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24-Hour Thermospheric Wind Observations from the Second-generation, Optimized, Fabry-Perot Doppler Imager (SOFDI) from 2014-2019

First Author's Affiliation
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Abstract text:

The Second-generation, Optimized, Fabry-Perot Doppler Imager (SOFDI) was placed in Huancayo, Peru in 2011 to observe thermospheric winds in both daytime and nighttime. Due to its novel triple etalon design, it is capable of taking observations during the daytime, unlike other thermospheric FPI. This paper presents observations taken from SOFDI during when it ran from 2014 through 2019 from the beginning of June through early September. These observations can help to further knowledge about the behavior of thermospheric winds, including tidal amplitude, timing of the pre-reversal enhancement, and relationship to equatorial spread-F in the equatorial region, particularly due to its full-day data coverage.

Student in poster competition
Poster category
EQIT - Equatorial Ionosphere or Thermosphere