2021 Poster List
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DAY 1 - Tuesday, June 22
MDIT - Observing Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances using HamSCI Amateur Radio: Climatology with Connections to Geospace and Neutral Atmospheric Sources. Sanchez, Diego
MDIT - Enabling Statistical Analysis of the Main Ionospheric Trough with Computer Vision. Starr, Gregory
MDIT - Tidal Signature in Sporadic E Occurrence Rate, Using GAIA Model and FORMOSAT3/COSMIC Radio Occultation Data. Sobhkhiz-Miandehi, Sahar
MDIT - The effects of solar flare-driven ionospheric electron density change on Doppler Flash. Chakraborty, Shibaji
MDIT - HF Doppler Observations of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances in a WWV Signal Received with a Network of Low-Cost HamSCI Personal Space Weather Stations. Romanek, Veronica
MDIT - Boulder TINa Layers (100–150 km) Detected by High-Sensitivity Na Lidar and Their Relationship to Tidal Winds and TIDs. Chen, Yingfei
MDIT - Wave signatures in thermospheric zonal winds obtained from satellite observations. Molina, Ivana
MDIT - On the role of E-F region coupling in the generation of nighttime MSTIDs during summer and equinox: Case studies over northern Germanym. Mani, Sivakandan
METR - Meteoroid Orbit Determination from HPLA Radar Data. Blanchard, Jared
METR - High-Resolution Electrostatic Simulation of Plasma Formation Around a Small Ablating Meteoroid. Hedges, Trevor
MITC - A Statistical Study on the Inner Magnetospheric Signatures of Subauroal Ion Drift (SAID) and Subauroral Polarization Streams (SAPS). Hussein, Abdelaziz
MITC - Reconstructing Sequence of events, timing, and hemispheric asymmetries associated with isolated substorms. Waghule, Bhagyashree
MITC - The Influence of Whistler Mode Chorus Waves on Diffuse Electron Aurora and Ionospheric Conductance. Gillespie, Dillon
MITC - A multiresolution data assimilation model for high latitude electrodynamics. Wu, Haonan
MITC - Investigating Ionosphere -Thermosphere Coupling in the Nightside Auroral Oval. Davidson, Katherine
MITC - Observing Thermospheric Variability Through Loss Cone Analysis. Davis, Lance
MITC - Quantifying the radiation belt response to lightning via ground-based VLF and Van Allen Probe data. Pailoor, Nikhil
MITC - Modeling of auroral scintillations produced by energetic particle precipitation using plasma based and forward propagation models. Vaggu, Pralay Raj
MITC - Impact of Inter-hemispheric Asymmetries of Field-Aligned Current on the IonosphereThermosphere System: GITM-3Dynamo Simulations. Hong, Yu
MITC - Polar cap plasma transport during geomagnetic storms. Pokhotelov, Dimitry
MITC - FAST TEAMS in situ measurements of plasma convection. Lund, Eric
MITC - Antarctic SuperDARN Observations of Medium Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances. Tholley, Francis
MITC - Observation of ionospheric plasma density variations in conjunction with standing Alfven waves. Akbari, Hassan
MITC - FAC Contributions from Hall Conductance Gradients in Non-Sheet-Like Auroral Arcs. van Irsel, Jules
MITC - Solar flare effects in the Earth’s magnetosphere. Liu, Jing
MITC -Validation of SSUSI derived auroral ionization rates and electron densities. Bender, Stefan
MITC Impact of Meso-scale Electrodynamics on Ionospheric and Thermospheric Energy Budget. Meng, Xing
MITC - Altitudinal responses of the high latitude E region neutral wind to substorm events. Zhan, Weijia
MLTG - Statistical Characterization of Persistent Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere at McMurdo, Antarctica With an Improved 2D Wavelet-Based Automatic Wave Recognition and Extraction Methodology. Geraghty, Ian
MLTG - Effects of Molecular Damping on Gravity Waves. Wang, Tao
MLTG - Combing Na Lidar Observations and High-resolution Modeling for Turbulences over Andes Lidar Observatory. Dong, Wenjun
MLTG - A new method for extracting GW parameters from Na lidar data. Criddle, Neal
MLTG -A Two-dimensional Numerical Model for comparative study of Gravity Waves on different Planets. Srivastava, Sarthak
MLTL - The Application of New Methods for Removing Photon-Noise Bias in Second-Order Parameters Derived from Lidar Measurements of Atmospheric Waves. Jandreau, Jackson
MLTS - Exploring the Effects of Geomagnetic Storms in the Ionosphere Using Principal Component Analysis. Goel, Divyam
MLTS - Modelling Variations in the D-region Ionosphere via Machine Learning based Remote Sensing. Richardson, David
MLTS - Interaction of Gravity Waves, Planetary Waves, and Tides in the Arctic Stratosphere and Mesosphere in Winter 2018-2019 and Winter 2019-2020. Das, Satyaki
MLTS - Comparing Nitric Oxide Treatments in Community Circulation Models. Medema, Alexander
MLTS - Two-dimensional horizontal correlation functions in the MLT region estimated using multistatic specular meteor radar observations during the SIMONe 2018 campaign. Poblet, Facundo
PLAN - Observations of atmospheric tides in the middle and upper atmosphere of Mars from MRO and MAVEN. Kumar, Aishwarya
DAY 2 - Wednesday, June 23
COUP - Lightning detection in radio spectrograms based on convolutional neural networks. Kundrat, Adrian
COUP - Observing Non-Migrating Diurnal Tides from Geostationary Orbit with GOLD. Krier, Christopher
COUP - Numerical study to uncover the driving mechanisms of the migrating diurnal tide day-to-day variability. Wang, Jack
COUP - Southern Hemisphere Mid-latitude MLT Response to the 2019 Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming: PW-Tide-GW interactions revealed by Ground-based observations and Simulations. Qiao, Zishun
COUP - Revisiting the associative detachment reaction of nitrogen molecules with the anion of atomic oxygen in the context of gas discharges. Janalizadeh, Reza
COUP - Dynamical coupling between the low-latitude lower thermosphere and ionosphere via the nonmigrating diurnal tide as revealed by concurrent satellite observations and numerical modeling. Gasperini, Federico
COUP - Impacts of Spatially Varying Eddy Diffusion Coefficie. Malhotra, Garima
COUP - MJO modulation of winds and GWs in the NH high-latitude region. Li, Jintai
COUP Supercell-generated Ionospheric Disturbances: Comparison of GITM-R simulations with GNSS observations. Tyska, Justin
COUP - Mechanism Studies of Madden-Julian-Oscillation Coupling into the Mesosphere/Lower Thermosphere Tides using SABER, MERRA-2, and SD-WACCMX. Kumari, Komal
COUP - Thermospheric Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances in Austral Winter from GOCE and CHAMP. Xu, Shuang
DATA - Assimilative Modeling of the Day-to-Day Variability of Equatorial Electrojet and its Longitudinal Dependence Using Ground- and Space-Based Magnetometer Data. Lien, Chuan-Ping
DATA - Prediction of Geomagnetic Field Disturbances across Alaska using Machine Learned LSTM Neural Networks. Blandin, Matthew
DATA - Coupled Thermosphere-Ionosphere Modeling of Global Neutral Densities Using Assimilated COSMIC Radio Occultation Data. Dietrich, Nicholas
DATA - Ionospheric Electron Density Modeling with Machine Learning. Dutta ,Shweta
DATA - Reconstruction of meso-scale TEC structures using deep learning-based image completion. Pan, Yang
DATA - Mid-latitude SuperDARN backscatter classification using ray-tracing and neural networks. Kunduri, Bharat
DATA - Impact of Thermospheric Wind Data Assimilation on Ionospheric Electrodynamics using a coupled Whole Atmosphere Data Assimilation System. Hsu, Chih-Ting
DATA - Exploration of machine learning tools for the study of space weather and its impact on position approximation in GNSS systems, Fajardo Soria. George, Steve
DATA - SWx TREC’s Space Weather Data Portal: a quick-look tool for space weather events Knuth, Jenny
DATA - LightDA: A Modular Library for Data Assimilation. Haiducek, John
DATA - PyScint. Smith, Jonathon
DATA - Spectra Analysis in the Faraday/Double Pulse Experiment at JRO. Flores, Roberto
DATA - Forecasting Efficiency of Ground Magnetic Field Perturbations using Machine Learning compared against Physics-Based Models. Pinto, Victor
DATA - Data Assimilation Retrieval of Electron Density Profiles from Ionosonde Virtual Height Data. Forsythe, Victoriya
EDU - Identifying ionograms: A citizen science approach. Ccanto Mayhua, Stephany
EDU - Creating opportunities for student training and citizen science using ScintPi. Wright, Isaac
EDU - An Undergraduate-to-graduate bridge program: Significant Opportunities in Atmospheric Research and Science (SOARS). Maute, Astrid
EQIT -Resolving the Spatial/Temporal Ambiguity of the EIA and ETA Using a LEO CubeSat Swarm Configuration. Buynovskiy, Anton
EQIT - Revisiting Langevin modeling for ISR spectra: Numerical benchmarks and first results, La Rosa. Brian, Humberto
EQIT - The relation between hmF2 and radio occultation scintillation amplitude index RO-S4 index observed using FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2. Duann, Yi
EQIT - Neural networks for ionogram forecasting. Aricoché, Jhassmin
EQIT - Estimation of ionospheric electron densities from 150 km echoes. Luyo, Kevin
EQIT - Space weather effects on the Brazilian equatorial and low-latitude ionospheric Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) during the Saint Patrick’s Day geomagnetic storm. Nwankwo, Onyinye
EQIT - Modeling Studies of the Morphology of Equatorial Plasma Drifts. Shidler, Sam
EQIT - Understanding the daily to monthly equatorial electrojet variability. Brando, Soares Gabriel
EQIT - Investigations of oxygen dayglow emission variability over low latitudes under the influence of equatorial electrodynamic processes. Kumar, Sunil
EQIT - Analysis and Comparison of Equatorial Spread-F Bubbles Observed in the 135.6 nm Airglow During Solar Minimum (GOLD) and Maximum (IMAGE). Adkins, Vincent
EQIT - The low-latitude Ionospheric Sensor Network (LISN). Important results and future plans. Valladares, Cesar
EQIT - Diurnal and semidiurnal tides in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere over the central coast of Peru. Suclupe, José
EQIT - Thermospheric Winds Over Huancayo, Peru. Khadka, Sovit
EQIT - Validation IVM Ion Density from the COSMIC-2 Mission. Wu, Qian
LTVI - Trends in the F2 region of the Ionosphere over Jicamarca: Preliminary results. Merino, Meyer
LTVI - Investigation of the Variability in OI 630 nm Nightglow Emission over Low-latitude Thermosphere. Saha, Sovan
LTVI - Analysis of ionospheric long-term trends sensitivity to factors involved in their estimation. Elias, Ana G.
LTVI - Investigation of Geocoronal Hydrogen Balmer-alpha Emission in the Southern Hemisphere Before and After the 2011 Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Volcano Eruption. Ranabhat, Arianna
LTVI - Multidecadal hydrogen variability. Nossal, Susan
DAY 3 - Thursday, June 24
IRRI - Plasma Bubble Growth Rates During the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm. Newheart, Anastasia
IRRI - Assessing HF radio wave propagation in Antarctica with a radio link between the McMurdo and South Pole stations. Liu, Binjie
IRRI - Time Lag between 2020 Geomagnetic Storms and Ionospheric Scintillation Detection. Royersmith, Brenna
IRRI - Spread F Prediction using Machine Learning. Luwanga, Christopher
IRRI - Impact of 09-15 November 2012 magnetic cloud storm on vTEC along West Euro-African GPS Chain. Shimeis, Amira
IRRI - Farley Buneman instabilities in the Auroral region. Rojas, Enrique
IRRI - Spread-F occurrence during geomagnetic storms near the southern anomaly crest in South America. González, Gilda
IRRI - Daytime electron density irregularities in the low latitude F region. Kil, Hyosub
IRRI - Machine Learning Prediction of Storm-time Ionospheric Irregularities from GNSS-derived ROTI maps Over North America. Liu, Lei
IRRI - High-Resolution Modeling of Gradient Drift Instability in Polar Cap Patches. Redden, Mark
IRRI - Off-Great-Circle Propagation in the Undisturbed Ionosphere and its Effect on OTHR. Cameron, Taylor
ITIT - Deriving column-integrated thermospheric temperature with the N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (2,0) band. Cantrall, Clayton
ITIT - Comparison of radar imaging methods. Yupanqui, Diego
ITIT - Neutral Wind Instrumentation on the Dynamo 2 Sounding Rocket Mission. Swanson, Diana
ITIT - Using TEC data to improve local IRI density estimations. Inonan, Marcos
ITIT - Pursuit of Atmospheric Column O/N2 Measurements from EUV Airglow. Tuminello ,Richard
ITIT - Assessing ionospheric profilers with ISR historical data. Palacios, Alejandro
ITIT - Evaluating Multi-Satellite Density Consistencies to Improve Gas-Surface Interaction Modeling in Helium-rich Atmospheres. Bernstein, Valerie
ITIT - Asymmetry Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities during Equinox Months. Seif, Aramesh
ITIT - Observations of Mid-latitude Irregularities Using the Oblique Ionosonde Sounding Mode for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station. Joshi, Dev Raj
ITIT - Ionosphere-Thermosphere Response to Pronounced High-Speed Streams Events during November 2018 - March 2019 as Observed by Ocean Buoys and Swarm-C and modeled by WACCM-X. Gasperini, Federico
ITIT - Upgrade of the Automatic Beam Switching (ABS) at Jicamarca Radio Observatory. Gonzales, Luis
ITIT - Calibration of the absolute flux spectra of e-POP suprathermal electron imager. Liang, Jun
ITIT - Using novel geospace sensor techniques to resolve high-latitude ionospheric plasma density structures and their solar drivers. Goodwin, Lindsay
ITIT - Airglow monitoring program in Central Europe. Mackovjak, Simon
ITIT - Overview and Simulations of the KiNET-X Sounding Rocket Mission. Barnes, Nathan
ITIT - Development of JROMAG-M103 Magnetometer for geomagnetism studies in Peru. Rojas, Quispe. Ricardo, Valentin
ITIT - Machine Learning Application to Incoherent Scattering Radar Spectrum Analysis. Mueller, Richard
ITIT - Understanding the neutral wave characteristics in the daytime thermosphere using radio technique. Mandal, Subir
ITMA - Validation of multistatic meteor radar analysis using realistic mesospheric dynamics from UAICON model: Reliability of gradients and vertical velocities. Charuvil, Asokan Harikrishnan
ITMA - Modeling and Testing Petite-Ion Probe Instrument Performance for the KiNET-X Sounding Rocket Mission. Moses, Magdalina
ITMA - Transient Luminous Event observations from Central Europe. Amrich, Samuel
ITMA - A Multi Tracer Analysis to Study the Chemical Composition Changes associated with the 2019 Sudden Stratospheric Warming Dynamics using SOFIE Observations. Das, Saswati
ITMA - JRO digital receiver modernization using ADCs with high-speed JESD204B data interface and FPGAs. Verastegui, Joaquin
ITMA - Preprocessing of two-dimensional interferogram data obtained from IGP optical instruments network Barbaran Meza. Juan, Carlos
LTVM - MLT summer length defined by mean zonal wind features observed for more than one solar cycle at mid- and high-latitudes in the northern hemisphere. Jaen, Juliana
POLA - Statistical and event analysis of phase and amplitude scintillations associated with polar cap patches. Cardenas-O'Toole, Alanah M.
POLA - Interannual, Seasonal and Diurnal Variations of 10 years of PMC observations at McMurdo, Antarctica. Prakash, Arunima
POLA - Waves-like Oscillations Seen in the Thermosphere by Fabry-Perot Interferometers Located in Alaska and Antarctica. Itani, Rajan
POLA - Measurements of the meridional advective acceleration and neutral wind forcing in the E-region at different geomagnetic activity levels. Mesquita, Rafael
POLA - The role of plasma convection in the formation of the polar cap density depletions. Forsythe, Victoriya
SOLA - Identifying and quantifying drivers of upper atmospheric nitric oxide emissions using NARMAX methods. Nagar, Eliott
SOLA - Effects of Solar Flares and Their Characteristics on sudden frequency deviations observed by SuperDARN HF radars. Chakraborty, Shibaji
SOLA - An low latitude ionospheric response to structures of the declining phase of solar cycle 24. Santos, Stella
SOLA - Great Auroral Storms of the Last 500 Years. Knipp, Delores
SOLA - Estimating Atmospheric Electron Precipitation from FIREBIRD-II CubeSat Observations. Duderstadt, Katharine
SOLA - The Impact of Solar Activity on Forecasting the Upper Atmosphere via Assimilation of Electron Density Data. Kodikara ,Timothy