2010 CEDAR Workshops
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Turbopause: measurements, concepts, and implications - by G. Lehmacher for 3 hrs using Panel discussion with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: modeling, Other: experiment, theory
Jicamarca and C/NOFS: the beginning of solar cycle 24 - by D. Hysell for 4 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: equatorial, Inst/Model: radar, Other: satellite/radar/modeling
Recent Advances in Modeling the Ionosphere - by Joseph Huba for 4 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: modeling
World Day planning - by Ingemar Häggström for 2 hours using Round Table with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: radar
Meteoroids and Meteors: Impact Effects - by Sigrid Close for 2 hours using Short presentations moderated th with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: radar
Andes Lidar Observatory (ALO) Workshop - by Gary Swenson for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: mid-latitude, Inst/Model: optical, Other: Lidar, Imaging, and Meteor Radar
Equatorial-PRIMO (Problems Related to Ionospheric Models and Observations) - by Tzu-Wei Fang for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: equatorial, Inst/Model: modeling
Mini Lidar School for CEDAR Community - by Xinzhao Chu for 2 hours using Tutorials: Tutorial presentations and afternoon/evening tours to lidar observatory, along with tutorial posters exhibited during the CEDAR week with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: optical, Other: LIDAR
Small-scale dynamics in the MLT: A tribute to Edmond Dewan, a valued colleague and friend - by David Fritts for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: modeling, Other: experiment,analysis,theory
Midlatitude Stratosphere, Mesosphere and lower Thermosphere (SMLT) science enabled by lidar and other ground-based observations - by Titus Yuan for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: mid-latitude, Inst/Model: optical
Recent advances in mid-latitude thermosphere-ionosphere interaction study - by Q. Wu for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: mid-latitude, Inst/Model: optical one
Cubesat, Constellation Mission Planning - by Gary Swenson for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: satellite
Arecibo Friends - by Pedrina Terra Santos for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: mid-latitude, Inst/Model: radar, Other: Optical
Mid-to-high latitude ionospheric irregularities and experimental opportunities with the Radio Aurora Explorer satellite mission - by Hasan Bahcivan for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: radar, Other: satellite
Chemistry and Temperatures from the Upper Mesosphere to the Lower Thermosphere: Connecting satellite observations to ground-based measurement and model results - by R. Bishop for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: satellite, Other: models
Equatorial Aeronomy Across South America - by Jonathan. Makela for 4 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: equatorial, Inst/Model: optical, Other: ALL
Lightning Effects on the Upper Atmosphere - by Ningyu Liu for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: optical, Other: optical, radio, and modeling
HLPS-2 and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling - by Jan Sojka for 4 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: polar, Inst/Model: radar, Other: Instruments/Models for Coupling and Structures
Atmospheric coupling during stratospheric sudden warmings - by L. Goncharenko for 4 hours using short presentations and discusssion with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: radar, Other: multiple instruments and models
Using WACCM for Studying the Atmosphere - by A. Ridley for 2 hours using Tutorials with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: modeling
Calibration of optical data - by S. Nossal for 4 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: optical, Other: also IT altitude
LISN: scientific results and future projects - by Cesar Valladares for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: equatorial, Inst/Model: satellite, Other: TEC from GPS ground receivers, magnetometers and a VIPR ionosond
Ionospheric Data Assimilation: Driver Estimation - by G. Bust for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: modeling
Probing the Physics of the Ionosphere with Active Experiments - by Paul Bernhardt for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: mid-latitude, Inst/Model: optical, Other: radar, satellite, equatorial
North American Regional DASI - by Anthea Coster for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: mid-latitude, Inst/Model: radar, Other: optical, satellite, passive radar
Satellite-based measurements of the ionosphere and plasmasphere using the Global Positioning System - by A. Mannucci for 2 hours using Short Presentations with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: satellite
CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge. - by M. Kuznetsova for 2 hours using Round Table with categories Altitudes: IT, Latitudes: global, Inst/Model: modeling, Other: model - data comparisons
Second Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE 2) Planning Workshop - by Paul Bernhardt for 1 hour using planning workshop with categories Altitudes: MLT, Latitudes: polar, Inst/Model: optical