphere and ionosphere”.Greg Earle (VT) introduces Distinguished Lecturer Rod Heelis (UTD) on Thursday June 26.Rod Heelis (UTD) gives his CEDAR Distinguished Lecture on “From Discovery to System Science” on Thursday June 26.CEDAR Distinguished Lecturer Rod Heelis (UTD) encourages the audience to look outside of their normal areas of expertise to enhance their scientific pleasure.CEDAR Distinguished Lecturer Rod Heelis (UTD) holds his plaque of appreciation from the CSSC chair.