2010 Workshop Summary
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The 25th anniversary CEDAR (Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions) Workshop was held in 2010 at the University of Colorado from Sunday June 20 through Friday June 25. The 25th anniversary celebration banquet was held Monday evening on June 21 at the Millennium Hotel. Many of the 11 former CEDAR Science Steering Committee (CSSC) chairs attended and received an award for their service. Three of them gave short talks. Perfect attendance awards were given to 6 who had gone to all 25 annual CEDAR Workshops. A significant number more had been to over 20 Workshops. The CSSC also honored Barbara Emery with the CEDAR Service Award, which was a surprise and a pleasure (view video)
A total of 399 participants, 107 coming to CEDAR for the first time, came from 77 institutions, 20 outside the United States and Puerto Rico. There were 49 universities, 23 laboratories, and 5 small businesses. Of the 152 CEDAR students and post-docs, 34 were undergraduate students compared to 42 in 2009, and about 25 in previous years. There were 19 students from foreign universities or labs in Brazil (4), Taiwan (4), Peru (3), Japan (3), Argentina (2), UK (1), Russia (1), and Ethiopia (1), which is three times more than the 6 students last year. There were 55 more participants this year in Boulder compared to last year in Santa Fe, with 14 more students and 41 non-students.
The theme of the Student Workshop on Sunday was "Equatorial Aeronomy: Phenomena and Outstanding Questions" arranged by Elizabeth Bass of Boston University. Keynote talks were by Dave Hysell of Cornell University and Odile de la Beaujardiere of the Air Force Research Lab and the C/NOFS satellite. Four talks on the ionosphere, meteor science, and the equatorial electrojet and spread F were given by students or recent graduates. These talks and others are available in .pdf form via the agenda on the wiki. After the workshop, the students had free time for the annual soccer game followed by pizza. The student social events were mostly arranged by Marco Milla of the University of Illinois (now at the Radio Observatorio de Jicamarca in Peru), who was the second year student on the CSSC (CEDAR Science Steering Committee). The new student representative joining Elizabeth is Roger Varney of Cornell University.
The 21st CEDAR Prize Lecture was given in the Tuesday plenary session by Paul Bernhardt of the Naval Research Laboratory on “Using Active Experiments to SEE and HEAR the Ionosphere”. The first CEDAR Distinguished Lecture was given on Wednesday morning by Raymond Roble of the National Center for Atmospheric Research on "The NCAR Thermospheric General Circulation Models (TGCMs): Past, Present and Future". The CEDAR Prize lecture focuses on research within the last 4 years, while the CEDAR Distinguished lecture honors sustained contributions over 10 years to the CEDAR community. Edwin Mierkiewicz gave the sole tutorial on Thursday morning on "The Earth's Hydrogen Corona", and we heard two memorial lectures from Michael Mendillo of Boston University and Richard Behnke of NSF honoring the lives and contributions of Henry Rishbeth and Bill Gordon, respectively. For the first time, the four science highlight talks by Phil Erickson of MIT/Haystack, Liying Qian of NCAR, Ja Soon Shim of the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) and Josh Semeter of SRI were video-taped and are available on DVDs as well as in pdf files on-line. Other video-taped events were the 25th anniversary celebration on Monday evening, and the WACCM tutorials and the CEDAR Mini LIDAR School workshops on Thursday afternoon. For the first time ever, we will have the approximately 11 hours of video-tape as on-line video H.264-MPEG4 files, but please contact Brian Day of Daylight Productions and Rentals if you are interested in obtaining DVDs and copy in Barbara Emery.
The CEDAR Science Steering Committee present and future chairs, Jeff Thayer of the University of Colorado, and John Foster of MIT/Haystack, along with Bob Robinson of NSF, talked about CEDAR strategic planning for the next decade. We heard four final CEDAR post-doc reports from Yue Deng from NCAR (now at the University of Texas at Arlington), Guiping Liu of the University of California at Berkeley, Stan Briczinski of the University of Wisconsin (now at the Naval Research Lab), and Jonathan Snively of Utah State University. Most of these talks are available in .pdf form from the agenda. Including the Student Worskhop, there were 30 workshops total, 5 more than last year, where the workshop descriptions and some of the talks given are available in .pdf form in links from the workshop list. Workshop conveners and speakers are encouraged to add their talks to the wiki to make the meeting archive more complete and useful.
There were 156 posters at the Tuesday Mesosphere-Lower-Thermosphere (MLT) and Wednesday Ionosphere-Thermosphere (IT) poster sessions, 4 more than last year. The poster session was held at the beautiful (and expensive) Stadium Club on the 5th floor overlooking the football field. There were 98 student posters, 13 with undergraduate first authors, which is down by 6 undergraduates from last year. 77 posters were in the student poster competition, which is 7 more than last year. Prizes were a certificate, and text books for the first and second place winners. The judges picked first place winners Loren Chang with MLT MLTT-02 and Angeline Burrell with IT-EQIT-11. Loren Chang, PhD student of Scott Palo at the University of Colorado, got a copy of "Comparative Aeronomy" from Space Science Reviews (November 2008) by the International Space Science Institute (ISSY) with editors Nagy, Balogh, Cravens, Mendillo, and Muller-Wodarg, courtesy of Andy Nagy of the University of Michigan. Angeline Burrell, PhD student of Rod Heelis at the University of Texas at Dallas, got a copy of "Ionospheres: Physics, Plasma Physics and Chemistry" by Schunk and Nagy, courtesy of Bob Schunk at Utah State University. Second place winners were Chihoko Yamashita (second place winner in 2009) with MLT-MLTG-11, PhD student of Xinzhao Chu at the University of Colorado, and Brent Sadler, PhD student of Marc Lessard at the University of New Hampshire with IT-POLA-05. Chihoko got a copy of "Mesoscale Dynamics" by Yuh-Lang Lin courtesy of the University of Alaska, while Brent got the second copy of "Comparative Aeronomy".
Honorable mentions for the student poster competition were to: Jianqi Qin, PhD student of Victor Pasko at the Pennsylvania State University with MLT-SPRT-02, Elena Savenkova, PhD student of A. I. Pogoreltsev at the Russian State Hydrometeorological University with MLT-STRB-02, Katelynn Greer, PhD student of Jeff Thayer at the University of Colorado with MLT-COUP-02, Nicholas Pedatella, PhD student of Jeff Forbes at the University of Colorado with IT-EQIT-08, Henrique Aveiro, PhD student of Dave Hysell at Cornell University with IT-IRRI-01, and Yang-Yi Sun, PhD student of Jann-Yenq (Tiger) Liu of the National Central University in Taiwan with IT-EQIT-10. There were two undergraduate honorable mentions from the MLT session: Jonathan Sparks, undergraduate from the University of Colorado working with Diego Janches of CoRA/NWRA with MLT-METR-01, and Jonathan Pugmire, undergraduate student at Utah State University with Mike Taylor. Thanks to the chief judges, Mark Conde of the University of Alaska and Susan Skone of the University of Calgary, thanks to all their judges who spent so much of their time judging the posters, and thanks to all the students who participated in the student poster competition.
In 2011, we go back to Santa Fe, New Mexico for a joint meeting with Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) in the new Santa Fe Convention Center from Sunday June 26 (CEDAR and GEM Student Workshops at the Eldorado Hotel) to Friday shortly after noon on July 1. GEM objectives overlap with CEDAR in the area of connections to the solar wind and coupling of the upper atmosphere to the ionosphere and magnetosphere. The CSSC plans to release a new strategic plan for CEDAR which will affect some of the CEDAR plans, but the major focus of the meeting is to increase the interactions and networking between GEM and CEDAR through joint planning and closer physical proximity.
Everyone, including students, will be located in several nearby hotels (Eldorado, Hilton, and La Fonda), where the rooms are apportioned between both CEDAR and GEM. Students will enjoy a picnic together after the annual CEDAR soccer game on Sunday (enthusiastically open to GEM students) , while the whole community will share a banquet at the Santa Fe Convention Center on Monday evening with music by the HooDoos. The joint IT poster session will be held 4-7 PM on Thursday with snacks at the Convention Center, with separate but co-located MLT and GEM poster sessions held on Tuesday.
A joint CEDAR-GEM taskforce has been organized with the idea of closely integrating the scientific programs of the two workshops. Many details remain to be worked out but the general idea is that, to the maximum extent possible, sessions will be organized jointly with conveners from both the CEDAR and GEM sides. This represents a departure from the previous joint meeting in 2005 in Santa Fe, which featured joint tutorial speakers, one joint poster session, joint social activities, and 7 joint workshops including half of the student workshop. As in 2005, all sessions will be open to members of both communities.
The chair of the joint taskforce is Mike Ruohoniemi who sits on both steering committees as the official GEM-CEDAR liaison. The CEDAR side includes John Foster (CSSC chair), Tim Fuller-Rowell, Josh Semeter, and Barbara Emery (logistics). On the GEM side the membership includes Mike Liehmohn (GEM chair), Bill Lotko, David Murr, Bob Strangeway, and Bob Clauer (logistics).