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2010 IT Poster List

CEDAR 2010

23 June, 2010
Boulder, Colorado

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There are 88 Ionosphere-Thermosphere (IT) posters by 85 persons including 45 students with 6 Masters and 7 undergraduates. There are 32 students in competition, including 4 Masters and 6 undergraduates, where one of the undergraduates was moved from the MLT session (MLT-ITMA-02 is in the cancelled slot IT-IRRI-04). 


IT-DATA-01, Robert J Redmon, PhD Student NOT in poster competition,Powering Space Physics Investigations with the new Space Physics Interactive Data Resource 

IT-DATA-02, Juan Carlos Espinoza, Non-student, LISN Network: Tools for GPS data processing and managing

IT-COUP-01, Kanish Mehta, U Student IN poster competition, Observations of Ionospheric Features over the Anatolian Plateau

IT-COUP-02, Michael E. Olson, PhD Student IN poster competition, Equatorial Electric Fields during the 2002 Southern Hemisphere Sudden Stratospheric Warming Event

IT-EQIT-01, Jonathan Krall, Non-student, Why do equatorial ionospheric bubbles stop rising?

IT-EQIT-02, Jonathan Krall, Non-student, "Equatorial spread F plasma blobs"" explained"

IT-EQIT-03, Eugene Dao, PhD Student IN poster competition, C/NOFS observations of large scale-size equatorial spread F irregularities

IT-EQIT-04, Timothy M. Duly, PhD Student IN poster competition, Study of the linear RTI and the possible impact of MSTID electric fields on the growth of post-midnight EPBs during solar minimum.

IT-EQIT-05, Edgardo Pacheco, Non-student, Equatorial vertical plasma drifts during solar minimum

IT-EQIT-06, Ronald Ilma, PhD Student IN poster competition, On the determination of the peak height of the equatorial electrojet

IT-EQIT-07, Astrid Maute, Non-student,Examination of the longitudinal variations of upward ExB drift as simulated by TIME-GCM

IT-EQIT-08, Nicholas Pedatella, PhD Student IN poster competition, Global structure of the lunar tide in ionospheric total electron content

IT-EQIT-09, Michi Nishioka, Non-student, Comparison between equatorial ionospheric irregularities observed with C/NOFS satellite and occurrence of VHF scintillation over Peruvian sector

IT-EQIT-10, Yang-Yi Sun, PhD Student IN poster competition, Ionospheric bow wave signatures of the 22 July 2009 total solar eclipse detected by ground-based GPS TEC

IT-EQIT-11, Angeline Gail Burrell, PhD Student IN poster competition, Topside Magnetic Field Aligned Ion Flows Near Equatorial Latitudes at Solar Minimum

IT-EQIT-12, Luis Alejandro Navarro Dominguez, M Student NOT in poster competition, Measurements of thermospheric winds and temperatures at Jicamarca, Peru

IT-IRRI-01, Henrique Carlotto Aveiro, PhD Student IN poster competition, A three-dimensional simulation of equatorial F region plasma irregularities,laptop

IT-IRRI-02, Jeff Klenzing, Non-student, Night-time F-region Plasma Irregularities Observed with the C/NOFS satellite and an All-sky Imager at Arecibo Observatory

IT-IRRI-03, Tatsuhiro Yokoyama, Non-student,Numerical study of nighttime MSTIDs and possible link to post-midnight irregularities observed by C/NOFS and VHF radars

IT-IRRI-04, Jennifer Williams, U Student IN poster competition, GPS Receiver Bias Temperature Dependence and its Implications for the Murchison Widefield Array(MWA)

IT-IRRI-05, Fabiano Rodrigues, Non-student, On the spectrum of equatorial spread F irregularities at transitional and intermediate scale-size ranges measured by C/NOFS

IT-IRRI-06, Wayne Scales, Alireza Samimi, Poster, PhD Student NOT in poster competition,Nonlinear Evolution of Ion-Cyclotron Turbulence Generated by Artificial Plasma Cloud Release

IT-IRRI-07, Pelgrum Wouter, Jade Morton, Poster, Non-student,Measurement and Analysis of the Effect of Artificially Generated Ionosphere Scintillations on GNSS L-band signals

IT-IRRI-08, Eliana Nossa, PhD Student IN poster competition,Analysis of QP Echoes under the theory of Neutral winds

IT-IRRI-09, Carlos Martinis, Non-student, Multi-instrument studies of F-region equatorial and mid latitude processes

IT-IRRI-10, Elizabeth Kendall, Non-student, Decameter structure in heater-induced airglow at the HAARP facility

IT-ITIT-01, Martin Grill, Elizabeth Kendall, Poster, Non-student,CESAR: Compact Echelle Spectrograph for Aeronomy Research

IT-ITIT-02, Ryan Davidson, PhD Student IN poster competition, A Numerical and Empirical Study of Geometry Dependent Grid Effects in Planar Retarding Potential Analyzers

IT-ITIT-03, Jonathan Fentzke, Non-student, "The Effects of BGK, Brownian, and Hard-Sphere Ion-Neutral Collisions on E-region Spectra

IT-ITIT-04, Kshitija Deshpande, PhD Student IN poster competition, Dynamically Adaptive Autonomous Antarctic Low-Power Geophysical Instrument Array

IT-ITIT-05, Hugh Gallagher, Non-student, The NorthEast CIDR Array: A chain of ionospheric tomography receivers for studying the equatorward edge of the auroral oval and the mid-latitude trough

IT-ITIT-06, Yiyi Huang, PhD Student IN poster competition, A Study of Deployment Scenarios for Observing Thermospheric Wave Structures Using Multiple Fabry-Perot Interferometers

IT-ITIT-07, Andrew Gerrard, Non-student, Thermospheric wind observations obtained from 630-nm OI airglow made with SOFDI from Huancayo, Peru

IT-ITIT-08, Chi-Yen Lin, PhD Student IN poster competition,Space-Space Tomography

IT-ITIT-09, Brett Isham, Non-student, Radio phase modes as a potential new tool for atmospheric research

IT-ITIT-10, Xianjing Liu, PhD Student IN poster competition, Polar E region neutral and ion motion in the current density reference frame

IT-ITIT-11, Ja Soon Shim, Non-student, Ionosphere-Thermosphere Models at Community Coordinated Modeling Center

IT-ITIT-12, Serge Minin, PhD Student IN poster competition, Fabry-Perot Doppler Spectroscopy Evaluation and Optimization Based on Analytical Measurement Error Bounds

IT-ITIT-13, Patrick Sibanda, Non-student, A topside ionospheric electron density model based on topside sounder data using Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)

IT-ITIT-14, Richard Todd Parris, PhD Student NOT in poster competition,Observations with the Kodiak Island Imaging HF radar

IT-ITIT-15, Jef Spaleta, Non-student, Highlights of Initial Operation of a new High Latitude SuperDARN Radar at McMurdo Station, Antarctica,next to SuperDARN poster presented by R. T. Parris

IT-ITIT-16, Julio Santana, M Student IN poster competition, A Fuzzy Logic Approach to the Extraction of Plasma Line Frequency for Incoherent Scatter Radars

IT-ITIT-17, Anja Stroemme, Non-student,MAISR (Movable Antarctic Incoherent Scatter Radar): A Remotely Operated Antarctic Space Science Facility

IT-ITIT-18, Richard John Stevens, M Student IN poster competition,Simulated HF heating in the ionosphere

IT-ITIT-19, Eric K Sutton, Non-student,A Constellation of CubeSats to Specify the Orbital Drag Environment

IT-ITIT-20, Padmashri Suresh, PhD Student IN poster competition,Can we make reliable density measurements from a Langmuir Probe on a CubeSat?

IT-ITIT-21, Michael Rietveld, Nick Zabotin,Poster,Non-student, Operating Network of Phase-Based Ionosondes (Dynasondes)

IT-ITIT-22, Nikolay Zabotin, Non-student, Effects of HF multiple scattering in the ionosphere: Experimental observations

IT-ITIT-23, Carl Andersen, PhD Student IN poster competition, Ampules: A New Type of Sounding Rocket Payload for the Measurement of Three-Dimensional, Thermospheric Neutral Wind Gradients


IT-ITIT-25, Rita Jakelyn Abad, U Student NOT in poster competition, Deployment of JARS Jicamarca Acquisition Radar System: 08 reception channels

IT-ITIT-26, Isabel Bibbo, PhD Student NOT in poster competition, Global vTEC maps and instrumental DCB estimation based on combined GPS and TOPEX/Jason measurements,Instrs or Techniques for Ionos or Thermos Obs

IT-ITIT-27, Robert Miceli, PhD Student IN poster competition, Comparison of Phaselock Loop Cycle Slip Predictors in Ionospheric Scintillation

IT-LTRV-01, Barbara Emery, Non-student, Variations in the Electron and Ion Auroral Inputs During the Long SC23/24 Solar Minimum and Previous Minima

IT-LTRV-02, Eva Robles, Non-student,Climatology of the thermospheric neutral winds over Arecibo

IT-LTRV-03, Alexandra McLennan Brown, U Student IN poster competition,Analysis of Fabry-Perot measurements for Solar Cycle #22

IT-LTRV-04, Susan M Nossal, Non-student, Comparison between the Observed and Modeled Solar Cyclic Variation in Geocoronal Hydrogen


IT-MDIT-02, Lastovicka Jan, Non-student, Pre-storm enhancements of F2-region maximum electron density

IT-MDIT-03, Chia-Hung Chen, PhD Student NOT in poster competition, The mid-latitude nighttime ionospheric electron density enhancement in the Weddell Sea region

IT-MDIT-04, Phil G Richards, Non-student, A new model for ionospheric molecular ion concentrations

IT-MDIT-05, Yukari Goi,M Student NOT in poster competition, Study of characteristic appearance of TEC enhancement at mid-latitude using TEC data of LEO satellite

IT-MDIT-06, Uday Kanwar, M Student IN poster competition, Estimates of Temperatures and Wind Velocities in the RENOIR Experiment

IT-MDIT-07, Pedrina Terra Santos, Non-student, H-alpha response to geomagnetic disturbed activity at Arecibo

IT-MDIT-08, Jung Soo Kim, PhD Student IN poster competition, Improvement of the accuracy for the TIE-GCM by incorporating Helium data from the NRLMSISE-00 model

IT-MDIT-09, Sasmita Mohapatra, PhD Student IN poster competition, Storm time signatures of zonal ion drifts at low and middle latitude ionosphere

IT-MDIT-10, Ethan S Miller, Non-student, CEDAR Post-Doc Interim Report: Coordinated Optical and Radar Observations of the Ionosphere and Thermosphere

IT-MDIT-11, Ellen Pettigrew, PhD Student IN poster competition,Observations of subcorotation in mid-latitude DMSP plasma drift measurements

IT-MDIT-12, Emilio Camilion, PhD Student NOT in poster competition,Arecibo-La Plata geomagnetically conjugate ionospheric model

IT-MDIT-13, Ilgin Seker, Non-student, The relation between magnetospheric state parameters and the occurrence of plasma depletion events in the night-time mid-latitude F-region

IT-MDIT-14, Jonathan V Thompson, U Student IN poster competition,Ingesting GPS TEC from the LISN Project into the Low Latitude Ionosphere Sector Model (LLIONS)

IT-MDIT-15, Fabio Vargas, Non-student, Estimation of periods and occurrence rate of TIDs and their correlation with geomagnetic activity using riometer time series recorded in sub-auroral and medium latitude stations

IT-POLA-01, Thomas Butler, PhD Student IN poster competition, Physics-motivated regularization of F-region convection pattern reconstruction

IT-POLA-02, Vicki Hsu, U Student NOT in poster competition, Investigating Height-Resolved Joule Heating Rates Using Incoherent Scatter Radars

IT-POLA-03, John W. Meriwether, Non-student, Detection and measurements of thermospheric gravity wave activity in Alaska with a bi-static Fabry-Perot observatory

IT-POLA-04, John W. Meriwether, Non-student, Measurements of thermospheric vorticity and divergence in the auroral oval

IT-POLA-05, Brent Sadler, PhD Student IN poster competition, Ground and Satellite Conjunction Study of Small-scale Neutral Upwelling in the Cusp

IT-POLA-06, Allison Jaynes, Brent Sadler, Poster, Student NOT in poster competition,UV Emissions Observed By the SCIFER2 Sounding Rocket

IT-SOLA-01, Yanshi Huang, PhD Student IN poster competition, Energy input into the upper atmosphere associated with high speed solar wind

IT-SOLA-02, Mariangel Fedrizzi, Non-student, Comparison of Wave Propagation Observed from CHAMP with a Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Physical Model

IT-SOLA-03, Katherine Roach, PhD Student NOT in poster competition, SAMI3 validation during the Whole Heliospheric Interval

IT-SOLA-04, Anthony J Mannucci, Non-student, Total Electron Content And High Speed Streams: A Search For Solar Wind Coupling


IT-SOLA-06, WK (Bill) Peterson, Non-student, Photoelectrons as a tool to monitor solar EUV variability over solar rotation and solar cycle time scales

IT-SOLA-07, Robert McIntosh, PhD Student NOT in poster competition,Global Distributions of the Characteristics of Auroral Particles

IT-SOLA-08, George Siscoe, Non-student,Determining solar wind and magnetospherically imposed forces on the thermosphere

IT-SOLA-09, Tapas Bhattacharya, M Student NOT in poster competition, Numerical simulations of the system of ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling

IT-SOLA-10,E Edvier  Cabassa,David Gonzalez Alcantara, Poster, U Student NOT in poster competition,Climatology of the topside ionosphere over Arecibo Observatory